Rez Infinite
Please improve 3D-effect in VR (3D convergence)!
Just bought this game and it's really an immersive experience in VR (Oculus Rift) but the 3D is very bad compared to all other VR-games! Can you increase the 3D-convergence please so that the players character is nearer to the players eye? At the moment everything (including the players charcter in the center) is so far away, so that you can't reckognize a depth-difference between the player and the enemies or the background (Sometimes I want to lock a missile on my own character!!??!). It looks like you are watching at a huge 360 degrees flat 2D-screen.
Please fix this and the immersion will increase even more (200%!!!).
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94 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
I wanted to add, that I also use 3D-vison to play non-VR-games on PC in stereoscopic 3D. Some of those games showed exactly the same problem ("bad 3D effect, because everything is too far away to reckognize 3D). But in 3D vision you can solve this problem by increasing the "3D convergence". So I think the devs could do the same in this VR-game to make it look better (more 3D-effect).
I'll agree/add +1 to this. I've played Rez in every form since it was on Dreamcast (except on PSVR), and I've been playing games in stereoscopic 3D via Nvidia 3DVision for over 5 years, so I definitely know 3D (or lack thereof) when I see it, and it's definitely not here. It's like watching a non-3D 360 video without any depth. Rez in 3D/VR is literally a dream come true for me, except it's not since the 3D effect is non-existent.
En son D'Shanz tarafından düzenlendi; 10 Ağu 2017 @ 12:14
It was just about the same thing on the PSVR. Would be great if they improved the 3D effect in both versions indeed.
Agree I found this game very un-VR! if thats a thing?, Nothing like the wow factor of In mind and In cell games.
Do any of you have a Vive? Looks great in the Vive to me. Also make sure you have your IPD setting configured correctly.
I actually haven't had too many issues with the 3D, but I would personally LOVE an option similar to what Distance's VR does - The option to make the player character life-size but far enough away that they look the same size as in non-VR. I love using this in Distance, flying behind a life-size car as it whips around corners. That'd be fun as an extra option to turn on, not necessarily a replacement for the standard scale.
I realized this after a little while... I think the only 3D we're seeing is the character. All the environment is in 2D...

Which is a bummer because Child of Eden supported proper 3D on the PS3 and I heard it looked amazing (don't have a 3D tv so I never tried it).
I'm reminded of fellow Vive users complaining about the scale in Elite Dangerous as Rift people looked at them funny like "what's wrong with it?"

I have a Vive, personally. There's a definite 3D effect, even on the background environment, but it's only plainly noticeable up close. The eye convergence angle might do with a little tweaking.

Oh, if it were that easy! In SteamVR, the convergence angle is hardcoded (in the HMD driver) and cannot even be accessed directly by the application -- the API calculates a projection matrix based on that (and other physical characteristics of the headset) and that's what the app has to work with.

They could probably produce a similar effect by editing the world scale / player position. It's fiddly though.
En son Not Root tarafından düzenlendi; 10 Ağu 2017 @ 19:16
İlk olarak roothorick tarafından gönderildi:
I'm reminded of fellow Vive users complaining about the scale in Elite Dangerous as Rift people looked at them funny like "what's wrong with it?"

I have a Vive, personally. There's a definite 3D effect, even on the background environment, but it's only plainly noticeable up close. The eye convergence angle might do with a little tweaking.

Oh, if it were that easy! In SteamVR, the convergence angle is hardcoded (in the HMD driver) and cannot even be accessed directly by the application -- the API calculates a projection matrix based on that (and other physical characteristics of the headset) and that's what the app has to work with.

They could probably produce a similar effect by editing the world scale / player position. It's fiddly though.
Perhaps 3D is better on Vive but on Rift it definitely looks like a 3D vision game with wrong (much too low) convergence settings and therefore (almost) 2D...

They should shift the whole world/scene towards the players eyes, then at least the 3rd person character in the middle would be nearer and perhaps make a pleasant contrast from the background. For me everything looks flat (2D) at the moment. My eyes can't recognise the distance between the players character and other objects or the background for example.

But that should be the benefit from 3D!

But like in real life this only works at short range. The human eyes can recognise in 3D if the distance between 2 objects (one is nearer, the other further away) is 1 meter or 5 meter for example as long as the objects are nearby but if both objects are far away it's not possible to recognise a distance between the two objects, even if this distance is big (our brain tells us that the bigger looking object is the nearer one but this could be an optical illusion when both objects have different size). That's why the far away Grand Canyon looks like "painted on a giant 2D screen" although you are admiring this beautiful landscape in real life. The 3D effect doesn't work in far distance...

So yeah, changing the players position might help.

YES! THIS! The Oculus version ain't in 3D. Sorry. Total weenie shrinker in it's current form on Oculus Home. It's like watching yourself play a 360 video player.
Lone Echo, on the outside missions, had presence to it. Out in space... you feel like you're there. Rez feels like watching a video.
good to know! so no need to buy for now.
May we expect a reaction from the devs here?
With a proper 3D effect I have no dought we all can get Motion sickness.
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94 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
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