They Are Billions

They Are Billions

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Ironman should be optional
Ironman should be optional for any mode. Forced Ironman is for developers who absolutely hate their player base, other than the tiny niche of players who enjoy the mode, ironman is for online games where you have zero freedom to do as you please and games from 1980.

You member all those Amega, NES and Megadrive games you got so far on then never played ever again because this was the time before everyone solved the "ironman" problem with save games and save codes?

Yeah, that's where this game is.

Being able to endure repetition is not the mark of great gamer or great gameplay, it's the mark of people with OCD. It isn't fun for normal people and it's not fun in this game either.

I did a quick review and tutorial as well, if anyone is interested:

If you think I want optional ironman because I suck at the game, think again:

And take my challenge while your at it.
Ultima modifica da Edmon; 17 gen 2018, ore 21:38
Messaggio originale di #GetRektasaurus:
Messaggio originale di Safaris:
Messaggio originale di #GetRektasaurus:

Well I mean the develepors have said no to save states yes?

Meaning this thread has no literal purpose anymore (Didn't really have one anyway if you're an intelligent human who does research before buying a product) so the lock and delete is inevitable.

What the moderators need to look at is the base of this thread, who is here to actively damage the repuation for no reason. I can see 1 or 2 being banned for that.

I don't see people being banned for trolling as this was never more than a troll thread anyway, while it may have started off with decent intentions many people including OP destroyed that.

And yes Safaris, you are one of those people much like Monkeh and Vastet.

As a moderator myself on several different platoforms I can see all 3 of you being slapped with the ban hammer, maybe OP too. Depends on the moderator to be fair.

Oh don't get me wrong. The number that I reported includes me. I’m not a hypocrite. While I have expressed my honest opinion in this discussion in numerous occasions, I have also acted as a troll, deliberately. The fact that I may believe that I was justified in doing so, doesn’t change the fact one bit.

Again we are in total agreement. The 4 obvious trolls are the ones you said, me being one of them. I’ll agree again, that of those people, 1 or 2 can easily get banned. But it wouldn’t surprise me if all 4 do.

My number goes a bit higher than that, but I’m picking up very subtle cues to identify the other 2. It can go either way, and I’ll keep my opinions to myself there.

That's true.

A moderator will come in here, see the utter waste of time from page one until the end.

I doubt the moderator will go through all comments but the big fish will get tackled, starting with OP as answer to the thread is;

"Originally posted by Vastet:
Lol this safaris guy is so dumb. He has no argument on any subject at all, all he can do is attack people and fail. ha ha ha"

Which at it's heart is trolling, the core is faulty. The funny thing is OP and the person he quotes will both take the bullet for that. While Vastet is a proven imbecile, I highly doubt even he is that dumb to have actually asked for his comment to be placed as an answer. Meaning Edmon is happy to drag down his supporters, further solidifying the fact he is a weak willed human being.
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I disagree. Forced ironman is for players who appreciate difficult games, and get tired of seeing everything made accessible for the casual gamers who won't still be playing in a week. Luckily for you, plenty of games exist out there that have no problem dumbing down for the average individual.
People seem to forget that this game is in early access and this is not even the main mode of the game. The survival mode is just to tide over fans who wanted to try it out before the main campaign of the game comes out. There's still a lot of changes to be made and things to be implemented . Heck even the game's version is still just at 0.5
Ultima modifica da Gin-chan; 29 dic 2017, ore 10:18
So many casuals to kills gonna love it.
and this is why a lot of games nowaday suck

its care too much about these so called 'normal' player the only place where you can find real challenge is on an online game which is freaking suck

singleplayer game become more and more easy as it seem like all the developer nowaday want are sweet normal player money

i think the difficulty like dark soul should be the norm not rarity
this...seriously just turn it off
Also the game no even ask you to play in the biggest dificulty to unlock the other maps.
Messaggio originale di Edmon:
Being able to endure repetition is not the mark of great gamer or great gameplay, it's the mark of people with OCD. It isn't fun for **normal** people and it's not fun in this game either.

People who buys this game are generally prepare for punishment, there is no the "normal" people here. If you buys this game without being ready for hardship, that is just your problem for not doing enough research before you buy it.

Your point stand, the game is not for the average player and that is the intention of the developers.
Messaggio originale di Zona-MasterTH:
and this is why a lot of games nowaday suck

its care too much about these so called 'normal' player the only place where you can find real challenge is on an online game which is freaking suck

singleplayer game become more and more easy as it seem like all the developer nowaday want are sweet normal player money

i think the difficulty like dark soul should be the norm not rarity

LOL :)

I agree...

Just leave this game - or at least this mode - as it is...

It is great and there is absolutely no need to change it.

