LEGO® Worlds

LEGO® Worlds

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ttcrose 24 Agu 2016 @ 10:06am
Update 6: Patch 4 - No More Beta
Hi all,

Patch 4 for Update 6 has now released. With it we have solved several more performance issues and as a result we are now ready to move the game out of beta and back onto our default game branch, meaning that everyone is now on the same game!

We're going full steam ahead with update 7, and hope to have some news to share in a couple of weeks regarding what exactly is planned for it!

In the meantime, enjoy this update, and let us know as always if you see any issues at all!

Patch Notes

- Added in missing Icons
- Toned down the aggressive animals,
- Fixed online issues that cause players to see a glowing floating carrot when attempting to join an online game (now dubbed 'The Carrot of Doom')
- Improved atmospherics,
- Improved Controller support
- Multiple crash and stability fixes

Known Issues

- If the Host Quits an online game, they must restart LEGO Worlds before joining someone elses.
- Exporting/Saving models currently not supported in online play.
- If the Client quits an online game, there is a chance the game will crash to desktop.

Speak soon!
< >
Menampilkan 1-15 dari 35 komentar
Aurora08 24 Agu 2016 @ 10:50am 
Thx. finally moving with arrow keys :D
Terakhir diedit oleh Aurora08; 24 Agu 2016 @ 10:55am
Plume 24 Agu 2016 @ 11:20am 
So :

- The new well prop still can't be unlocked
- The broomstick does an annoying bugged sound
- The aiming is more bad then ever, something changed? I did remember it clunky but not that clunky. Took me several times until I could open a door (also any plan on making a key to open doors instead of punghing them ? that would be lovely).
- The agressive behaviour seems better (not good, just less annoying than before). Now they seem to not attack right away, but will eventually... That's disapointing. I got attacked by a lion while mounting another lion. When I dismounted the lions fougth each other to death...
- If I summon an eagle, he will go up and fly straight away so I can't mount him. I guess it's the same fro the dragon, I didn't bother to test it... But well as any flying vehicles make annoying sound I prefer animals, who are quiet.
- No fix on the first person camera. I hope we can expect one on the next update...Try using a flying creature or vehicles with this camera. It's HORRIBLE.
- the police helicopter blades are bugged, they don't move anymore when flying. The other helicopter is working fine.
- outlaw and cowboy/cowgirl are trying to fist fight with their guns in hand. No more showdown as there used to be (that was way more funny, now they just look silly, plus they kill each other :( )
- the cursor being 'snapped' in the ui while navigating is very annoying while playing with keyboard and mouse. I understand it for a controler, but not of a mouse/kb combo. This needs fix.

I'll stop for today, I haven't tested the brick by brick building tools, I'm sorry the game is still too frustrating to play for me atm :[
See ya next update. Hopefully.
Xenface 24 Agu 2016 @ 11:59am 
I sure hope there are more than 3 "Known Issues." Something went real bad with the camera this update. Flying vehicles are spotty when it comes to turning with right-clicking. Can no longer punch certain items for coins. Character models and customization is wonky.
Aloan 24 Agu 2016 @ 1:43pm 
I have not gone in game yet.. I saw that there was a download going on my steam... but after it finished It still reads beta... is that ok?
Can you grind this bug it's been a while that his me his, thank you and sorry for my english
Pouvez vous rectifiez ce bug cela fait un petit momment que sa me fait sa, merci et désoler de mon anglais
Terakhir diedit oleh Zetrox Gaming; 24 Agu 2016 @ 2:01pm
Plume 24 Agu 2016 @ 3:37pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Zetrox Gaming:
Can you grind this bug it's been a while that his me his, thank you and sorry for my english
Pouvez vous rectifiez ce bug cela fait un petit momment que sa me fait sa, merci et désoler de mon anglais
Je suis pas certaine que tes screen soit très parlant. C'est quoi ton bug exactement ? Je traduirai les détails que tu me donnera ne t'en soucis pas :)
Je suis pas certaine que tes screen soit très parlant. C'est quoi ton bug exactement ? Je traduirai les détails que tu me donnera ne t'en soucis pas :)

