TF2Stadium TF2stadium
TF2Stadium TF2stadium
July 20, 2015
Showing 1-2 of 2 entries
Oct 9, 2016 @ 9:47pm
PINNED: Features Request/ Discussion
Proper Staff Communication and Seperation of Powers
A big problem I see in TF2C is the way they handle their punishments and as people have already mentioned, a good system would be amazing.

Best way to accomplish this would to of course, laydown the basic rules and make sure EVERYONE KNOWS THESE BASIC RULES. Somewhat like a template to help give smaller wrongdoings an easier punishment. (EX: User did not report to the mumble so he should be banned from the mumble for 30 min.) It may seem like a tedious un-needed thing, but this will also help the staff argue their ban's to users ban appeals.

After having the basic rules that everyone knows, you then make sure that not one person handles the ban section. Maybe a team of users, or one user is in charge but has to notify/agree with a punish for wrongdoings that might be slighty larger then just not showing up to mumble or for something that has a lot of factors to the ban.

Given everything goes right, and there isnt a power hungry staff member, this should stop the site from having bans that are outrageously long for something so minor, or vise versa.

For proper staff communication, make sure you all know what each others jobs are, and how to do each other's job to the best of your ability. Weekly meetings would be an awesomething to have, and not just favoring the EU timezone like TF2C. Making it a fair time would be advantagous to making this project better as EVERY staff member on board is caught up with the next step in TF2S. In turn, making the progression of this site much more smooth, and productive.
Apr 14, 2016 @ 3:09pm
PINNED: General Feedback/ Discussion
Showing 1-2 of 2 entries