Brigador: Up-Armored Edition

Brigador: Up-Armored Edition

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Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 1/mai./2014 às 2:38
Build Updates / Changelog
Current Update: v1.62
06 / 24 / 2021 — v1.62 — Blood Anniversary Update ptii

Continuing the celebration of the 5-year anniversary of Brigador and the 10-year anniversary of Stellar Jockeys, we've added more content and balance tweaks.

General Notes:
  • Added 10 new playable vehicles
  • Added [*1-4] campaign levels to freelance
  • Added Easter Egg vehicles
  • Meat Guns now shoot meat
  • Revised level layout on 'Scandal Night'
  • Additional performance optimizations
  • Double clicking now purchases things in Freelance
New playable vehicles:
  • LOYALISTS: Schultz, Rook
  • CORVIDS: St. Benjamin, Boris, Stepper
  • SPACERS: Hatun, Visch, Balder, Cataphract, Lexov

  • Fixed: slow loading times when Vsync enabled
  • Added: refresh rate detection for improved loading speeds on high-refresh
  • Fixed scaling issue on Macs with retina displays
  • Increase number of guns mechs can have from 8 to 9
  • Increase number of lights mechs can have from 16 to 32
  • Auto-firing guns now show up in the loadout preview
  • Fix issue with certain GOG achievements not unlocking
  • In the data editor, guns are now assigned to a mech via a selector menu, rather than a raw text input monitors
  • Profile.json is now backed up in the bckups/ folder
  • Dumping the packfile and regenerating no longer crashes
  • FPS limit can be set at launch with '--maxframerate #'

  • Increased Spacer and Corvid kamikaze detonation ranges:
    Seeker/Grigori/Civilian/Roadie kamikazes from 2.0 -> 2.6
  • Buffed Tinker trample damage from 'Heavy' to 'Superheavy'
  • Buffed Vex trample damage from 'Mid' to 'Heavy'
  • Buffed Vex turn speed from 125/170 to 140/180
  • Buffed Vex move speed from 9/8/7 to 11/9/8
  • Buffed Vex HP from 200/250/100 to 225/275/125
  • Buffed Prism speed from 9/6.5/6.5 to 10/6.5/6.5
  • Buffed Prism HP from 100/200/100 to 100/225/100
  • Buffed Tomahawk move speed from 15/13/6 to 17/13/7
  • Buffed Raider move speed from 12.5/9/11 to 14/10/11
  • Buffed Raider trample damage from 'Light' to 'Mid'

  • Revised lighting to be more legible on:
  • Casings now spawn from a weapon's ejector mount

  • Rearranged ordering of Loyalist agravs in menu selection
  • Removed out of bounds ground tiles from 'I'll Be What I Am'
  • Fixed 'Wildcard' spawn that accidentally used player vehicle variants

