Steam Universe Steam U
Steam Universe Steam U
23. september 2013
Alle diskusjoner > Steam OS > Emnedetaljer
jvert 17. jan. 2014 kl. 16.46
SteamOS 1/17/2014 alchemist AND alchemist_beta update
We have just updated both the alchemist and alchemist_beta releases. Notably this should fix the audio output on the Intel Gigabyte machines that were given out at Steam Dev Days.

New for both releases:
  • Fixed Pulseaudio failing to start on machines without NVIDIA HDMI audio support
  • Tweaked Pulseaudio config to use either Intel or NVIDIA HDMI audio by default if available

Already in alchemist_beta but now available in alchemist
  • Fixed github issue 16 - Leftover "7" in PRETTY_NAME in /etc/os-release
  • Fixed github issue 34 - Not critical warning message: No such key `ubuntu-lock-on-suspend'
  • Fixed github issue 64 - Workaround for Debian bug #601670
  • Merged in Debian Wheezy bugfixes for apt, expat, gnome-settings-daemon, gnupg, gtk+3.0, nspr, pixman, tzdata, curl, libxfont, openssl
  • Made uinput a kernel builtin rather than a module and added a udev rule to allow for the steam user to access it
  • Reduced CPU and GPU usage while games are running by interrupting Big Picture and overlay rendering
  • Fixed an issue where two cursors would appear on screen when a game was starting of exiting
  • Fixed tearing issues on AMD platforms by having the SteamOS compositor now specifically requests vertical retrace synchronization rather than relying on the implementation's default
  • Improved compatibility with the Debian wheezy repositories by widening the scope of the SteamOS binary package repository
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Viser 114 av 14 kommentarer
powerarmour 17. jan. 2014 kl. 17.27 
Fixed Pulseaudio failing to start on machines without NVIDIA HDMI audio support

Superb news, well done :)
Studabakerhawk 18. jan. 2014 kl. 6.04 
Does this mean onboard analog audio should work now?
Terc 18. jan. 2014 kl. 7.19 
In Vmware now sound work, :D, thank you. And if you not have sound, go to desktop and here unmute your sound and set max volume.
UnkendTech 18. jan. 2014 kl. 9.43 
The last update made it really eazy to change sound :)
powerarmour 18. jan. 2014 kl. 10.20 
Actually sound still not working for me on Intel HD 4000 HDMI, it's still not detected for some reason, when launching the Gnome audio control panel it's muted and defaults to the analog port instead of HDMI, and when the correct output is selected (HDMI/Display Port 3 in my case) and the volume is raised there is nothing but silence.

Kinda weird when all other Linux distros pick up my sound perfectly w/PulseAudio straight off the bat, oh well...
Sist redigert av powerarmour; 18. jan. 2014 kl. 13.49
shirgall 18. jan. 2014 kl. 11.29 
It's possible that you have a failed update of the fglrx driver stopping further updates. I was having the same issue, so I popped over to the desktop, sudo'd to root, did a apt-get -f install to get past that.

However, I may have broken my wifi driver in the process, so tread lightly.
Chompy 18. jan. 2014 kl. 12.50 
Opprinnelig skrevet av jrp:

However, I may have broken my wifi driver in the process, so tread lightly.

As soon as I get the update, my WiFi stops working as well. If I restore my disk image, WiFi starts working again. But as soon as the update comes in it breaks.
Jaggy 18. jan. 2014 kl. 12.56 
I have a brix from the conference, the update did not fix audio. my setup is vanilla, about 4 hours old.
theneworiginal 18. jan. 2014 kl. 18.18 
This didn't fix my conference Brix 's audio but it made my wifi not work well.
Sist redigert av theneworiginal; 18. jan. 2014 kl. 18.55
theneworiginal 18. jan. 2014 kl. 20.27 
Ok I reinstalled steam with the USB key and sound now works. The wifi is still not working after the update though
Bun 19. jan. 2014 kl. 7.26 
I'm exited about an nVidia optimus update, I hope to see it soon because right now I'm able just to web
Sist redigert av Bun; 19. jan. 2014 kl. 10.01
MorgAnim_VFX 19. jan. 2014 kl. 13.40 
Ok i was wondering if it was the steambox or my shitty wifi....
ディチィコ 19. jan. 2014 kl. 15.18 
I plugged in my Brix Pro for the first time today. I got it set up and did not have any audio through the HDMI port. I updated and I got audio, but my wifi stopped working. The controller also became unresponsive on the desktop. I was able to move the cursor but no button presses were registering. Using the keyboard to try and navigate the desktop would result in the computer locking up.

Obviously something went wrong. The only fix is probably to reinstall the OS from the USB you gave us after you have an update ready; otherwise I don't see how I could fix the machine if it won't take any input. More like a Brick Pro right now, am i rite
shirgall 19. jan. 2014 kl. 17.07 
I've played a little Left 4 Dead 2 after updating and I noticed some oddities with the controller, but I am not very familiar with it yet so I have not filed a bug... but it sounds like someone else has also had trouble. I'll try to document something later.
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Viser 114 av 14 kommentarer
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Alle diskusjoner > Steam OS > Emnedetaljer
Dato lagt ut: 17. jan. 2014 kl. 16.46
Innlegg: 14