Portal 2
Looking for someone who hasn't done co-op yet.
Need to get the professor portal achievement :) Let me know if you haven't done co-op yet and we can knock this out. I'll help you get some achievements too if you need them :)
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i will play with you i dont pass it yet guy :D
Gaming already started co-op, so I still am looking for someone :)
add me for co op, tartes
i havent. can i play?
do both people have to have the game on their steam accounts in order to play portal 2?
yes. Or u can play in splitscreen.
I haven't played co-op yet, am not sure if I will though
I'd think I'd rather play with a good friend who also hasn't done co-op yet.

i dont have portal 2. can sum1 please gift it to me?
I have not started the co-op and would love to play through it
still looking, Ill be online for the next few hours, just add me :)
ok i have played co op but hey lookin for someone to play with!
I'm currently downloading it and I'm willing to play co op with anyone:)
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Näytetään 1-12 / 12 kommentista
Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 8.5.2013 klo 7.31
Viestejä: 12