NeonHeight's Servers NHS-TF2
NeonHeight's Servers NHS-TF2
March 27, 2012
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
NeonHeights Oct 16, 2013 @ 11:35am
Donator Abuse Reports [Official]
Donators playing on servers 1 - 9 must be passive with their commands, meaning they are not allowed to kill people when using commands that give them an unfair advantage. They have their own server running the map gm_bigcity if they want to kill and mess around, so they must follow a strict set of rules on the regular trade servers.

If you suspect a donator is abusing their commands and breaking the donator rules, please note the TIME and DATE when you saw them abusing, and the server number they were playing on when it happened. If possible, please try and take screenshots as well as it speeds up the process of finding out what really happened.

You can report the donator directly to NeonHeights or Roudydogg, or post the report HERE. If you only know the date, time, and server number it happened on please post here.

If you catch a donator disobeying the below rules, record the server number by pressing tab and checking under the blue-team logo where it says "Server:" Donators MUST follow the below rules

Donator Rules (Servers 1 to 8)
1. Do not kill, damage or harm other players when using commands that give an unfair advantage
2. Do not use commands to annoy, block, or punish others
3. Do not sell commands/abilities
4. Do not use commands on other players EVER, only use them on yourself
5. Never use @all, @blue, or @red commands
6. Do not take situations into your own hands. If you have a problem with someone contact an admin

Donator Rules (Donator Server ONLY)
1. Do not sell commands/abilities, give them out for free if you want but do not sell them
2. Never use @all, @blue or @red commands
—- The ONLY time you can use @all, @red, or @blue commands is if you are using the raffle plugin
3. Respect all players, including non-donators and do not be a troll

These Steam Community forums are no longer used! Any and all donor reports should be posted on our new forums over at
Last edited by -=NHS=- Kwas; Dec 28, 2019 @ 7:35pm
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Showing 1-15 of 694 comments
NeonHeights Oct 17, 2013 @ 8:37am 
Date: Wednesday, October 30'th.
Time: 4:25am MST -
Server: 4 -
Donator Abuser: [TRG] Ultraa -
Profile: -
ID: STEAM_0:1:61431063 -

This young man, [TRG] Ultraa, got mad at another player for sapping his things in the portal room. He shortly after typed into the chat "im gonna get you" or something along the lines, and then proceeded to Powerplay Noclip into Red spawn and set up his sentry.

See - Screenshot 1:
Screenshot 2:
Screenshot 3:

I was able to get one screenshot from inside the Red spawn, but then I kept getting sentry killed too constantly that I had to switch to Blu to get another few screenshots.

Quit shortly after, went to find screenshots and submit report.

NeonHeights Oct 30, 2013 @ 6:43am 
The screenshots you provided were perfect, thanks!
Date: Monday, November 10, 2013.
Time: 3:02 - 3:08 MST -
Server - Main -
Donator Abuser - [SJ] Falcon -
Profile: -
ID: STEAM_0:0:45178545 -

Noclipped up into red, shot two stickies, killed a player in spawn.

See - Screenshot 1:
Screenshot 2 -
Screenshot 3:

Also had been noclipping to spawn and using jarate on other team, and had been noclipping to get close to people and then killing them, although I do not believe that those are offenses.


Edit: Asked Nom, learned noclipping from spawn to a place elsewhere and killing someone is an unfair advantage.
I believe that is what he had been doing for most of the night to one specific person (who had general concerns about what Falcon was constantly doing to him throughout the night:

Edit: Put Nov. 11, and Nov. 11 is tomorrow. Oops.
Last edited by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Roudydogg1; Nov 10, 2013 @ 7:14am
Date: Monday, November 10, 2013
Time: 6:50 - 7:00am MST
Server: 3
Donator Abuser: Vinyl Scratch™
ID: STEAM_0:0:45776485

Healing in PowerPlay, asked a staff member, told me healing in powerplay is naynay.

Screenshot 1:
Screenshot 2:
Screenshot 3:

Sorry about the many abuse reports tonight...Then again, now that I think about it, I'm not actually sorry at all.


