Forest Village Modding LiF:FVM
Forest Village Modding LiF:FVM
December 5, 2016
cstoneburner Dec 6, 2016 @ 10:19pm
Greater Realism | 0.9.6112
3/18/17 updated for patch 0.9.6112
Two stand alone versions. One with immortal donkeys and everything discovered, one with neither. Due to changes in file arrangments there are no versions intended to be installed with FVModSync. See CHANGED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS below.

Version with Immortal Donkeys and Everything Discovered

Version without.

This mod is a STANDALONE. Do NOT install with FVModSync. If you wish to also use mods installed with FVModSync, please install this mod first, then run FVModSync.

To install either version go to the main game directory (most likely either C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Life is Feudal Forest Village or C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Life is Feudal Forest Village) and extract the files. If prompted to replace main.lua say yes.

1/30/17 updated for patch0.9.6042

Everything is currently working except the mill still has various junk lying around.

1/2/17 Updated for patch 0.9.6034
Patch broke subzero plant die temps so plants once again once temp hits 0.
Fixed Pasture window so that there is enough space to show all the products from sheep.

1/2/17 Updated for patch 0.9.6033
Should now be able to build closer to buildings that normally have fences, especially the mill. Pastures now destroy to grass rather than muddy ground.

12/13/16 Updated for patch 0.9.6005
Also added the file "discovery- everything found.csv" in the folder "normal". It will let you have all crops and livestock at the beginning of the game and only use to port for more donkeys. To use copy and rename "discovery.csv"

Also, if you're interested in mods, either using or making them, please come join us in the Forest Village Modding group. Anyone can view (and so download the mods) but if you want to join in the discussion you'll need to join due to how Steam does groups. We welcome everyone who is interested.

One warning before I continue: new patches will probably break this mod and I may or may not update it. If I don't, others should feel free to do so in my absence. Previous patches have broken this mod's predicessors, and games played with them particularly the number of people housed per dwelling in saved games. If you choose to use this mod be prepared.

This mod is intended produce a game more in line with reality. Mostly.

The more realistic parts include infants become "teenagers" at 6 and adults at 12. Orchards last 50-100 harvests depending on variety rather than 6. All mammals give meat and hides (although the portions are a little light on the wild animals. Due to how common the wild animals are more realistic amounts were causing huge storage problems in the early game.) Mild weather is a couple of degrees
warmer. I've tried to make the resource costs for buildings match the models, using the original small house as a rough guide (except for the clay). This means that some buildings use less resources, a few use more, a lot more clay is used for the wattle and daub construction (and the assorted start places reflect the increased need for clay to varying extents, given that unlike other building resources it is not available on the surface). New World foods are replaced (at least in name) with Old World foods. Fences are mostly gone except where animals live. Trees live longer, but grow slower, produce more and grow a little more densely. This means wood is very easy to find in the beginning and a little harder once you've cut it all down as compared to the unmodded game. Fields and Orchards can be much smaller and can have many more workers (they are set to accept twice as many as the base game, you only need half as many as the max listed most of the time but can toss other people at it if you want them to have help planting or harvesting or if you have a more remote field where it seems to take so long to get there that no one ever shows up.)

There are two significantly less realistic mods. First, scarecrows have a range of 90 squares. I did this since placement of them is unrealistically awkward and I'm not overly fond of how they look. If you do like how they look they can certainly be placed more densely. Also they're cheaper to build. The other less realistic one is optional. You can keep the other modifications to animals but also make donkeys functionally immortal if you choose to use the "animals- immortal donkeys.csv" instead of the regular "animals.csv" file. If you want the immortal donkeys, just change that file name to "animals.csv" and you'll never have to worry about one dying on you again.

Also there are a bunch of areas where I haven't been able to figure out a way to make them more realistic. Most noticeably the death rate is way too low from everything. Also there is no loss of stored food. Both of these are major issues for this level of tech that the game fails to capture.

Overall play is probably a bit easier if a bit slower at the start due to kids growing up more slowly. Once the first batch of kids grows up that mostly balances out. It can be much slower if you choose an Adam and Eve start and/or a hard one or significantly faster if you choose one of the others, but there will still be a slow period with any as you wait for kids. Resources are a little easier to get in general, but you'll need a lot more clay. Lack of fences makes for fewer pathing issues and somewhat faster harvesting.

