ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Can a Moderator Inform Me...
Why my post was locked? I know I didn't break any rules with the post. If others broke rules with their replies, which I didn't notice that happening either, then they should be addressed or that particular reply should be deleted. Feels odd to have a post of mine be locked instead of leaving it open for a discussion.
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censorship .. anti freedom.
It could easily have been construed as inflammatory. .. and therefore trolling.
Chuc 13 sept. 2017 à 18h13 
It was locked for a reason. Even one person posted in it tell you the reason.

Think about it.
Chuc a écrit :
It was locked for a reason. Even one person posted in it tell you the reason.

Think about it.
Yup, I just looked at the thread in question. The reasons are stated right there by one of the commentors.

Here, goto the official site and do a search for all your points.
Dernière modification de JDaremo Fireheart; 13 sept. 2017 à 18h18
Aurjay 13 sept. 2017 à 20h31 
Nah, everyone is entitled to voice a suggestion. I did notice the suggestion didn't go in the right section, but that was an honest mistake. Inflammatory? really Vesuvious, your rude ass comments were the inflammatory stuff, nothing what I said was at all inflammatory towards ANYONE. And there is no ruling against people making a post about something someone has ever said in the past. If that was a locking offense about 75% of these forums would end up being locked.

And if a moderator does lock a post, without posting a reason, the poster is still entitled to the actual official reason if they broke no rules. Seriously, why the trolling comments towards me who has been 100% reasonable and mature about things. You know that most people would lose their crap and start cussing up a storm and being immature about it. Think about that.
Aurjay a écrit :
Nah, everyone is entitled to voice a suggestion. I did notice the suggestion didn't go in the right section, but that was an honest mistake. Inflammatory? really Vesuvious, your rude ass comments were the inflammatory stuff, nothing what I said was at all inflammatory towards ANYONE. And there is no ruling against people making a post about something someone has ever said in the past. If that was a locking offense about 75% of these forums would end up being locked.

And if a moderator does lock a post, without posting a reason, the poster is still entitled to the actual official reason if they broke no rules. Seriously, why the trolling comments towards me who has been 100% reasonable and mature about things. You know that most people would lose their crap and start cussing up a storm and being immature about it. Think about that.
? What did i say that was rude?
What part of this was rude?

"Aus player.... US server.... literaly 12hrs difference... in game ping around 80-90.

Ping doesnt =distance..... ping = connection quality/speed over distance.

Region locking has issues.... we have english speaking players from indonesia..... you want to force them Chinese servers?"
PaX 13 sept. 2017 à 20h34 
this is steam.. you have no rights... moderators owe you no explination. They can close and lock or ban you for what ever they want.
I never said you were purposely flaming or trolling or anything.

But you singled out particular groups in your post. That is against steams ToS.... as it can be viewed as flaming BY those groups.
Aurjay 13 sept. 2017 à 20h43 
1 you took stuff out of context and made a completely invalid argument then you came to this post with your insinuating that I was trolling or being inflammatory with a post that was without any possible confusion a very legit suggestion without any rudeness. Instead of presenting a conversation you insulted my intelligence with your comment about the ping portion (and btw you are wrong in that ping doesn't have any relation to the distance from servers because it really does, but there are some connections that are of higher quality due fiber optics. BUT not all connections on those services get decent IP on every game's servers that can be located in the same city. There is so much that goes in to what causes the Ping to be high, but distance is a big portion of it.

Also you do realize you act like you are a Wildcard staff on multiple posts on these forums? But on here you show up as just a member. Well that's also in the back of my mind as I read your comments that, to me, seems like an intentional disrespectful condescension. If I'm wrong in that gut feeling from observations of your demeener towards multiple people on multiple post here, then I'll apologize.

