We Are The Dwarves
Localization help needed!
Hello, friends!

Many of you have complained about the localization quality of We are the Dwarves.
We know, that it’s far from being perfect.
We want to fix it and we need your help for this.
So if you like We are the Dwarves and want to help us make it better, please, let us know!
You can offer your help here below or contact us via email info@whalerockgames.com.
We need almost all languages of the world!

Hope for your support :)
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Сообщения 17 из 7
Hello, i'll be happy to help you as i can for a a french localization. I can only translate english to french however. Just tell me how i could help.
If you'd be using some tool like http://pootle.translatehouse.org/index.html it would be easy to hop in and translate or fix some low quality translations when I'm bored.

I'm sure I can fix some German texts but it depends on how you handle the process. I'm not going to do 2 hours of proof reading a day.
I also happen to know a lector with too much free time although I don't know if she would spend it translating some game.
I'd offer help in translating the game to German (from English) as well! Have worked on the Wolf Among Us fan-translation in the past already and got some experience.
Hi, are there any news about (german) localization fix?
Google translate is pretty good now. Big change over the festive season.
Even for Japanese to/from English.
still no german translation?
German language seems to be back within Update 8 (i have the GOG-Version and i can choose German in the Game Options since last Update!)
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Сообщения 17 из 7
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