3030 Deathwar Redux - A Space Odyssey

3030 Deathwar Redux - A Space Odyssey

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Max | Crunchy Leaf Games  [developer] Sep 19, 2017 @ 2:13pm
New Version 1.07 RC on Test Branch
Hey guys, there is a new version out on the test branch!

Here's how you get it:
- Go to your Steam library
- Right click "3030 Deathwar Redux" and select "Properties"
- Select the tab "BETAS" on the top right
- Now use the dropdown menu above to select the "test_dev" branch
- Back in your library, a [test_dev] should appear behind the game's title
- Launch the game

Once again, we've got a bunch of minor improvements and then (hopefully) one major fix. The major fix is for the random music crash that happens to some players. It's very hard to reproduce, so we'll need your help in testing the new version and letting us know of any trouble you might have.

The rest of the changes are mostly Quality of Life stuff, like making cargo containers easier to see and smugglers offering you fairer prices when you're out of fuel, but also fixing some annoyances, like a map bug that could happen when you used the "show on map" button for a mission. Here's the full change list:

Fixes / Improvements
  • Potential fix for random music crash, needs to be further tested
  • Made all cargo containers draw their name inworld, so they are easier to see
  • Fixed dates not rolling over after last day of month
  • Made docking helper not pop up right after undocking
  • Made tractor beam particles go other way, now coming from the asteroid
  • Fixed "show on map" bug, where you'd sometimes be stuck in the local map
  • Fixed Raal letting you keep your turret, even though switching to Fighter ship
  • Shortened station dialogue for paying fines
  • Made map reminder not show when getting attacked by JBO
  • Repositioned map overlay info to fix overlapping text in console mode
  • Made smuggler offering fuel much cheaper
  • Fixed being able to pay fines on Walker Base although you didn't have the money
  • Made any negative amount of player money resort to just 0
  • Made space battle police man not show up on Walker base or pirate stations
  • Fixed button prompt for winger formation
  • Fixed Vasquez appearing in contacts after you get call to Rub Ba 3
  • Small improvement to comms signal when hailing ships or stations
Last edited by Max | Crunchy Leaf Games; Sep 19, 2017 @ 3:00pm
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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
Max | Crunchy Leaf Games  [developer] Sep 20, 2017 @ 2:40am 
After the last version was unsuccessful in fixing the crash, we've tried a completely new fix.

The new version 1.07 RC2 is up on the test branch. We're a lot more confident this should have squashed it.

Please let us know if you do/don't experience the crash again!
Max | Crunchy Leaf Games  [developer] Sep 21, 2017 @ 2:00am 
The final version 1.07 is now live on the test branch.

It includes fixes for junk shooting not counting in BD-946 and the Largo not changing position after every dock. There're also some minor improvements that we'll be listing in the full change log later today.

We haven't heard back from anyone who had the random music crash before. Can anyone say, does that seem to be fixed now?
Yunanana Sep 21, 2017 @ 7:41am 
Which one to use, "test_dev" or "test_dev2"?
Max | Crunchy Leaf Games  [developer] Sep 21, 2017 @ 9:24am 
It would usually be "test_dev", but now the main branch has been updated to the same version.

All branches are set to version 1.07 now.
Yunanana Sep 21, 2017 @ 10:56am 
Tried out the newest version, spent quite some time on one station, some on another and a relative short time on a third, where i got another EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION crash while talking to an npc.
Restarted it and alt-tabbed out while in a conversation with a npc, it crashed again with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, right as one of the songs ended.
Yunanana Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:10am 
Tried alt-tabbing out again, standing in a station, this time not in a conversation, again, same crash on end of song.
Max | Crunchy Leaf Games  [developer] Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:14am 
Thanks for reporting this.

Can you go through it step-by-step please?

1. You talk to an NPC
2. You alt-tab out
3. You wait for the song to end while the game is not in foreground

The the game crashes?
Yunanana Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:16am 
I tried out both talking to an npc and just loading the save and standing there tabbed out, both ended up crashing when the song ended.
Max | Crunchy Leaf Games  [developer] Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:17am 
Ok, thanks.

Does it only happen when alt-tabbed? I'm testing that now.
Yunanana Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:18am 
The first of the crashes was normally ingame which is weird since i think i spent more time on other stations before without the crash.
Max | Crunchy Leaf Games  [developer] Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:19am 
Were you doing anything in particular?

Was it just as a song ended?
Max | Crunchy Leaf Games  [developer] Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:20am 
And are you on the newest version 1.07? Sorry for asking, I just need to be sure.
Yunanana Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:23am 
Yes, main menu says 1.07.
Just tried it out, tabbed-in, again, doing nothing but just standing around.
Im going to try flying to another station to see if it happens there, too.
Max | Crunchy Leaf Games  [developer] Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:26am 
Ok, that's a good idea. I'm trying to get it with alt-tabbing but no luck so far.
Yunanana Sep 21, 2017 @ 11:30am 
I think i just got a song change on another station without crash, going to wait for another one.
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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
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Date Posted: Sep 19, 2017 @ 2:13pm
Posts: 22