Fate of the World

Fate of the World

Seems like I'm never able to do well in this game unless I kill of a large part of the population of China and India.

Starting off with a one child policy seems like it is not enough to avert a financial collapse caused by the lack of resources. What I end up doing is skipping the one child policy until after I use gene plagues.

I'll usually start down the road at the beginning of the game in china, start using disinformation as soon as I get the card then Gene-Plague Alpha as soon as I can at the same turn build a political office (this is all you need to deploy developed bio-weapons in another country) in India. The next turn I'll use Gene-Plague Beta in India. After a couple more turns I'll use Gene-Plague Beta in China.
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Well, as long as you're winning the game, then I see no problem with using that strat (and thanx for teaching me how to use Gene Plagues)! :D

I find it fairly easy to not get into financial collapses during my game. When I found out that: "Financial crises are caused by commercial capital indexes outgrowing the combined capital indexes of agricultural and industrial sectors by 2 to 1" - http://fateoftheworld.wikia.com/wiki/Tipping_Points

When you find yourself in the position, like you said "a lack of resources", just stop whatever you're doing that causes that lack (ussually the CCS card, in my case), at least for a couple of turns. Try to do smth else instead, like improve an energy sector with renewables (best start early in the game), or decrease dependency of industry on certain resources (coal - easiest with $30 Policy Card, but also natural gas, oil... especially coal cause it releases more emissions).

To be honest, I find the card 'One Child Policy' in the red deck, not that helpful. I'd rather play an 'Education...' card instead, because on the long term it has the same effect (reduces population) and gives greater access to technology in that region. I feel like reducing population in the early game just isn't enough to make a difference: population is reduced arithmetically, but emissions grow geometrically. You will notice that alot in the game. Very frustrating >.<
I don't kill people off in my games but it is a viable way to reduce resource usage. If you find your running out of resource I recommend just a pratice match where all you do is try to avoid an economic crash. Play this with 3 degrees. It has no extra resources and is a longer game. If you can do it there you can do it anywhere. The key is, as soon as you see a shortage fix it. For coal this means reducing power use as well as coal free industry. Oil, reduce power use, biofuels, and last ditch effort of eletric cars. Gas, reduce usage. Since that is your last fossile fuel you have to move to renewables. Once you have your solar collector you are golden (want this by 2110). If you don't have a lot of green regions you may find yourself needing fusion (denial mission comes to mind). GL and hope that helped.
I use 1 child and education in China and find that its industry and population base can be of great help for money later on. However, with India, the population, high pollution, and terrible soil toxicity will inevitably cause headaches. I find that I can win any scenario with China doing its thing and slowly getting clean, educated, and healthy but not trying to do this with both China and India. India is my sacrificial lamb in all my scenarios but I don't use gene plagues.

For India I switch to organic farming, create nature reserves, and move the outlook to green to prevent me getting kicked out. There might be a few other cards that help but I can't remember atm. So the decrease in farm yields causes massive famine. Maybe 1/3rd of the way through the longer scenarios, India has dropped to around a quarter of its original population and then I set about educating and rebuilding. With such a smaller population, it is easy to get India up to Tobin levels before the end of the scenario.
For lack of resources, set up Expand Oil in the middle east and the US (and maybe Russia), nad expand Natural gas in US, and get a tech office in the middle east to run enhanced drilling. If you aren't playing on green at the start, it will impress the population and should keep you from running out of fossil fuels.

Stuffing 4th generation Fission in China, India and the Middle east will help as well. If you can keep going till you get a solar sat, you'll be fine. Well, baring all the OTHER problems.
Contraceptive at government expense, anyone?
In my last game I manage to avoid all wars, financial crisis and famine for over 200 years while keeping the temperature bellow 2 degrees with stable slighthly negatives emissions. If only I paid more attention, I would have noticed...


The Earth was obviously not designed to sustain 5,5 billions indians with a life expectancy of 155 years with 0,0% illness...
And the economy cannot sustain billions of retired either as it's showing the first signs of crumbling...
Not to mention Africa is not better with its 3,7 billions of 162 years old fat parasite leaching off foreign aid...
And the Middle-East with its 2,1 billions of 132 years old whose economy based on sand exportation is clearly not working well.
Oh, I can clearly hear you yelling *YOU RACIST! WESTERNERS ARE OBVIOUSLY MUCH WORSE!*, but thing is, Europe is about 500 millions 83 years old working their ass off, N.Americans are about 300 millions 80 years old tending to their ranch, Japan is 120 millions 91 years old living in an edo-era utopia and Oceania is a mere 21 millions 81 years old. Even China keeping a stable pop of 975 millions 89 years old. And I never used one-child-policy, sterilisation or plagues anywhere !

At least until now...

From *Billenium* all the way down to *Anybody out there ?* comming right up ! hehehe
1. Demand-side :
1.1. don't build roads anywhere(I think it does nothing). Instead, get 1-child policy and education ASAP in India and China. Do the same on Africa, Mid-east and South-Asia couples of turns later.
1.2. Reduce neclear, coal and oil electricity use to 0MWh in china and india ASAP (thus 90% < gas) until 4th-gen nuclear done. After 4th nuke implemented, sprawl it until it reaches maximum efficiency.

2. Supply-side :
2.1. research 2nd-gen biofuel in Europe or USA and implement it into China, South-Asia and South-Africa ASAP. (of course you should run biofuel subsidy) Charcoal subsidy and vegetarian revolution helps you dealing with famine better.
2.2. Oil expansion in Mid-east and gas expansion in Russia until synthetics production growth greater than that of fuel usage. (i.e. fossils production declines w/o shortage)

...and now that tempreture is the problem.

BTW, the concept "Peak-Oil" is totally out of date now. Oil shortage may not become that severe in the real world. Cheers!
Ultima modifica da StayCivilized4319; 20 feb 2015, ore 8:41
Messaggio originale di KOR 파란공장:
1. Demand-side :
1.1. don't build roads anywhere(I think it does nothing). Instead, get 1-child policy and education ASAP in India and China. Do the same on Africa, Mid-east and South-Asia couples of turns later.
1.2. Reduce neclear, coal and oil electricity use to 0MWh in china and india ASAP (thus 90% < gas) until 4th-gen nuclear done. After 4th nuke implemented, sprawl it until it reaches maximum efficiency.

2. Supply-side :
2.1. research 2nd-gen biofuel in Europe or USA and implement it into China, South-Asia and South-Africa ASAP. (of course you should run biofuel subsidy) Charcoal subsidy and vegetarian revolution helps you dealing with famine better.
2.2. Oil expansion in Mid-east and gas expansion in Russia until synthetics production growth greater than that of fuel usage. (i.e. fossils production declines w/o shortage)

...and now that tempreture is the problem.

BTW, the concept "Peak-Oil" is totally out of date now. Oil shortage may not become that severe in the real world. Cheers!
Yeah. We will fry out long before we are out of Coal, Gas and Oil.
Messaggio originale di KOR 파란공장:
1.1. don't build roads anywhere(I think it does nothing).
Which means game is broken.
Gridbug  [sviluppatore] 25 feb 2015, ore 5:43 
I think roads does build meaningful infrastructure in less-developed regions, but has little effect in more developed economies
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Data di pubblicazione: 8 dic 2012, ore 12:57
Messaggi: 10