Edit: Put Nov. 11, and Nov. 11 is tomorrow. Oops.
Last edited by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Roudydogg1; Nov 10, 2013 @ 7:14am
cti Nov 12, 2013 @ 1:11pm 
Roudy I think you're actually the only one that reports people

That or you're the only one that uses this thread to report
NeonHeights Nov 12, 2013 @ 1:56pm 
The thread is new
Last edited by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Roudydogg1; Aug 24, 2014 @ 6:33am
NeonHeights Nov 21, 2013 @ 4:16pm 
Originally posted by Captain Crunch:
There is someone named blazerdog1973 who is running around in godmode with spy-cicle backstabing all of red team
Link to screenshots
Fuck I hate it when you guys do this to me. You werent even playing on my servers! You were playing on a different server, running MY MAP. You just caused me to waste 15 minutes of my time looking through my log files to see who this guy was, only to find out you werent even playing on my servers.

You took that screenshot on v53, I havent run the v53 version on my servers for over 2 months. Check the SERVER next time, not the map. Report it to their admins, not me.

Not my donator, not my problem.
Big Boi Swag Nov 21, 2013 @ 6:33pm 
Oh my bad I'm sorry to waste your time
Can non-staff report here? I have seen other donators abuse before but never thought I could do much about it. I did see the thing in game. Did not know if this is the place to report those people.
NeonHeights Jan 8, 2014 @ 7:27pm 
Of course, its for abuse reports. Anyone can post
First of all, the discussion here states "Donator Abuse Reports". So pleasse do not post reports not related to donator abuse in this forum.

Second, I might as well address the situation anyway.
You got kicked because it took almost 5 minutes to get you to tell me who was abusing.

I did not know to whom you were referring when talking about "abuse", and neither did anyone else on the server. And your insulting remarks were far less welcoming then I had expected.

When you said "you were abusing for rolling the dice" (and naturally I knew you were talking about the force rolls) and then started threatening me in chat that you were going to report me, you got kicked, obviously. What did you think was going to happen?
Last edited by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Roudydogg1; Jan 17, 2014 @ 12:42am
doctor sex Jan 17, 2014 @ 12:44am 
Originally posted by Roudydogg1©:
First of all, the discussion here states "Donator Abuse Reports". So pleasse do not post reports not related to donator abuse in this forum.

Second, I might as well address the situation anyway.
You got kicked because it took almost 5 minutes to get you to tell me who was abusing. When you said "you were abusing for rolling the dice" (and naturally I knew you were talking about the force rolls) and then started threatening me in chat that you were going to report me, you got kicked. I do not believe that what happened was abuse and thus would hate to see someone reported for "abuse" when that's clearly not what happened.

Simple as that.
There's no forum for reporting admins. Even so, i would assume neon would hold you guys to even HIGHER standards than people who simply throw money at the server.

and the first rule that the report donator forum posts is:

1. Do not kill or damage others when using commands that give an unfair advantage

Forcing homing rockets, that are crit-boosted nonetheless, definitelty constitutes an "unfair advantage".

Secondly "what you believe" doesn't constitute a formal rule. However, the aforementioned rule above, certainly does.

And while my foul language wasn't quite called for, you placing an unfair advantage on yourself was quite annoying, and simply put, you brought it upon yourself.

tl;dr, you abused, and we both know it.
Last edited by doctor sex; Jan 17, 2014 @ 12:46am
Originally posted by It's not rape if she's dead:
Originally posted by Roudydogg1©:
First of all, the discussion here states "Donator Abuse Reports". So pleasse do not post reports not related to donator abuse in this forum.

Second, I might as well address the situation anyway.
You got kicked because it took almost 5 minutes to get you to tell me who was abusing. When you said "you were abusing for rolling the dice" (and naturally I knew you were talking about the force rolls) and then started threatening me in chat that you were going to report me, you got kicked. I do not believe that what happened was abuse and thus would hate to see someone reported for "abuse" when that's clearly not what happened.

Simple as that.
antage on yourself was quite annoying, and simply put, you brought it upon yourself.

tl;dr, you abused, and we both know it.

Regardless of all of the "he said she said, he did she did" unpleasantries that could happen here, I apologise for attempting to create an unfair advantage. This isn't the right side of the forum to have debates on, or even conversations on, so if you'd like to talk about this further you are more than welcome to message me.

Sorry if you thought I went a little too far a few times here tonight. I'll be sure to refrain from using legit commands in such a mannor next time!
Last edited by ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Roudydogg1; Jan 17, 2014 @ 1:00am
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