A more detailed overview of what has been tweaked in file can be found below. It still doesn't list everything but it does list a lot more.

To Use:
Extract files to the main folder where Life is Feudal:Forest Village is installed (probably C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Life is Feudal Forest Village or if you have a 64 bit system C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Life is Feudal Forest Village). You should end up with three new folders (cfg, gui, and scripts) in the main folder.

Note if you have other files of the same names from other mods this may overwrite them. If you want to keep them you may want to either make a copy or rename them first.

Currently the start place is set to "start_place-hard.xml". If you wish to try one of the others delete (or rename) "start_place.xml" from ...\Life is Feudal Forest Village\cfg\normal. Copy the start_place variant you want to try and rename the copy "start_place.xml" All of the start_place files in this mod are designed to be used with the rest of the mod but can be used with an unmodified game if you wish (you will just end up with a lot of clay and potentially needing to build more houses than you would otherwise).

  • start_place- original.xml: Unmodified game start. Because my shacks hold 4 people you will not need to immediately build another dwelling.
  • start_place- adam and eve.xml: One man, one woman, a barn, a warehouse, and a few supplies
  • start_place- adam and eve harder.xml: One man, one woman, a barn, a warehouse, and even fewer supplies.
  • start_place-hard.xml: 8 adults, 2 teens,a barn, a warehouse, some food and a few supplies.
  • start_place-harder.xml:6 adults, 2 teens, a barn, a warehouse, a little food, and a minimum of supplies.
  • start_place-upgraded house.xml:14 adults, 4 teens, an upgraded house, a barn, a warehouse, a fair amount of food and a moderate amount of supplies.
  • start_place-upgraded hostel.xml:22 adults, 6 teens, an upgraded hostel, a barn, a warehouse, a fair amount of food and a moderate amount of supplies.
  • start_place- town in a box.xml:22 adults, 6 teens, an upgraded hostel, a barn, a ware house, a lot of food, a lot of supplies (but not quite as insane as the building mod) 2 kilns, a furnace, a tailor, a blacksmith, a well, a school, a lumberjack (due to topography issues at the start you may occasionally be missing one of the last three).
For those who are feeling adventuresome all of the start places have alternate rotations that you can access by changing which is commented out so if you have a group of buildings you like but wish they faced a different way you can save the map number, change which is active and restart.

If you hate the renaming of things delete the localization.csv file in the cfg folder as doing so will not affect play.

[size=4]Changes from basic game:[/size]

in scripts/config.lua:

  • Teenager = 6 year old
  • Adult =12 year old
  • Increased education time by x2 to make up for the difference in aging. It should still permit some time for teens to be dragged into work.
  • Decreased time pyre burns by 2/3
  • Set minimum field and orchard sizes to one plant
  • Doubled the number of workers and builders on fields, orchards and pastures (the better to replicate times like planting, harvesting and sheep shearing where the whole community would turn out)
  • Increased scarecrow radius to 90 squares from 15 (no it's not realistic but given the need for awkward placement I did it anyway.)
  • Increased pyre radius to 90 squares. 90 squares is not that far to carry a body.
  • Reduced the minimum pasture size by half to one 4 by 4 cell (smallest that will still permit the game required shed)
  • Reduced the chance of fire from lighting from 20 to 5
  • Set plant die temperature to -2 to reflect that many crops can be still be harvested when frostnipped.
  • Increased the average temps in "Mild" climates by 2 degrees.
  • Decreased chance of lightening starting building fires
  • Decreased pyre burn time by 2/3
  • Increased max camera zoom out (not quite as pretty but easier to see larger territories and buildings aren't as hidden by trees.)
in cfg/localization.csv:
  • Renamed "Lumberjack" to "woodcutter", "Lumberjack's lodge" to "Chopping block"
  • Renamed "cultivating" to "terraforming"
  • Renamed "Healer's shop" to "Hospital"
  • Renamed "Elderberry" to "Peaches" to match the model. Elderberries are short shrubby things, not trees.
  • Renamed New World plants to Old World ones, unfortunately stuck with existing models potato-> turnip, corn->barley, pumpkin->melon (hey, it's round and period, and in plants.csv made it fruit so that there is a row crop fruit available)
  • Fixed typo to read "Expedition has begun" rather than "began"
Note: If you hate the changes, this file can be deleted without any effect on play.

