Frozen Synapse Prime
This port is lacking
No 120fps support, massive mouse lag, no option to turn off vsync, all game prompts are controller commands instead of keyboard, no rebindable keys, lack of options.

Hopefully this all gets resolved quickly via patching.
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Автор сообщения: εq | DDRMANIAC007
No 120fps support, massive mouse lag, no option to turn off vsync, all game prompts are controller commands instead of keyboard, no rebindable keys, lack of options.

Hopefully this all gets resolved quickly via patching.

Holy crap. No rebindable keys? Thanks for sharing. That in and of itself is a NO NO. Then the other details....meh.
the no rebindable keys is eh... I'd rather use a different button for switching units, but the gameplay itself is good enough for me to forgive that point
Not the only issues.
The graphics are nice, but *far* too bright for a calm game you want to play at home and possibly at night. The original fares better here because while the graphics are super-simplisticm, they're *dark*. Easy on the eyes.

Further, the options are... well... why is the resolution not doing anything in windowed mode? I mean I can resize the window but is it actually rendering at smooth resolution? I think it does, which explains why the menu details look washed out depending on window size.
Also, fullscreen disables aero. Hrm.

Then ingame, the controls are (sorry devs) TERRIBLE. Who thought that just porting the vita controls, a _portable handheld console_ to the mouse+keyboard PC, would be a good idea? Especially given the extremely PC-optimized controls of the original against which players *will* compare it?
To just list the worst offenders:
- Controls stuck in the corners
- Radial menu because of the left analog stick I got, I presume. Also ofc stuck in the corner.
- Simulation bar has to be pulled out, disables other controls.
I had the controller command prompt, i unplugged my controller and now it works fine with keyboard keys

The radial menu sucks but I use the hotkeys and it isn't bad.
Ah, well, unplugging my controller only changed the buttons listed on the controls, though. The UI is still *entirely* controller/handheld centric, not at all optimized for M+K or the close-up PC monitor.

Being in the next mission now, the full-screen giant font is also really annoying. This isn't a tiny vita screen, it's a comparatively small 22" 1080p monitor on my desk. And I have to sit a metre further away to not feel this is all too large.

I am a bit confused because I thought this port had a lot of time to simmer. But it feels really rushed. :(
I agree is not the most PC friendly. I'm on a 27' 1440p and the huge font and buttons are really silly
I was thinking of buying the game, but nope, surely not in that status.

Devs seem to try to pull the cheap way, hopefully they get some more none-recommends on the shopsite. There are already two negative ones which report the same bad things like in this thread.
Отредактировано Gatling Jack; 14 ноя. 2014 г. в 14:13
Despite it's problems, I think I'll recommend. Been having a lot of fun
Vsync is the origin of evil, unless there is an option to turn on triple buffering it still sucks ♥♥♥♥
Yep seconded what you said OP.

I'll add:
- Blue shït like paths on a grey/silver surface is no-go: colorblind people, like me can't see
- So I need something to change my vats colors like in FS; so I can put them in very dark (as the overall map is super bright). I'd rather be the Red guys right now. Those I can see correctly.
- Controls are bad yeah. Popping up the radial menu when I use keys only is a waste of time: I wanna hit 1 and then switch to the aiming mode. Why do I have to right click before? o.O; Because consoles were thought first. Hmmm nope: that's lazy.
- Replay saving/export required
- Rebinding keys would be great, but not mandatory. But I'd like to use my 4th 5th 6th and 7th mouse buttons for more comfort for instance.
- Graphical options required. Remember: PC here. So we want V-Sync, Antialias, etc.
- Showing for every action its related icon. Just like in FS. I fail to see when I "rush" as I have to spot a path that I can't see (blue vs silver). So I'd rather have a rush icon on top of the node. Same for crouching/standing up, etc. I have to rely on that radial crap 2 state icon to see what is the status of my goon: and that's not clear since a crossed gun means... he is not rushing. I get that the icon represent to action that will occur if I click on it. So, to know what is going on right now, I have to invert it in my head: crossed gun (option 9) -> fire at will. That's... hard to follow.
- Show/hide other vats paths. Option was available in FS. Now it's gone which prevents me from overlapping nodes (to leapfrog my vats). Well, I can do it placing a random node on a "free" space and then moving it on top of another vat's node. But that's slow. I'd rather hide all and just double click.
- I didn't get how to create areas for focus/ignore. Seems like it's automatic. But I'll dig this. I wanna create my own areas/rectangles. :)
- As said above, sim bar (X key) disables other functions. Why not closing the sim bar once the sim is done? So I can directly move a waypoint or something and hit X again. Instead of exiting sim bar context (X), moving stuff, and popping sim bar again (X). Wasn't the sim button SPACE in FS? Because I keep hiiting space everytime I wanna sim. But nothing happens :) Muscle memory maybe.

Aside from this, the game is pretty much, a success. No features were removed. Same mechanics. Actually, the sweep features is even from the FS Red Expansion. I also like the new focus/ignore that is just a single click swap feature instead of having two differents actions like before. Nice.

I don't regret buying the game. Althought the game requires much more polishing for PC gamers, that's for sure. Maybe we oughta make a Features Request thread? This one feels like it's more about ranting (bad port, etc.) when we actually make constructive criticisms here. People might skip this very thread then.
OK until mouse lag/VScync, no remapping of keys and maybe a brightness slider get patched in im not even going to bother with the tutorial any further.

Come on! Seriously? at $10 ok I an eat that but had I paid $20 for THIS? WOW the rage! haha

Will check back after a patch or two.

Redshadow I agree completely with all your points, really well put together.

Stardog - entitled much?
Автор сообщения: Leb
Redshadow I agree completely with all your points, really well put together.

Stardog - entitled much?

LOL entitled? When I bought Outland I refused to play it until the devs added rebindable keys.
I'll just keep having fun then, you keep steaming up over keybinds
Автор сообщения: Leb
I'll just keep having fun then, you keep steaming up over keybinds
Mouse lag makes it unplayable.
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