Renowned Explorers: International Society

Renowned Explorers: International Society

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MyPrecious 31 sierpnia 2015 o 8:21
Launch celebration program
All treasures have been found, adventurous stories have been told en each mood has been shared. This bring us to the winners of the Renowned Explorers launch celebration competitions 2015;

Treasure hunting for fame and fortune
These persons were the first to find the legendary treasures.
1. Wooly Featther: aTan
2. Toth Statue: Appyo
3 Baba Yaga’s Mortar and Pestle: superinsanemonkey
4. Shrunken Head: imbri779
5. Yeti Pictures : [TG] Erf

These persons have written great stories about finding the legendary treasures. Keep it up!
- Nedrial
- Aramis

What does your attitude say? (Facebook):
1. Kristin Molle: “I prefer my men like my underwear - supportive and freshly washed.”
2. Dominik Adamiuk: "My grandma has more style than this!"
3. Adrian Zielony: “Is it true, that in Soviet Russia, panties wear you?”

Do you have a #RenownedAttitude (Twitter):
AlexSpeed @Alexspeed: Impressing Sheep with a friendly attitude was my favourite course of action #RenownedAttitude

*Winners will be contacted for their prize if they haven't been contacted yet.

We are very excited with the release of Renowned Explorers: International Society and would like to celebrate this milestone together with you!
This is why we’ve planned several competitions between September 2 – 6, in which prizes can be won such as a custom Renowned Explorers compass, a Steam key for a friend or rival and the opportunity to be listed in the ‘Explorer of Legend’ ranking written up by the Renowned International Society…

Below you can find the full program, remaining questions can be addressed on here:

  1. Treasure hunting for fame and fortune!
    Explorers can win recognition in the Renowned International Society by finding one of these five exotic treasures;

    Finding one of these five priceless treasures can win you a Renowned Explorers compass, Steam key and of course a spot in the ‘Explorer of Legend’ ranking written up by the Renowned International Society to show off your everlasting fame.
    Remember though, it is the journey that counts. Share your adventurous stories in an original way by making use of screenshots, video, writing, etc. on the Adventurous Stories subforum and who knows your bragging will get you a reputation that will be rewarded with prizes as well.

      - Find one of the 5 hidden treasures in-game - Share your adventurous story in search of the treasure(s)

      - Make sure to share your story in search for one of the treasure on the Steam hub under the subforum; Adventure Stories.- Found one of the five treasures? Share your story in the Steam Hub under the subforum; Adventurous Stories and make sure to start your thread with ‘Treasure found’! Also make sure to reveal your in-game Explorer name, your Steam account name and a screenshot of your treasure so we can verify your discovery and get in contact. All those sharing their adventurous stories are in for a prize, though for every treasures only the first one will earn a spot in the ‘Explorer of Legend’ ranking.

  2. Do you have a #RenownedAttitude? (Twitter)
    Share your attitude by tweeting your favorite course of action in Renowned Explorers. Share a screenshot, gif, video, or.. and add the following hashtag in your tweet: #RenownedAttitude. The top 3 of the most entertaining attitudes will win a Steam key for their friend or rival as well as a RenwonedExplorer compass for the number one.

    Objective: share a screenshot, gif, video or.. on your favorite action within the attitude-based gameplay

    Submission: Include in your Tweet #RenownedAttitude

  3. What does your attitude say? (Facebook)
    When looking at the image shared on Facebook different scenarios and feelings can rise up. We would like to know what you think when you see this image. Comment a one liner in the Facebook thread and the top 3 posting the most original text will win one of three beloved Steam Keys.
    Objective: create meme, by adding a one liner to the shared image
    Submission: add your one liner as a comment in the Facebook post

  4. Meet the Renowned Explorers! (Twitch & Steam stream)
    The developers behind strategy adventure game Renowned Explorers and god game Reus will be streaming their newest game on Twitch and Steam for five days in a row at 9PM GMT+2 / 3pm ESTD. During the streams they will be showcasing Renowned Explorers, giving away tricks & tips, answering questions from players and stream viewers, and of course give out a few game keys.
    Submission: Just follow the streams and if you pay attention you might just find a Steam key

    Ostatnio edytowany przez: MyPrecious; 8 września 2015 o 7:37