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Early Access Overload
Is anyone else sick of seeing a ton of early access games on steam? Ever since Day-Z, there's been an influx of early access games.

I personally think the whole early access thing should have it's own tab, and NOT be on the top sellers front page. I'm not saying they're bad games, but when I'm looking at a game (Rust for example) and it intrigues me, just to find out it's basically alpha testing, that really bums me out.

I just bought Space Engineers because it looked pretty damn good, only to read slightly lower to see EARLY ACCESS, tried the game and it is not very fulfilling especially when it can't handle anything more than few blocks on the small space ship, otherwise it lags in FPS and ping. I know it's not me because I have a GTX 780 along side a 25/5 network.

My point is, if its early access, keep it off the front page, don't use photoshopped screenshots, don't say it will eventually be able to do x and y, and put a price on it when you're ready to SELL it.

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I'm sure Valve is going to update the store with filters , just like they did with workshop.

Top-sellers frontpage shouldn't change. I prefer a global top-selling list that includes ALL products on steam.

blocking out early-access from that list harms transparancy.
Laatst bewerkt door ᴠᴀʀ; 21 feb 2014 om 12:55
Your lack of reading comprehension of the store page and lack of research skills is not Steam's problem.
Origineel geplaatst door Satoru:
Your lack of reading comprehension of the store page and lack of research skills is not Steam's problem.

My problem is the large amount of early access games, instead of ready to publish polished games, I have no problem owning early access games, I wish to see less of it is my issue.

It would seem you read about a third of what I wrote, thanks for listening, try again.
Origineel geplaatst door Balogna Balooooo ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ:
Is anyone else sick of seeing a ton of early access games on steam? Ever since Day-Z, there's been an influx of early access games.

I personally think the whole early access thing should have it's own tab, and NOT be on the top sellers front page. I'm not saying they're bad games, but when I'm looking at a game (Rust for example) and it intrigues me, just to find out it's basically alpha testing, that really bums me out.
I also think it would be better if early access had a seperate area like Greenlight because it just clutters up the store. And I totally feel your pain about seeing a potentially awesome game only to come to find out it's early access. My biggest gripe is that, from what I can tell, a game can pretty much be in early access indefinately. There used to be a time when you actually had to have a product to sell in order to make money. These days a tech demo and some promises can make people some big bucks.
I have no issues with Space Engineers, just saying..
Early Access deserves to be up front just like the rest of the games do. If you don't want to buy don't buy it. Most people seem to enjoy buying them and offering there helpful feedback to the devs who make the game better. Most of the early access games were greenlighted thats how they got here. They shouldn't have to go through a seperate greenlight tab just to get to a seperate Early Access tab.. They go through greenlight to get to the store.
Plus, who grips about spending 10 to 30 bucks on a alpha game that you get forever when the release will probably be a 40 to 60 dollar game?
Also, there is 35 other posts about Early Access Grips. Why clutter up the forums with a new post of the same grips..

You know what I wish... Early Access Grips had there own forums tags...
or People would read the store page before buying a game just to complain about it 10 mins later.
Origineel geplaatst door Balogna Balooooo ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ:
My problem is the large amount of early access games, instead of ready to publish polished games, I have no problem owning early access games, I wish to see less of it is my issue.

A checkbox that functions the same as the show dlc checkbox would work pretty well for this. It's been discussed quite a lot before so it'lll hopefully make it in. I completely disagree with your points though, I don't think Early Access should be hidden away and I don't think developers should avoid Early Access and only charge for the game when it's finished.

Early Access allows developers to gain some real, solid feedback on their game as a whole and it can be tweaked and changed as needed. Developers can develop along with the community for a change and test the game without having to release a beta through a separate client and get people to register before sending people their keys.

It saves a lot of hassle. As a huge plus, we're going to be (and probably are seeing games that couldn't have reached a release state on Steam without the money developers earn on Early Access. Many just simply cannot afford to keep up development without Early Access and this at least gives them the chance to earn just enough that they can keep going and push out a game that people will love.

As for your point on Space Engineers, that's entirely your own fault. They've made it really hard not to see[] that a game is in early access and even the video title says it's alpha footage.
Laatst bewerkt door Sarah; 22 feb 2014 om 4:55
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Alle discussies > Steam-forum > Steam Community > Details van topic
Geplaatst op: 21 feb 2014 om 12:26
Aantal berichten: 6