But everything I said, still was not even something that could be deserving of a block, and as a person who is a stickler about rules (the Military Veteran in me) if I am to be punished for not breaking any rules, I'd like to know why it happened. The moderator who locked it should have the integrity in their use of their powers on here, and if they use them in a seemingly abusive fashion they do need to be held accountable for their actions. (sorry my mind goes a million miles a minute with thoughts so the explanations are far longer than I intended them to be.)
Aurjay 13 sept. 2017 à 20h49 
Vesuvious a écrit :
I never said you were purposely flaming or trolling or anything.

But you singled out particular groups in your post. That is against steams ToS.... as it can be viewed as flaming BY those groups.

I didn't single out any damn groups in my post, go back and read it. It's about regions and getting more servers so people do not have to go to regions where no one speaks their languages and everyone on the server is left raging over the simple fact that there are people speaking another language. Even if the regional block thing is ignore, which with how many times that has been requested that's a REALLY stupid thing to ignore on Wildcard's part. The getting more servers and even creating servers in regions like Brazil, Russia, or other areas where there are a lot of players who speak a language that is not native to ANY of the current region selections is a perfect solution and actually a much needed one. You call it singling out a particular group, I'm gonna say get the hell outta here. Saying Brazil, Russia, China, or any nation is singling out a group when fighting for them to get what THEY ARE REQUESTING THEMSELVES FROM WILDCARD, you are picking a battle that will only result in you looking like a complete idiot. Wildcard has the money to get more servers and they are needed. You dont like that I say that, oh freaken well.
So because i made a suggestion about y your post may have been locked... im calling you a troll?

You said Russians and Brazillions in your op in that thread. You did.

I did NOT say it was inflammatory OR that you were trolling.

I said that that is a possible reason for a moderator to lock the thread.

Take 3 deep breaths and chillax.
Chuc 13 sept. 2017 à 20h57 
you asked for a region lock so players from <insert country here> cant play on the servers you play on.

That is singleing out a group of people based on the country they are from.

Why cant you see the problem in what you have asked for? You may have a good reason for asking but others may see it in another way, hence why your thread was locked
Aurjay 13 sept. 2017 à 21h19 
You are indeed WRONG that's not singling out people you flipping idiots. Like seriously 2017 our society has gone to absolute garbage with everyone looking for a damn reason to label people as a discrimintory or racist person when in reality those are the people who really are the ones that are that way.

There are many reasons why people shouldn't be playing on a server that they cannot communicate with the people in that region the server is based out of. Can you tell me why anyone would even want to play on a server where they cannot speak the native language of those in the region?

Hey about about this, instead of you all trying to shut down the ideas for insane reasons, make suggestions. That's how conversations work you know. Not cutting a person down when they have very valid arguments. If you have actually been playing on Official servers, you wouldn't be giving me a hard time about this. NA server have such a big problem with this as we have people from across the world coming to NA servers for 3 reasons.

1. They can't access the official servers in their region due to them all being full. (meaning there needs to be more official servers in that I mentioned already.)
2. They want to practice the native language of the server's region. (Im always okay with this and very patient, though A LOT of people are not and treat them like garbage.)
3. They want to troll that region's players and intentionally speak in a language that is not supported by the other player's version of the game resulting in symbols. Or trolling in other ways because they have a blind hatred to those in that region. (Sadly, but truthfully, this is the main reason and it's very well known by anyone who has played a lot on the Legacy servers. Chat part can be handled with the ability to block in-game chat of individuals, as already suggested in the OP and has been demanded countless times by the community as a whole. And the region block would make it so people cannot be tempted to doing these trollings.)

If you doubt this, find a way to actually see what is being said in those other langauges and get it translated. As I said, it's a well known fact that #3 has been a big issue for since the very beginning.

Though getting off the point of this post for a moment. The point is still that I did nothing to break any rules and the post should not have been blocked and I do deserve an explanation for the block by a moderator.
Any user ban or locked thread should be not discussed here but via ticket to steam or even wildcard support ticket depending on the subject :) you could gain a second warning for doing this here.
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Posté le 13 sept. 2017 à 17h34
Messages : 26