The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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The Nameless 7. juli 2013 kl. 16.00
Mod Concept: Sovngarde Respawn
Instead of having us load a savegame, why not change it so that when the character dies, he goes to Sovngarde? Of course, he can't stay there; he still has a destiny to fulfill, so instead of simply being admitted to the Hall of Feasting, he is given a task in the Sovngarde wilds to perform so that he may be returned.

Each time, of course, his task is more complicated, but comes with a more powerful reward to speed him on his way once he gets back home.
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Adura 7. juli 2013 kl. 16.17 
Please do a search before posting mod ideas or requests ~_~

It may not have all your ideas, but it has the gist. You may be able to persuade the mod creator to add in your thoughts.
Sist redigert av Adura; 7. juli 2013 kl. 16.18
Hailey 7. juli 2013 kl. 16.52 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Adura:
Please do a search before posting mod ideas or requests ~_~

It may not have all your ideas, but it has the gist. You may be able to persuade the mod creator to add in your thoughts.

The Nameless 7. juli 2013 kl. 20.31 
Thanks for the link, but spare me the sarcasm. I'd resent being treated like an idiot anyway, but since this is so drastically far off the mark I was aiming for, and so basic compared to what I was thinking of, I would've posted exactly the same thing even if I *had* found it first.

So save your "do a search first" lectures for someone who actually deserves that kind of disrespect, will you?
Adura 8. juli 2013 kl. 2.56 
Opprinnelig skrevet av dc040583:
Thanks for the link, but spare me the sarcasm. I'd resent being treated like an idiot anyway, but since this is so drastically far off the mark I was aiming for, and so basic compared to what I was thinking of, I would've posted exactly the same thing even if I *had* found it first.

So save your "do a search first" lectures for someone who actually deserves that kind of disrespect, will you?

Hmm, my apologies for any 'disrespect'. I was in a foul mood earlier today. However, I fail to see how it's 'far off the mark'.

You go to Sovengarde when you die, and you may return to life by completing some task (not sure what it is, haven't used the mod much).

The only thing not included in your original post is for the task to increase in difficulty each time.

Or am I misunderstanding the intents of your post?

It is also a new mod, and still in development. This is why I suggested contacting him with any additional ideas and input you wish to see - since he's already made good strides into the area.
The Nameless 8. juli 2013 kl. 17.25 
Yeah, and I caught the edge of your mood. I'm not some twelve-year-old that you can talk down to like that and expect me to smile and say "Thank you Sir." I'm not in the military either. But, apology accepted... even though I have a sneaky suspicion your "apology" is also a bit sarcastic.

No, you got my intents right, but it just says you go to Sovngarde when you die. Where does it say you do a task to get back?

I even saw a comment from someone who couldn't get back to Tamriel at all. Oh, there's the 'coc' console command, but that's a cheat, not part of the lore. Not that I'm necessarily immune to the temptation to cheat sometimes, but I like to make lore-friendly ways to do what I want whenever I can, rather than cheat as a first option.

An additional concern is, after the main quest is completed, the player no longer has a "destiny" to complete. Ergo, if he goes to Sovngarde then, he's staying for keeps. As such, I'd think this guy would have Sovngarde be a respawn method for players who have NOT completed the main quest yet, rather than for those who HAVE. I mean, think of the benefits for the learning curve! But you're right, I'll tell him.
Adura 8. juli 2013 kl. 18.14 
My apology was not sarcastic. I just didn't mean to be disrespectful in the first place, even though that's totally how it came out >.<;;. Still, it was rude of me, thus the apology ^^.

The author's comments indicate that you can naturally return to Tamriel: "Yes you keep your gear. and yes you can live again. I'll make a video soon giving a more detailed view of the mod. "

He also acknowledges that the current mod is difficult to use in terms of finding the quest and figuring out how to get back to life.

I think the rationale for only having it activate after the main quest is that you haven't earned your place there until afterward. Then again, that's mostly speculation. *shrug*.

Maybe you can make a patch to alter some things and make it suit you more ^^.

Or you can try to find another modder to make it to your exact specifications - though it's rather rare for this to happen, especially for the more in-depth ideas. You'll have more luck then most, as it is a good idea.

You may also want to consider modding your own stuff ^_^. Complete control, muahaha!

p.s.: I saw your post on the mod page. Those're great suggestions. I've seen some featherfalling spells, but all they do is remove fall damage. Haven't found one that actually makes you fall more slowly.
Sist redigert av Adura; 8. juli 2013 kl. 18.17
The Nameless 8. juli 2013 kl. 21.26 
Well thanks for recognizing that then.

Ok, in that case, then yes, it's a beginning, but only that... And given the fact that he already has his own idea what to do with Sovngarde, I estimate a very low chance that he'll use very much of MY idea, which means I STILL would probably have posted the same thing in the hopes of attracting a skilled modder who hadn't thought of it at all.

Hmm, that rationale doesn't fit with TES... OR with the history it's based on. It was firmly established in Morrowind (which I played, and remember well; Oblivion sucked) that, like real-life Noresemen's Valhalla, Sovngarde is where you go when you die *in battle*.

So really, I was being pretty lenient, saying that the mod should be part of the learning curve for early players. What the mod should REALLY be, to fit with the lore, is something that only happens when you die fighting. You wouldn't go to Sovngarde if a Dark Brotherhood creeper backstabbed you, you wouldn't go if you fell off a stupid rock while trying to mine a tricky ore vein, and you wouldn't go if you drowned yourself like a chump, either. But that would take most of the fun out of it.

I'm just starting to learn to mod this game. I don't think any of the people who put out magic tweaks have gone quite far enough to make it competitive with conventional weapons and shields, so I intend to. For starters.

I'm not gonna try to make "mage armor" live up to regular armor though. I always felt mages should use enchanted Daedric like I do. hehe

It will be a long time before I have the time to *learn* to be good enough to bring Sovngarde to life the way I want to... If I ever can. What I have in mind is more like a full-blown expansion than just a mod.

And, frankly, if I ever get that good, the FIRST thing I'm gonna do is convert the levels and monsters from the original Doom and go stomping through Knee Deep in the Dead wearing full Daedric and blasting Barons of Hell with firebreath. Ahh, nostalgia...
Sist redigert av The Nameless; 8. juli 2013 kl. 21.28
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Dato lagt ut: 7. juli 2013 kl. 16.00
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