in cfg/normal/animals.csv:

  • Reduced animal reproduction time by 1/3 to bring it closer to the rate animals actually produce at, given that one game year seems to be three real years.
  • Added skins or meat to all mammals, wild and domestic. Added milk production to sheep, increased cow milk production by 1/3
  • Increased lifespan to reflect actual.
  • Made all wild animals equally unafraid of humans (the deer and moose really should be wanting the crops, as anyone who has ever had a garden in deer country will tell you.)
in cfg/normal/animals- immortal donkeys.csv:
same as above, only donkeys live to be 3000 (so 1000 game years). Given the illogic in their acquisition I don't feel bad about this as an alternative mod. To use remove or rename animas.csv and copy and rename this file to animals.csv.

in cfg/normal/craft.csv:
  • Increased inputs, increased outputs and sped up production of bread and alcohol.
in cfg/normal/plants.csv:
  • Changed orchard lifespans to from 6 harvests to 50-100 depending on species.
  • Changed pumpkins to fruit to make them melons.
  • Changed model for corn (barley) to wheat.
  • Tweaked some temperatures per what I found online. Did not tweak growth times, water rates or the like.
in cfg/normal/resources.csv:
  • Increased tree growth time x10, increased wood x8, decreased lifespan from 2x growth time to 1.5 (mature trees lifespan now 1.5x the time they took to grow to maturity rather than 2x, but they grow very much slower leaving mature trees around about 5x unmodded time, however once you clear the old trees it will take much longer for them to grow back, so use them wisely and keep the foresters planting), increased density from 4 to 3.5 making for a significantly denser forest.
  • Set collision radius (how close you have to be to interact) to all plants including trees to .6 this prevents trees from highjacking gathering attempts, but means you have to be slightly closer to trees to cut them.
  • Increased resource count on all fruit by 1.
in cfg/normal/houses.csv:
This is the file that has the most modifications and I may miss some things that got tweaked. Here's a summary of most of it.

  • Removed fences from everything except pastures (no fences on pastures radically increases animal attacks areas where they haven't been completely eliminated) and stables (where removing them was exacerbating pathing problems and causing mules to get stuck trying to get in through the side of the building.) Can not remove the space left for the fence without getting into base programming so footprints are unchanged. I initially removed fences for aesthetic reasons but have discovered that not having them usually improves pathing and speeds harvests significantly because of it.
  • Set cell width and length (how much space they take up) to the same as foundations in most instances except for buildings that are fenced in the unmodded version.
  • Increased max builder on many buildings.
  • Increased max occupants for all housing.
  • Reduced chance of having a baby in the hostel
  • Increased max workers and radius for hunters, gatherers and foresters (need more people to cover more area)s
  • Increased radius for pyre, crypt and scarecrows (the latter, I realize, is not realistic but given the way the have to be placed I just did it. If you want to go back to the greater realism, change the action radius back to 15 for them.)
  • Increased max workers on mines, tailor, hospital,tavern, windmill, bakery and stable.
  • Radically decreased the chance that wells will be destroyed by tornadoes.
  • Increased capacity on barns and warehouses by 2000 each
  • Increased capacity on schools and hospitals to 20.
  • Reduced build cost on fields to 0 (no fences) but kept some build time (have to break the soil initially)
  • Reduced stone road cost to 1 per square.
  • Increased well resistance to tornadoes, because mostly underground, mostly stone structures should not suffer the most frequent tornado damage.

