Dungeon Defenders

Dungeon Defenders

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hi, iam really waiting for dundef 2 , hope it gets more item based like mmorpgs so its not total random anymore xD.
but today i endet dun def with ulti++ armor and weapons for nearly all my builders. what now? i talked to a few dundef users, but how it get i must be a hacker xD. So people what now? yeha iam asking the community who is trolling and who doesnt care about my problem but a few guys semm to be warm enough to talk with others gently. What can i do now? wait for dundef 2 and hope it will be better then this one? or just play another game? ^^
i just hope a few bored palyers will answer and maybe we can find a solution.
< >
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Road 13. Apr. 2013 um 17:56 
i've met a variety of top end players and all of them generally did 1 of 2 things or both. easily the game is done when your in high end supreme and wearing ulti's are over kill. so what do you do when you reach the end. 1 play with others join low games and help the community meet people and teach builds to newbies. join games set up heavy duty survival builds in others games and leave. or 2 download the defenders tool kit and build levels if you have infact played the game enough to be wearing ++ everything you know how the game works and with enough work you could be making an amazing level everyone could enjoy.

and you can easily debunk the hacker theory by unlocking your profile and showing how many hours you play dungeon defenders almost all ulti+ and ++ people i've met are in the 700-1000 hours played due to the extremely low drop rate and team work needed to find them. or if your using controlers and playing by your self 300-500 is also acceptable. how ever meeting people with less than 100 hours played is very questionable.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Road; 13. Apr. 2013 um 18:00
zammity 13. Apr. 2013 um 23:27 
If you havn't done, but i assume you have. You could do all achievements and begin do crystelione deminision(not sure if that is correct written) on if of your characters.
zammity 13. Apr. 2013 um 23:29 
on nmHC of course
Ajay 14. Apr. 2013 um 3:04 
first thx for your response, i wrote alot guides for akatiki and winterwonderland, telling ppl more then 2500 on all stats isnt important to have. My account is locked because of my dota 2 items, i get spammed everyday for these and the TF2 items i have thats the main idea why iam on privat ^^. Playing with new guys isnt good. nearly 90% kicked me telling me iam to high, i asked a few if they wish to see how nm hc survival in kingsgame is made and no all they do is sitting their going afk and grabbing stuff xD. I dont feel like a pro or be someone who is the best. The community is a bit Toxic in the games they host and hackers and paypal shop are really bad. Thats the main reason why iam thinking of getting away from dun def. Oh and getting all schievments isnt my goal in this game. I grabed the cubus and even now its in my shop somewhere there is no need for the gun to have ^^.
Road 14. Apr. 2013 um 8:08 
well this game has an end for almost all players if it isnt fun any more move on =D its a real fun game with lots to do but as you can see trendy completely skipped easter this year and left everyone to wait another year for bunny costumes. this game will be left to rot even if DLC comes out might as well not bother buying and spend the money on DDS2. as soon as DDS2 comes out this game will be a ghost town. so the hackers are here to stay the paypal games are stuck and new content what ever it may be will be late and prolly only worth it free. pick a new game and enjoy i loved Secret world the game is awful taxing on low end comps but the story line and movies are amazing.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Road; 14. Apr. 2013 um 8:09
Ajay 14. Apr. 2013 um 8:55 
ok thx, i think i will give warframe a try xD. Thx for the nice talk and hope you all get enough fun from this game.
Derajay, I have over 1k hours played and not a single ult++ anything on my characters i play. I beat the entire game with high end trans gear. I know of people with 3k hours played and dont have any ult++ gear. if you grow old of the game maybe next time dont buy/create/accept hacked gear.

I farm NM HC MM KG with 4 summoners, and out of 6 runs i get 2 sup armor, none good. MAYBE 1 ult. Each run is 2+ hours. I since stopped playing the game because people come into my shop saying how terrible my armor i sell is because they think that if its not sup or above its worthless. not even knowing what it actually takes to get lucky enough to find one themself. let alone have the stats to even do a survival map such as this.

To find armor above sup and it actually be better then a capable trans armor is even harder to find. Hopefully DD2 will fix these problems as promised with random loot, as well as spawned gear. Now they try to combat over the top hacked gear, but can do very little to gear that seems legit but still not obtained by actually playing the game the way it was intended.
Ajay 16. Apr. 2013 um 4:43 
hi CLboogie, i when i grindet ulti ++ armor i simply played with 4 real life friends. All 4 as Attk summoner with one ulti monkey and one genie to get mana. I was never supposed to buy armor or other equipment i sold allot items to player who still are not able to play solo maps cause of missing trans gear. I dont know but did you ever payed 2 bil mana for a trans armor with the weakest build stat at 350? Iam selling them for not more, why? people have to get gear so they can play. I palyed this game 576 hours only and iam full. Maybe you try better playing with people who you can trust either adding the controller bot to have 3 alternate charakters in. And with account locked i mean set into privat, so nobody can check my game items i got, not trendy locked or what you think ^^. I dont know what is so great in grinding ulti++ items in this game. Above 1500 points the rating goes so fast down all ulti armor and above are just to make new player think you are a god. Oh and its not the time you play this game its how you use the time spend in this game. Seems hard lonely for me to play this game with 4 controller accounts ^^.
I have played the game for almost 500 hours, and i only have 3 builder trans set, all around 2.5K, also have single dps set(some mixed trans and myth). I have been playing alone to avoid all the hacked gear, and i only just started farming survival aqua NMHC. Only reached wave 24 and i havn't seen a Supreme yet. You must have been buying hacked gear lol.
Ajay 16. Apr. 2013 um 7:41 
thats soo great ^^. You are really the first one who tells me iam a hacker wow xD. And i tell you something: its not my fault that you suck in this game dude xD. I could easy tell you how to farm and build to get the diamon pet but i tell you something. People like you who are not able to plan and play and are insanely jealous are the main reason why this game sucks with randoms xD. But go ahead tell me iam a hacker maybe then you will feel free to not wasted 500 hours in your life for nothing and nothing xD. But wait didnt i saw you useing hacks in the game? yeha now i remember you must be the hacker who used the aura stack hack.. tztztz xD
What part of "playing alone" didn't you understand?
Ursprünglich geschrieben von derajay:
hi CLboogie, i when i grindet ulti ++ armor i simply played with 4 real life friends. All 4 as Attk summoner with one ulti monkey and one genie to get mana. I was never supposed to buy armor or other equipment i sold allot items to player who still are not able to play solo maps cause of missing trans gear. I dont know but did you ever payed 2 bil mana for a trans armor with the weakest build stat at 350? Iam selling them for not more, why? people have to get gear so they can play. I palyed this game 576 hours only and iam full. Maybe you try better playing with people who you can trust either adding the controller bot to have 3 alternate charakters in. And with account locked i mean set into privat, so nobody can check my game items i got, not trendy locked or what you think ^^. I dont know what is so great in grinding ulti++ items in this game. Above 1500 points the rating goes so fast down all ulti armor and above are just to make new player think you are a god. Oh and its not the time you play this game its how you use the time spend in this game. Seems hard lonely for me to play this game with 4 controller accounts ^^.

its statistically impossible for you to have 4-5 set of ult ++ armor that you farmed your self out side of an open modded map

the towers is your screen shots are hacked

no arm below ultimate++ can spawn with any stat over 330

trendy can see your save any time they want its on their server and has nothing to do with steam
Anatude 17. Apr. 2013 um 23:30 
....over 1000h played havent seen an ulti++ armor drop even once.
< >
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Geschrieben am: 13. Apr. 2013 um 17:03
Beiträge: 13