Quand je démarre la partie ou je m'étais arrêter la dernière fois, mon personnage spawn, sur les briques au alentour du spawn, il y a les petits ronds en 3d avec le logo lego et dès que je m'éloigne du spawn, les briques n'ont plus les petits ronds en 3d et ils devienent plat comme sur les captures d'écran, si tu regardes bien, on voit la différence .
C'est bon j'ai réussi a remettre normalement, c'était juste un paramètre de qualité des pièces qui était en moyen, il falait le mettre en haut ou très haut :)
Aloan 25 Agu 2016 @ 8:07am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Aloan:
I have not gone in game yet.. I saw that there was a download going on my steam... but after it finished It still reads beta... is that ok?
I fixed it by verifying integrity.
Aloan 25 Agu 2016 @ 8:13am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Arkelia:
So :

- The new well prop still can't be unlocked
- The broomstick does an annoying bugged sound
- The aiming is more bad then ever, something changed? I did remember it clunky but not that clunky. Took me several times until I could open a door (also any plan on making a key to open doors instead of punghing them ? that would be lovely).
- The agressive behaviour seems better (not good, just less annoying than before). Now they seem to not attack right away, but will eventually... That's disapointing. I got attacked by a lion while mounting another lion. When I dismounted the lions fougth each other to death...
- If I summon an eagle, he will go up and fly straight away so I can't mount him. I guess it's the same fro the dragon, I didn't bother to test it... But well as any flying vehicles make annoying sound I prefer animals, who are quiet.
- No fix on the first person camera. I hope we can expect one on the next update...Try using a flying creature or vehicles with this camera. It's HORRIBLE.
- the police helicopter blades are bugged, they don't move anymore when flying. The other helicopter is working fine.
- outlaw and cowboy/cowgirl are trying to fist fight with their guns in hand. No more showdown as there used to be (that was way more funny, now they just look silly, plus they kill each other :( )
- the cursor being 'snapped' in the ui while navigating is very annoying while playing with keyboard and mouse. I understand it for a controler, but not of a mouse/kb combo. This needs fix.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oh wow, so many things to fix, I hope the team also took note of these many problems:
Terakhir diedit oleh Aloan; 25 Agu 2016 @ 8:14am
Plume 25 Agu 2016 @ 8:40am 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Zetrox Gaming:
C'est bon j'ai réussi a remettre normalement, c'était juste un paramètre de qualité des pièces qui était en moyen, il falait le mettre en haut ou très haut :)
Ah nickel alors =) Le reset des setting après une update est assez normal pour un jeu en early access, les paramètres de camera changent aussi d'une update à l'autre

for non french readers : no bugs, it was a quality setting that made the studs flat.
Ellesmerá 25 Agu 2016 @ 10:52am 
The game crashed a number of times, and freezes. It's very annoying. The helicopters and the airplane is "lagging" a bit. The rotors work fine and smooth, and all of a sudden they almost stop for a second, and picks up speed again. A bit annoying with the sound as well. The crashes and freezing came after the latest update. And I do not like the world map, it's a bit hard to read, and moving the camera around it is tricky. I like the game though but some things could be better.
Ah nickel alors =) Le reset des setting après une update est assez normal pour un jeu en early access, les paramètres de camera changent aussi d'une update à l'autre

for non french readers : no bugs, it was a quality setting that made the studs flat.

Ouai c'est cool. J'ai vu que tu avais des belles créations dans tes captures d'écrans, je connais personne qui joue a ce jeu, je peux t'ajouter pour qu'on joue ensemble ?
Terakhir diedit oleh Zetrox Gaming; 25 Agu 2016 @ 11:14am
Diposting pertama kali oleh Ellesmerá:
The game crashed a number of times, and freezes. It's very annoying. The helicopters and the airplane is "lagging" a bit. The rotors work fine and smooth, and all of a sudden they almost stop for a second, and picks up speed again. A bit annoying with the sound as well. The crashes and freezing came after the latest update. And I do not like the world map, it's a bit hard to read, and moving the camera around it is tricky. I like the game though but some things could be better.
The air vehicles stopping is intended, as they wait for chunks to load before they move on to them. Depending on your hardware you'll see this more or less.
< >
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Tanggal Diposting: 24 Agu 2016 @ 10:06am
Postingan: 35