Disclaimer: This mod for Life is Feudal:Forest Village is offered as is. Modder takes no responsibility for harm done in using this mod. Modder makes no guarantee of support or update of this mod. Modder does not take any responsibility for results of further modification. Modder does not object to others making further modification.
Last edited by cstoneburner; Mar 18, 2017 @ 10:00pm
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Showing 1-15 of 77 comments
pbox Dec 6, 2016 @ 10:39pm 
Ah, good idea to copy that over here =)

You also made a post somewhere that explains how to extract the game files -- that one might also be good to have here!
cstoneburner Dec 6, 2016 @ 11:51pm 
I'll try to get a cleaned up version of it over here tomorrow. I've done it in a couple of places and neither is quite as clear as I'd like. Maybe third time's a charm!
Nakia Dec 9, 2016 @ 7:56am 
The problem mainly seems to be with the terraine. Whatever changes the devs made seem to interfere with people getting into buildings.

One thing I like about the new patch is they added a table to the houses/shacks. that's a start.
Last edited by Nakia; Dec 9, 2016 @ 7:59am
iozz Dec 12, 2016 @ 9:41am 
this been updated for the latest patch?
Nakia Dec 12, 2016 @ 12:36pm 
I understand thatcstoneburner has been working on it as time alows. The patch made changes to the directory structure so everything needs to be checked out and fixed.
cstoneburner Dec 12, 2016 @ 5:56pm 
I think I've caught most of the issues I've found. If anyone has anything besides problems with coops and upgraded sawlmills let me know. I need to stuff everything back in a zip file, test and test THOSE results, then I'll reupload.
Nakia Dec 12, 2016 @ 6:28pm 
Other than the above the main thing I had trouble with was the start Place. I just deleted it and was at least able to play.
cstoneburner Dec 12, 2016 @ 6:40pm 
@ Nakia, what exactly was the matter with the place and which version
Nakia Dec 12, 2016 @ 9:47pm 
I will see if I can find the version. The problem was very simple if i included your Start Place, one of them, anyone, and tried to start a new map the game simply closed and went to Desktop. If I was playing a saved game there were terraine problems. People couldn't get to their houses or work places, storage areas. When I removed the Start Place the game more or less worked fine.

I am afraid that because of all the directory changes you will just have to redirect everything. I think the localisation file is messed up too. I got potatoes instead of turnips at one point.

Right now I have been messing around with yours and pbox's mods and things are a bit of a mess because of that. =-) So I can't upload a save file that would help.
cstoneburner Dec 12, 2016 @ 9:57pm 
Hmmm. Could you try running just mine (rename your existing script and cfg folders so you don't have to redo your work once you're done testing) and reinstall just mine and see if you have a problem? I have been running mine and have found issues with barns, warehouses, coops and with upgraded lumberjacks (and I think have found fixes for all) but haven't had any problems with terrain or housing.
Nakia Dec 12, 2016 @ 10:07pm 
Hokay, may take a little time. Am having some Internet trouble. Should be able to do that offline is needed. Have everything on my computer.
Nakia Dec 13, 2016 @ 2:03am 
Good morning. csstoneburner, I installed your mod, the version I mentioned above and made no changes whatsoever. Opened up a new map started to play. NO PEOPLE, none what so ever. Exited checked the startplace file with notepad you had the people but they weren't showing up. ???

I then switched to Adam and Eve. They were there. Good. Had them cut down some trees. They did not take anything to the warehouse. I went into FP picked up somelogs and tried to get into the warehouse or the barn no luck. Tried different directions no luck.
cstoneburner Dec 13, 2016 @ 3:12pm 
I was aware of the warehouse and barn issue and will try to get an interim fix uploaded tonight. I have no clue about the population issue. I've been playing with the mod trying to figure out what needs fixing and that isn't something that has come up.
Nakia Dec 13, 2016 @ 3:55pm 
If you can get the villagers to be able to access the barn and warehouse and their cottages then I will try out the different starts and see fi there are any problems. So far it was just your default start that no villagers. In your orginal start the children were in the shacks but the adults couldn't get in or at least were not listed as being there.

If I start with just the basic game and build three small houses then delete the shacks they have install your mod the villagers have no problem getting into the barn, warehouse and houses. Gathering resources vanish and have to grow back slowly though.
Last edited by Nakia; Dec 13, 2016 @ 3:59pm
cstoneburner Dec 13, 2016 @ 4:04pm 
Can you try a town in the box start and see if there is housing problems for you there too?
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