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goobie  [vývojář] 9. úno. 2016 v 9.47
How to Change FOV in Firewatch
Open up the registry editor by typing
into your Windows search bar.

Navigate your registry to the following key
    • Software
      • CampoSanto
        • Firewatch
          • fovAdjust_h2041137991

Right click on fovAdjust_h2041137991 and choose Modify. Set the base to be Decimal.

Our default FOV is 55. Set the value to be 100 times the amount you want to adjust the FOV by. For example, if you wanted the FOV to be 90 you need to increase the FOV by 35. So the value of fovAdjust_h2041137991 should be 3500 (35 * 100).

If you wanted the FOV to be 45, you would be removing 10, so set the value to be -1000.

Please note that the FOV can only be adjusted while Firewatch is not running.
Naposledy upravil goobie; 9. úno. 2016 v 9.47
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chrisremo  [vývojář] 9. úno. 2016 v 9.53 
Please note that due to the specific nature of our game, which makes significant use of first-person full-body animations and framing, forcing an FOV change may result in unexpected visual behavior related to player character animation. However, we wanted to make sure we weren't locking anyone out of the game or causing any discomfort for people. We're working on making the FOV adjustment process a little easier too, so stay tuned for that.
Sorry, I'm probably really idiotic - Set the value to be 100 times the amount you want to adjust the FOV by. For example, if you wanted the FOV to be 90 you need to increase the FOV by 35.

I thought it was x100? Where are we grabbing 35 from?
Naposledy upravil sparky; 9. úno. 2016 v 10.24
SYN | Sparky původně napsal:
Sorry, I'm probably really idiotic - Set the value to be 100 times the amount you want to adjust the FOV by. For example, if you wanted the FOV to be 90 you need to increase the FOV by 35.

I thought it was x100?
The value you input is how much FOV you want to increase/decrease times 100. So if the default FOV is 55 and you want 90, that's a 35 FOV increase, times 100, so you input 3500 as the value. If you want 60 FOV, you input 500. And so on.

Atleast that's how I understood it, I don't even own the game.
FOV 55 by default?... You do know this is on PC, right?... Having to edit registry seems like something we shouldn't have to do, one would expect it to be an ingame slider/setting.
Naposledy upravil Rekalty; 9. úno. 2016 v 10.32
Jackayl původně napsal:
SYN | Sparky původně napsal:
Sorry, I'm probably really idiotic - Set the value to be 100 times the amount you want to adjust the FOV by. For example, if you wanted the FOV to be 90 you need to increase the FOV by 35.

I thought it was x100?
The value you input is how much FOV you want to increase/decrease times 100. So if the default FOV is 55 and you want 90, that's a 35 FOV increase, times 100, so you input 3500 as the value. If you want 60 FOV, you input 500. And so on.

Atleast that's how I understood it, I don't even own the game.

Ah ♥♥♥♥ me thank you that makes more sense. so you're essentially adding or subtracting what you want the end to be.
SYN | Sparky původně napsal:
Jackayl původně napsal:
The value you input is how much FOV you want to increase/decrease times 100. So if the default FOV is 55 and you want 90, that's a 35 FOV increase, times 100, so you input 3500 as the value. If you want 60 FOV, you input 500. And so on.

Atleast that's how I understood it, I don't even own the game.

Ah ♥♥♥♥ me thank you that makes more sense. so you're essentially adding or subtracting what you want the end to be.
Yes, exactly.
3500 seemed to do this to me...

I tried it multiple times, same result. So I used 500. Apart from a bit of body clipping if I swing my head down really quickly, it looks great. Well, better than 55, which is ludicrous if you ask me. This stuff should be in game, and one would imagine a simple thing to do. A bit of UI changing a value, simple.

Anyways, I'm not a developer for this game, maybe they had an odd situation or deemed it not worth the time.
chrisremo původně napsal:
Please note that due to the specific nature of our game, which makes significant use of first-person full-body animations and framing, forcing an FOV change may result in unexpected visual behavior related to player character animation. However, we wanted to make sure we weren't locking anyone out of the game or causing any discomfort for people. We're working on making the FOV adjustment process a little easier too, so stay tuned for that.
its all about sickness ! not gameplay. that wont hurt. so please give us a ingameoption FOV slider. thanks
Uhh... I don't think it is working correctly. This is 90 aka fovAdjust_h2041137991 = 3500
goobie  [vývojář] 9. úno. 2016 v 11.44 
Please make sure you are using Decimal, and not Hexadecimal when specifying the value of fovAdjust_h2041137991
goobie původně napsal:
Please make sure you are using Decimal, and not Hexadecimal when specifying the value of fovAdjust_h2041137991

goobie původně napsal:
Open up the registry editor by typing
into your Windows search bar.

Navigate your registry to the following key
    • Software
      • CampoSanto
        • Firewatch
          • fovAdjust_h2041137991

Right click on fovAdjust_h2041137991 and choose Modify. Set the base to be Decimal.

Our default FOV is 55. Set the value to be 100 times the amount you want to adjust the FOV by. For example, if you wanted the FOV to be 90 you need to increase the FOV by 35. So the value of fovAdjust_h2041137991 should be 3500 (35 * 100).

If you wanted the FOV to be 45, you would be removing 10, so set the value to be -1000.

Please note that the FOV can only be adjusted while Firewatch is not running.

Hei Goobie

This wont work with HINTERLAND's THE LONG DARK even if its the same engine, UNITY:

any ideas ?
goobie původně napsal:
Please make sure you are using Decimal, and not Hexadecimal when specifying the value of fovAdjust_h2041137991
yeah thank you for this ! that makes it 100% awesome ! Its working.

Im playing with 3000 on 2560x1080 - perfect
why no sliders at launch then?
cmon. Dont insult our meager minds and we wont yours. To say you didnt want to lock us out etc youre certainly not doing us any favors to have to jump through hoops in 2016 to change fov which should be standard period on pc.
im out before a rescue team of my peers come in and lay down supressing fire for you.
Looking forward to the game etc.

chrisremo původně napsal:
Please note that due to the specific nature of our game, which makes significant use of first-person full-body animations and framing, forcing an FOV change may result in unexpected visual behavior related to player character animation. However, we wanted to make sure we weren't locking anyone out of the game or causing any discomfort for people. We're working on making the FOV adjustment process a little easier too, so stay tuned for that.
Naposledy upravil EthicalPixel; 9. úno. 2016 v 12.19
Rekalty původně napsal:
FOV 55 by default?... You do know this is on PC, right?... Having to edit registry seems like something we shouldn't have to do, one would expect it to be an ingame slider/setting.
Probably vertical fov which equals 85 horizontal fov with 16:9 monitor
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