Portal 2
Game theory: how black Mesa and the combine got the hev suit, gravity gun, and health chargers
All of this information is canononical except for the theory I am going to make right now:

Aperture sent black Mesa the Borealis, containing many of their supplies and technology. The ship was captured by the combine and raided. Alyx later stole what was left of the gravity gun from the combine.

Proof of this:

Kleiner mentions in episode 2 that at one point, aperture and black Mesa used to work together.
In the rattmann comic, black Mesa hev suit chargers, black Mesa health chargers, combine health chargers, and a gravity gun are visible.
Both aperture and the combine use high powered energy pellets, although the combine use a more unstable version.
The borealis is an aperture brand ship, as stated by the dry-dock underground and the supply crate on the side of the ship in episode 2
Cave accuses black Mesa of stealing his products, and redistributing them without any credit to aperture.
Glados mentions that if the portal gun is submerged, it will become useless.
The combine elite seems to take an odd interest in Gordon's supercharged gravity gun.
Various combine machines are found in Eli's scrapyard.


I think that aperture, while on good terms with black Mesa, sent them their technology in a ship called the borealis. The combine took it over, stole what they could (the portalgun had been exposed to too much water to retain functionality, and the gravity gun had been badly damaged), and made off with it. Alyx goes in and steals pieces of the gravity gun, the hev suit, a suit charger, a rollermine, pieces for DØG, and a health charger for black Mesa. Black Mesa, not realizing that this was originally aperture technology, published the gravity gun and hev suit as their own, much to the displeasure of the combine and aperture.

Last edited by Allison Ghost ⸻⸻⸻⸺⸺; Jul 23, 2014 @ 1:20pm
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A-06 Jul 23, 2014 @ 4:57am 
Originally posted by Camßεn:
Game theory: how the combine got the hev suit
They did? I don't think so.

Originally posted by Camßεn:
Kleiner mentions in episode 2 that at one point, aperture and black Mesa used to work together.
Kleiner - "Our peers at Aperture Science were at work on a project of some promise..."
He didn't say they worked together.

Originally posted by Camßεn:
Alyx mentions that she stole combine technology to make the gravity gun.
When, exactly?

Originally posted by Camßεn:
Theory: Black Mesa, not realizing that this was originally aperture technology, published the gravity gun and hev suit as their own, much to the displeasure of the combine and aperture.
When did this happen? The 7 Hour War? The Combine occupation? So, Black mesa was still operating after the Combine invasion? The world was ending and they kept releasing products like any other day?

PD: Black Mesa was destroyed by a Nuclear device after the events of Half-Life.
Last edited by A-06; Jul 23, 2014 @ 4:58am
Originally posted by A-06:

Originally posted by Camßεn:
Alyx mentions that she stole combine technology to make the gravity gun.
When, exactly?

Originally posted by Camßεn:
Theory: Black Mesa, not realizing that this was originally aperture technology, published the gravity gun and hev suit as their own, much to the displeasure of the combine and aperture.
When did this happen? The 7 Hour War? The Combine occupation? So, Black mesa was still operating after the Combine invasion? The world was ending and they kept releasing products like any other day?

PD: Black Mesa was destroyed by a Nuclear device after the events of Half-Life.
1. whoops, that was meant to be as part of the theory, not the evidence. i'll fix that.
2. by black mesa, I mean throughout most of those times. black mesa east and black mesa and all the separate hideouts and all that.

again, it's just an idea. not fully supported by the evidence, but it's still fairly well supported, more well supported than that companion cube dead test subject theory.
Last edited by Allison Ghost ⸻⸻⸻⸺⸺; Jul 23, 2014 @ 1:36pm
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Date Posted: Jul 23, 2014 @ 1:18am
Posts: 2