Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

GAME BREAKING bug in the Main Quest line - The Die is Cast Quest
Update - The bug was fixed in 1.4. Thank you so much!!

There is a GAME BREAKING BUG in the MIAN QUEST - Upon completing the Die is Cast, after the cutscene with Radzig and Hanush, there is an infinite loading screen.

There is no way to continue the game. I tried loading previous save, restart, waiting half an hour at loading screen, sneaking back in the Monastery. Nothing worked.

Updated - It was Fixed. Thanks! :-)
Ultima modifica da Alexios; 24 ago 2019, ore 21:34
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This happens because of how you finished the monk quest. Really.

Not only is the monk quest completely counterintuitive, dumb and baffling but if you break out of it with a creative solution the game won't load after you escape the camp.

I learned this the very hard way.

Only solution is to get the save before you enter the monastery and then either do not start the monk quest, or finish it the narrow and absurd way this janky and contrived quest intended which is to stupidly tell every initiate that you're looking for pious, which is about the dumbest thing imaginable but that's your only option.

Ultima modifica da Nox; 21 mar 2018, ore 9:10
the main quest is packed with bugs.
Messaggio originale di upuaut2:
the main quest is packed with bugs.

It gets considerably worse after the first 1/4 of the game.
Messaggio originale di Hansel:
I just need official statement if the devs are aware of this bug and If I should wait for fix or delete the game and move on. I dont want to replay anything after spending 15 hours since the start of this disastorous quest.

i have had to restart the game from scratch twice and only keeps getting worse. im at the verge of deleting the game and never look back honestly.
Messaggio originale di upuaut2:
the main quest is packed with bugs.
i can't find reeky :steamfacepalm: even loaded other saves, no matter i do i can't get him to spawn in cave or anywhere else
gambrakin bags everywhere!
main quest is plagued with bugs at one point or another. i have been one of the lucky ones who have found 2 . first with the cutscene with reeky at the cave not triggering. and now with baptism of fire, too many men died message.

i was able to bypass the first issue by loosing many hours of gameplay, but 2d one seems to have no way around it. hoping they fix the main quest at least.
Good to know there are MORE bugs in the main quest. I currently am stuck in the Question And Answers quest, can't proceed -- no cutscene triggered.
main quest is full with gamebreaking bugs. basically every part has a potential gamebreaker nasty bug.

they really should focus on main quest. i would assume that would be the most important thing to fix.
if main quest hasent been fixed by now. i think is more serious the issue then. in wich case i doubt is ever going to be working properly. it seems is bound to get bugged sooner or later.
Messaggio originale di Hansel:
There is a GAME BREAKING BUG in the MIAN QUEST - Upon completing the Die is Cast, after the cutscene with Radzig and Hanush, there is an infinite loading screen.

There is no way to continue the game. I tried loading previous save, restart, waiting half an hour at loading screen, sneaking back in the Monastery. Nothing worked.

Developers , Help please, release a hot fix for this bug!

They said that they have fixed the infinite loading bug in the 1.4 patch.
Messaggio originale di showler:
They said that they have fixed the infinite loading bug in the 1.4 patch.
is there patch notes?
Not yet. It was mentioned by a QA team member when they were asking for a save file to double check the fix in a particular part.
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Data di pubblicazione: 21 mar 2018, ore 8:01
Messaggi: 15