You have pause button and you have save button - take it easy, think and try to beat it!
Messaggio originale di Edmon:
You member all those Amega, NES and Megadrive games you got so far on then never played ever again because this was the time before everyone solved the "ironman" problem with save games and save codes?
Nope I remember the old times of "one touch=you are dead" games like commander keen. Played the hell out of those games when I was 6. I dont think I can still beat them today. Not enough reflexes anymore :(

Or like someone said about Tetris: In the early days you didnt "beat" games. They just got harder until you died.
Man, you casuals are like moles, you wack one and another appears.

This is a problem created by new generations of developers which focus on making casual spoon feeding on training wheels games with shiny visuals, repetitive stories and bland gameplay to trick them into buying them, resulting in spoiled people that dont exercise their brains and want everything on a silver platter, if the game presents itself a bit challenging, "The problem is the game not me soo the devs must change it!!!".

This is the reason why I play more on my original xbox or psx unless I manage to find gems like this one.

It took me 39 hours without tutorials or prior research to win my first map and I loved it because I had to do trial and error, learn strategies, test units and buildings, optimizing choke points and so on, now I have 140 hours in and I dont play other than brutal because the rest seems too easy for my taste and that makes me bored in no time

If you cant put effort on this game then it isnt for you, go play candy crush or farmville.
There are thousands of games out there for every taste soo stop trying to ruin this one, Ironman is a core feature of survival mode and wouldnt be the same without it

I love all the people who say that allowing non-ironman is for casuals.

So what? If you want it so badly, no-one is stopping you from keeping it on. But have the option to turn it off, because it's ♥♥♥♥ if you don't enjoy that kind of mode or that's just not what you want to do.

I've done a world conquest in EUIV for crying out loud, so I know how to play an ironman game. But guess what, it's optional there and it should be optional here.

I will never understand the kind of self-important person who forces their style of play on other players. It's a single player game, you play it how you want to play it and I'll play it how I want to play it.

This isn't a multiplayer game, why should it matter to you?

To those who think the idea that not wanting to play Ironman means you aren't making an effort:
1) No
2) Why do you care what efforts I make?

I actually wanted ironman optional so I could save various maps that I liked the style of.


When I said "Normal people" I mean non-sociopaths, the kind of force their ideals on others are not normal. They force others to play their way because... they like the idea that others are not enjoying the game?

No idea, they are crazy.

I try not to think about crazy too much.
Messaggio originale di Edmon:

I love all the people who say that allowing non-ironman is for casuals.

So what? If you want it so badly, no-one is stopping you from keeping it on. But have the option to turn it off, because it's ♥♥♥♥ if you don't enjoy that kind of mode or that's just not what you want to do.

I've done a world conquest in EUIV for crying out loud, so I know how to play an ironman game. But guess what, it's optional there and it should be optional here.

I will never understand the kind of self-important person who forces their style of play on other players. It's a single player game, you play it how you want to play it and I'll play it how I want to play it.

This isn't a multiplayer game, why should it matter to you?

To those who think the idea that not wanting to play Ironman means you aren't making an effort:
1) No
2) Why do you care what efforts I make?

I actually wanted ironman optional so I could save various maps that I liked the style of.


When I said "Normal people" I mean non-sociopaths, the kind of force their ideals on others are not normal. They force others to play their way because... they like the idea that others are not enjoying the game?

No idea, they are crazy.

I try not to think about crazy too much.

So if they don't change it, they force the idea on you.
If they change it, you force the idea on the devs and other people that currently enjoy the way it is.

Guess how that works.

If you think people with other opinions are crazy, then you sure walk in a weird reality.

Its described as is on store page, ironman for now and the rest coming later. It doesnt need changing its exactly as said on the tin, those not wanting only ironman should have waitied until a later date to purchase.The feedback given from such a mode could potentially help balance things more evenly than if it was do what you want in your own time mode. Who is to say there wont be ironman leaderboard later on? reasons for lack of saves and set difficulty are justified and explained pre-purchase so whats the problem?
If you dont like it then wait up for more content to arrive and be careful what you buy in future rather than beg for change.
Messaggio originale di Edmon:

Forcing others to play Ironman because you think they should play it, is sociopathic.

Giving people a choice to play it, or not, is empathic to those who don't want to play Ironman while still maintaining the option for those that do want to play Ironman.

Everyone wins, except the sociopaths.

Dont buy into a game that clearly states its only iroman atm! simple.
Ultima modifica da Loken; 29 dic 2017, ore 13:27
Man, you are really happy to allow someone to decide how you play your game for you.

Why not go a step further and force everyone to play only on the hardest difficulties with only 50 days until the end wave?

That's the kind of logic you are using.
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Data di pubblicazione: 29 dic 2017, ore 10:00
Messaggi: 2,285