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Опубликовано: 25 июн. 2015 г. в 6:50
Обновлено: 11 июл. 2015 г. в 10:57

Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
ShellShock Live is a Steam adaptation for a web game with the same name. There are many things that are done much better in this version and those will be described below. It is a turn-based strategy game where the rules are simple: destroy the enemy tanks. Being easy to understand and fun to play, you have to try it out.

  • This is an online game and the devs cared enough to transfer it to Unity Engine, not just leave it in Flash. That is a huge plus.
  • There are no microtransactions. I was very surprised when I found this out and I'm glad they decided to keep this out of their game. All of the weapons, skins and other things that are usually behind the paywall can be unlocked by playing.
  • Beside being microtransaction-free, this game is cheap by itself already.
  • Graphics are simple, colourful and very nice to look at.
  • The amount of weapons in this game is astonishing. Seriously, there are more than 200 of them. And above all, they get leveled up as you use them.
  • Both multiplayer and simgleplayer modes. Are you out of friends? No problem, you have 80 singleplayer missions to complete and you can also level up with them. Great!
  • You have a test map where you can freely try out all of the weapons without quantity restrictuons.
  • Leveling system. By playing, you get experience and when you get to the next level, you even get a point that can be spent on your skill tree.
  • A lot of game modes and maps. You can play team deathmatch, player deathmatch, who deals the most damage ...
  • There are random wormhole and bumper spawns that prevent people from firing with the same angle and power over and over again. That is good in case some is locked on you and is hitting you repeatedly, but it comes with a pretty bad bug. See cons.
  • A cheaper 4-pack. Great if you have friends to play with.
  • Linux and MacOS support

  • Well, the amount of people that are playing is quite small. There are very few servers and even those are usually full so you need to wait a lot or have friends that are ready to play.
  • Remember the microtransaction-free part of this review? Well, you can get everything without playing, but you get things painfully slow.
  • Singleplayer missions are divided into 8 sets. This would be fine, if you wouldn't need to complete all the missions in the previous set to unlock the next one. If you just can't figure one mission out, you are pretty much stuck with multiplayer.
  • Those obstacles that can bump bullets away can sometimes spawn on players, making them impossible to kill. It can be pretty unfair at the moments. Screenshot

The final verdict:
This is a great game and doesn't require much practice to be extremely good at. For example, I have played against players level 48, 24 and 30 and I won the round. My level was 4 at the time. It's a pretty addicting game and it's fun to play. The two biggest flaws are a small player base and long matches. Other than that, I had a lot of fun with this game.
If you are not sure about buying, you can try the game here[www.shellshocklive2.com]. If you like the game, you should totally buy the whole game on Steam. It comes with more levels, weapons and with some Steam features integrated.


Note that my copy of this game was obtained for free. However, this did not affect the quality and objectivity of this review.

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Комментариев: 12
qazplmwsxokn 23 сен. 2015 г. в 15:09 
BirdCute 23 сен. 2015 г. в 11:11 
That plus Steam integration plus no microtransactions, yes, I think so.
qazplmwsxokn 23 сен. 2015 г. в 8:52 
So is the single player and player equiality worth buying the game?
BirdCute 23 сен. 2015 г. в 1:29 
@qazpimsxokn The devs have explained that here .
qazplmwsxokn 22 сен. 2015 г. в 7:37 
If the game is free online why would you pay to play it here?
stubar 25 июн. 2015 г. в 10:12 
looks awesome, one of my favourite game styles. but the rpg-esque elements and small player base put me off a ltitle.

i'm playing chaos reborn which is in EA and has a similar story at the moment, but I have faith that chaos reborn will address these issues fairly soon.
#EyesOnRafah 25 июн. 2015 г. в 8:52 
haha ok done read. nice comment tho :P
Professor Chaos 25 июн. 2015 г. в 8:51 
too long didn't read :cute:
BirdCute 25 июн. 2015 г. в 8:50 
That's why I make the final verdict at the end :P
#EyesOnRafah 25 июн. 2015 г. в 8:47 
so long bro, so i dont have time to read. just a quick read and i like it. :happy_creep: