Gems of War

Gems of War

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Game in background // alt-tabbing
As you all know, GoW is a nice but simple game. This means that myself, and I imagine many of you, often play it while also doing something else. Peronally, I run the game in windowed which means I click out of the window to do other things quite often.

Currently, when the game window looses focus, one way or another, the game freezes. When the window regains focus, the game has to load in again for a moment. No progress is made in the game in the mean while (e.g. the enemy hasn't finished their turn).

Would it be possible to implement a setting that would make the game continue in the background? Is there a setting do so already and have I just missed it? Comments? Thoughts?

tl;dr: Game freezes on losing focus and has to load back in. Option to keep it going in background?
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Oropher 13. Feb. 2015 um 16:26 
Yes it would be really nice if you can do some other things while the AI does a few combo moves.
Xanem 13. Feb. 2015 um 23:05 
I too would love to have this as an option. Its not like this is an fps or rts where its crucial you never miss anything.
what a waste of time and resources. what can you posible do in the whole 6 to 10 sec. the AI takes it turn?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Banezilla; 14. Feb. 2015 um 0:14
Tharob 14. Feb. 2015 um 2:13 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Banezilla:
what a waste of time and resources. what can you posible do in the whole 6 to 10 sec. the AI takes it turn?

Respond to a chat message, open a video, select a new song to play, scroll down a web page you are reading, etc. etc.

It's not so much we need the time of the enemy turn for something else though, it's that if you tab out often you lose a lot of time to the game loading back in and the enemy turn not progressing. Personally, I haven't played a game where I tabbed out at least once; it adds up to a lot of time, which is completely unnesecary.

Edit: Plus, it is not always 6-10 seconds. If you get a bit unlucky, the gets tons of match 4s or has units that give it extra turns. Maybe you are sitting there for 30 seconds + while not able to do anything else then watch your humilation at the hands of an overly lucky ai.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Tharob; 14. Feb. 2015 um 2:15
Tharob 17. Feb. 2015 um 3:34 
If anyone is interested, I wrote the developer and got a response. Apperently, there is some engine (adobe air) limitation that means that it is currently not possible. However, the person that wrote back said that he also found this to be an issue and that they are investigating posible solutions. Soon™.
rathel 13. Jan. 2017 um 5:04 
Sweet, any news on this?
I watch video on my second screen, but I'd like if there's a progress in that department too.
Does it mean every Adobe AIR program stops when not in focus?
Orkhepaj 27. Jan. 2017 um 15:56 
This should be their first priority.
Just wanted to put my name in as wanting this feature as well. If I am on my phone, it is no big deal, but on my computer I am always multi-tasking and it is annoying to have to keep clicking on the game during the AI's turn to make sure it is not pausing.
Feel free to leave this as a suggestion on the forums ( for more of the devs to see.
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Geschrieben am: 13. Feb. 2015 um 15:53
Beiträge: 10