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Linux Version
If there was a Linux version of this I'd be all over it.
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lol linux gaming...
Love and Light eredeti hozzászólása:
lol linux gaming...

It's pretty hilarious most Linux users don't even know how to dual boot.
Love and Light eredeti hozzászólása:
lol linux gaming...

You keep laughing and I'll keep spending my money on games for Linux.
Young ♣️ Sachi eredeti hozzászólása:
Love and Light eredeti hozzászólása:
lol linux gaming...

It's pretty hilarious most Linux users don't even know how to dual boot.

There's a difference between knowing and wanting.
Young ♣️ Sachi eredeti hozzászólása:
Love and Light eredeti hozzászólása:
lol linux gaming...

It's pretty hilarious most Linux users don't even know how to dual boot.
Most Linux users know perfectly well how to dual boot, or how to set up a VM which gives the guest OS direct access to the graphics card or any of that. The problem is, all these solutions still require us to run an OS we have no interest in. It's not about being to cheap or poor to buy it, it's about wanting to run an OS that you actually own and can do with whatever you want, including modifying or redistributing, and that doesn't send a lot of data back to it's vendor.

Anyway, I would be interested in Doom 4 if it came out on Linux. Traditionally id Software has always ported their games to Linux, until the guy who was mostly responsable for those ports left the company.
Legutóbb szerkesztette:; 2016. máj. 13., 6:27
Since the engine uses OpenGL (with Vulkan support coming soon) it shouldn't be hard to port the game. The problem is that Bethesda just is not interested in porting their games, as it seems.
There is no reason at all to respond to trolls like in this thread. Ignoring them completely is the best thing you can do. TobiSGD said it, fat chance Bethesda will even slightly consider porting over to Linux...
Nimbull eredeti hozzászólása:
If there was a Linux version of this I'd be all over it.

Doom was designed to support API wrappers like wine or darwin, it is because copy protection and anticheat mechanism can not be ported to little endian OS architecture (can not be ported by Bethesda or id). It is problem of many other titles, so supporting API wrappers is step around.

More AAA titles are and will be made in compatibility with API wrappers, because minor platforms users dont want to pay extra money for porting (+ more than $50 per license) and some developers (especialy copy protection and anticheat part of the game) cant simply recompile their software. So you have multiplatform engine by id, which is locked in windows dependent utils around it.

All players can see how problematic is to support VAC on all platforms, where are more possibilites to work around its mechanisms.

Excuse my english pls.

(Using Debian GNU/Linux since 1998 as multiboot and from 2000 as mayor OS. No windows, no virtual machines, only Linux + wine for games and windows software)
red_dwarf eredeti hozzászólása:
Doom was designed to support API wrappers like wine or darwin, it is because copy protection and anticheat mechanism can not be ported to little endian OS architecture (can not be ported by Bethesda or id).
Endianess is determined by the CPU, not the OS. This means that Windows and Linux on x86(-64) both are little endian (because the Intel IA32 architecture is little endian), while Linux also supports big endian on CPUs that use big endian. If there is a problem porting anticheat software than it is most likely caused by different handling of memory management between OSes than anything else, but this is not a major put off, since the anticheat software has only to be ported once per OS, not once per title.
Why the hell is an OpenGL game not releasing on Linux? Did they choose some middleware that has no Linux version or something? WTF
Closed/Open Beta worked via wine, but retail version crashes when starting. Lovely.
TobiSGD eredeti hozzászólása:
red_dwarf eredeti hozzászólása:
Doom was designed to support API wrappers like wine or darwin, it is because copy protection and anticheat mechanism can not be ported to little endian OS architecture (can not be ported by Bethesda or id).
Endianess is determined by the CPU, not the OS. This means that Windows and Linux on x86(-64) both are little endian (because the Intel IA32 architecture is little endian), while Linux also supports big endian on CPUs that use big endian. If there is a problem porting anticheat software than it is most likely caused by different handling of memory management between OSes than anything else, but this is not a major put off, since the anticheat software has only to be ported once per OS, not once per title.

if you have program which is watching network traffic, on one OS you are watching big-endian and little-endian on other. network is big-endian so it depends on how and where OS translating network byte order to little-endian. in this case, if you have anticheat, it works with little-endian in windows, but linux kernel will provide big-endian(network byte order) to do the same thing... Im not sure if I can explain this in english, but problem is in low level networking, not in OS. I was not exact first, I was not expected someone who knows something about endianity.

if anticheat/copy protection developers releases their product as multiplatform, they will need to update both versions, more people to write, revide and test code (specialy if it is writen in assembly language, it will be a lot of work). so game developers will choose cheaper windows only version or another single platform application.
+1 for Linux version
red_dwarf eredeti hozzászólása:
TobiSGD eredeti hozzászólása:
Endianess is determined by the CPU, not the OS. This means that Windows and Linux on x86(-64) both are little endian (because the Intel IA32 architecture is little endian), while Linux also supports big endian on CPUs that use big endian. If there is a problem porting anticheat software than it is most likely caused by different handling of memory management between OSes than anything else, but this is not a major put off, since the anticheat software has only to be ported once per OS, not once per title.

if you have program which is watching network traffic, on one OS you are watching big-endian and little-endian on other. network is big-endian so it depends on how and where OS translating network byte order to little-endian. in this case, if you have anticheat, it works with little-endian in windows, but linux kernel will provide big-endian(network byte order) to do the same thing... Im not sure if I can explain this in english, but problem is in low level networking, not in OS. I was not exact first, I was not expected someone who knows something about endianity.

if anticheat/copy protection developers releases their product as multiplatform, they will need to update both versions, more people to write, revide and test code (specialy if it is writen in assembly language, it will be a lot of work). so game developers will choose cheaper windows only version or another single platform application.

Please consult descriptions of these functions: ntohl, ntohs, htonl, and htons. Byte ordering is just a matter of bookeeping. It is not a critical design flaw.

As for Doom and Linux, the Wine community got Fallout 3 and New Vegas working for Linux, so I have faith that someone will resolve the crash issues (not me of course, I'm one of those lazy consumers).
Linux, the Scientology of computing
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Közzétéve: 2016. máj. 13., 6:14
Hozzászólások: 4,911