TF2Stadium TF2stadium
TF2Stadium TF2stadium
20 юли 2015
Английски (English)
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General Feedback/ Discussion
Feel free to post general feedback about our project in this discussion. This can be things regarding the project's overarching themes, graphics, etc.

Please keep the discussion productive.
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Показване на 1-15 от 25 коментара
Първоначално публикувано от Legit Lurkki |
Actual punishments for ragequits and at least a basic rank system would make this miles better

Good idea, even a 15 minute time-out would be enough to prevent people from rage-quitting so much.

Not sure about a rank system, but TF2c's method of being able to 'restrict' the lobby to say 80% reliability, 50 lobbies played and 700 hours played works fine. Ranks could work this project gets enough attention.

I assume the features from TF2c will be implemented in this, so I assume lobby leaders can reserve classes. Maybe being able to reserve classes AFTER you've made the lobby? I know there is no way you can do this in TF2c but when I make lobbies to play with friends I can sometimes forget to reserve a class - this can prevent having to kick people who takes the spot meant to be reserved.

Small suggestion, but can make life easier for some people.
Do you guys have a ballpark date when tf2Stadium will be public because it looks amazing so far
Първоначално публикувано от brokenn:
Do you guys have a ballpark date when tf2Stadium will be public because it looks amazing so far
To repost from what I said on TFTV: The website will be released once it's functioning properly. We don't want to promise a release and then miss that date. We expect to have an MVP (minimum viable product) relatively soon. You can check progress on our github and get updates in our steam group and twitter.
I say add a ranking system as Saturday stated. You see, you can play all the lobbies in the world but in the end, you accomplish nothing but maybe the tag of a "lobby lord". I mean I have 870 TF2Center lobbies and I can vouch that there is nothing to accomplish, espeicially with their failed attempt with advanced lobbies.
How can i get beta access if possible?
All i need is good system which can separate newcomers and more experienced players, maybe by setting restriction on top of played hours or lobbies, like "under 100 lobbies played" or something. Not nessesary like advanced lobbies on tf2c but still. Also i'd like if lobby could provide access to STV if someone needs. And ofc some achievements in profile and players stats like on tf2rankings, or you could just make it as tf2c did. GL HF guys
Will there be lobbies in Asia, unlike in TF2C, where there is like 1/2 a day? The website looks very nice, it will be nice change from TF2C.
Първоначално публикувано от thegreatnoob_cac.spaz:
Will there be lobbies in Asia, unlike in TF2C, where there is like 1/2 a day? The website looks very nice, it will be nice change from TF2C.

get enough publicity in asia and sure
Първоначално публикувано от thegreatnoob_cac.spaz:
Will there be lobbies in Asia, unlike in TF2C, where there is like 1/2 a day? The website looks very nice, it will be nice change from TF2C.

The number of lobbies in Asia isn't dependent on the website, it's dependent on the users. TF2Center/whatever hosting website doesn't start the lobbies, users do.
Последно редактиран от Sign up to give bone marrow!; 4 авг. 2015 в 4:33
Is there going to be general punishment for abusive lobby owners and bullying? Such as non-sportsman-like play in game, general toxic behavior and insta-banning people by impression? Heck a good system would be a moderated commendation system where good players are given thumbs up and such. Would also be worth having a system where commendations from Steam friends are worth less and multiple reports are logged for potential abuse of the system.

Looks good anyway, hopefully this will do better at the whole "community focused" approach.
add the team logo above the player lineup so we know which team we're playing on
are the classes being uploaded to youtube any time soon or is that promise hollow?
They are. I've been caught up in a lot of stuff. Soon!
You posted about the general rules in your blog yesterday, but did you already think about rules and punishments for ingame-stuff?
I mean stuff like...Leaving mid-game or excessive offclassing in 6s.
I'm just curious.
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