Picked an "unknown" area to travel, game died
Honestly, the error was so polite I thought the game was trolling me.

On the map my only choice was an "unknown" red coloured area, I clicked it and the game told me it was very sorry and I had to quit as it then just gave me a black screen.

I could continue the same save, but the same issue happens. My only area is the same one, and it breaks every time:

I've uploaded my saves and player prefs if it helps (let me know when you have it so I can remove it from my server):

Started over, exact same map layout, same unknown area breaks it.

This is in the campaign at the top of the list, the second one so far seems to work fine.

Ubuntu 16.10 64bit, Nvidia 980ti, driver 370.28
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Squiddy; 2016. nov. 20., 14:15
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12/2 megjegyzés mutatása
Kyle  [Fejlesztő] 2016. nov. 21., 2:19 
Fixed this issue. It was to do with the game trying to load a countryRoad file, when it was actually countryroad. Case sensitive file systems! It's rare enough that it managed to slip through the testing rounds I did on Linux. Sorry about that!
Found another one:

In the first campaign, when you get to Edinburgh i think it is.
< >
12/2 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2016. nov. 20., 13:55
Hozzászólások: 2