  • Increased volume of Leviathan, Canary, and Zed Prime horns
  • Fixed issue where SNC voice would clip during Awake On Foreign Shores
Última edição por Boss Tweed; 24/jun./2021 às 11:45
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Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 8/jun./2016 às 0:26 
6 / 08 / 2016 Update:
-Fixed crash bug when playing Campaign Run or Closed Casket
-Names and descriptions for all Spacers
-Reduced Swordfish HP
-Fixed typos and incorrect mission briefings
-Increased Leng's max difficulty and payout
-Changed spacer heavy cannon to a burst fire weapon
-Increased brightness and volumetric intensity of agrav drop lights
-Player Troubadour will no longer pinwheel on glancing hits
Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 14/jun./2016 às 15:32 
6 / 14 / 2016 Update:
-Damaging an enemy while shields charge will pause the charging by 0.4"
-Replaced all tutorial missions and vehicles
-Reduced enemy spawn density in starting area on 'New Feeling' and 'Metal Health'
-New teaser images for 'Knife Chase'
-Fixed typo in 'Knife Chase' briefing
-Fixed Tinker engine noise.
Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 13/ago./2016 às 10:54 
8 / 13 / 2016 Update:
-Added full controller support
-Added Steam Trading Cards
-Added speed scaling to settings
-(DLC only) Added 2nd half of Brigador Audiobook
-(DLC only) Added 'Brigador - Uplink EP' to soundtrack
-Revised (typos + rewrites) descriptions for all vehicles
-Revised (typos + rewrites) descriptions for most weapons
-Reduced penetration on Belter, increased explosion damage
-Increased penetration on Jericho
-Fixed incorrect mount data for Hoker
-Fixed contract part III missing term (iii)
Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 26/ago./2016 às 10:18 
8 / 26 / 2016 Update v1.11:
-Added new LORE entries
-Finished all weapon descriptions
-Reduced AI Vex turn speed
-Reduced range and accuracy on AI Rounder laser
-Increased Stutter burst from 6 to 7 rounds
-Increased Duchess, Crambo, Bonesaw, Mãe Dois, Stutter muzzle velocities
-Increased Jericho penetration
-Completely revised Lockdown
-Reduced König, Belter muzzle velocity
Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 28/out./2016 às 9:44 
10 / 28 / 2016 Update v1.12:
-Added Fence to playable vehicles
-Added 'It's No Game', mission 22
-Added Brigador OST volume II
-Increased Mongoose torso rotation speed
-Increased duration and radius of EMP
-Corrected 'ratholing' to 'mouseholing' in Temblor description
Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 29/out./2016 às 13:30 
10 / 29 / 2016 Update v1.13:
-Added Mantis to playable vehicles
-Added 'Kill for Love', mission 23
Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 30/out./2016 às 16:04 
10 / 30 / 2016 Update v1.14:
-Added Lowmil and Roper to playable vehicles
-Added 'Placebo Syndrome', mission 24
-Increased Killdozer earnings multiplier to 3x
-Increased Killdozer shields
-Buffed Brokenheart Corvid heavy tank
Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 31/out./2016 às 18:03 
10 / 31 / 2016 Update v1.14.5
-Added Rat King to playable vehicles
-Added 'Wait for the Blackout', mission 25
-Buffed Julius Corvid heavy mech
-Pilots coming later tonight!
Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 1/nov./2016 às 5:33 
11 / 1 / 2016 Update v1.15
-Added The Auditor, Man From Volta, Johnny Five Aces, and Marie Locke to Freelance pool
-Added Varlet to playable vehicles
-Significantly increased objective and special win bonuses
-Added game launch sound
-Corrected destruction sounds for some mini props
Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 11/nov./2016 às 20:33 
11 / 11 / 2016 Update v1.16
-Revised Audiokinetic Pulse
-Added 'ultra class, 25% dmg resist' note for all playable vehicles
-Added missing exit signage for Ourique Estates
-Revised name descriptions for 'Pinch' and 'Stutter'
Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 25/dez./2016 às 3:36 
12 / 25 / 2016 Update v1.17
-Added Loyalists to Freelance
-Added playable Dorothy powersuit
-Added Brigador Steve Lichman
-Numerous typo fixes and text corrections/revisions
-Lowered profile of playable powersuits—now easier to hide
-Softened Spacer difficulty progression by 1 step


Note, if there are issues of any kind with Loyalists in Freelance (or if you just don't find this current version to be fun), under the 'betas' tab within the Steam submenu for Brigador you can set the beta to "previous" which will revert the game to the last update *prior* to Loyalists. That way in the case of some catastrophe the game will still be playable while I take some time away for family.

Merry Christmas everyone.
Última edição por Boss Tweed; 25/dez./2016 às 3:41
Boss Tweed  [desenvolvedor(a)] 2/abr./2017 às 9:57 
4/2/2016 — the Design Bureau update
-Added UI customization options to the Debug menu
-Added Zöllig, Kilgore, & Canavan as playable vehicles
-New LORE entries
-Added missing Galinha sprites for Mantis
-Added more technical info for all weapons
-Added better descriptions for all campaign loadouts
-Numerous typo fixes and text corrections/revisions
-Buffed Treehouse and Dragon
-Reduced Swordfish finesse multiplier from 2x to 1.5x
-Reduced Dragon top speed, increased acceleration
-Increased trample damage for all Ultra class vehicles
-Completely revised 'downshift' tank boost
-Major weapon rebalance:

Bishop - Minor change to description, ↑↑↑ penetration, revised noise to thunderous / deafening
88 - Set max range so won't hit halfway across map, ↓ spread, ↑ submunition speed, ↑↑ AoE
Konig - Fires in 6 round bursts instead of 2, ↑ noise to deafening / deafening
Kraken - It's perfect.
Harvester - ↑↑ submunition speed, ↑ submunition AoE ↓ spread, ↓↓ penetration, revised noise to loud / deafening
Ploughman - Don't go changin'
Otomo - Revised beam aesthetic, ↓ noise to very loud / very loud
Chieftain - Revised beam aesthetic, ↑↑↑ RoF, inverted noise to loud / thunderous, ↓ penetration, changed impact vfx
Abbot - ↑ AoE dmg
Archie - ↑↑↑ AoE, ↑ AoE environment dmg%, ↓ penetration, ↑ noise to thunderous / thunderous
Duchess - ↑ AoE
Banshee - ↑ noise to thunderous / very loud
Balao - revised noise to loud / deafening
Pitbull - ↓ muzzle velocity, ↑ noise to very loud / thunderous
Thunderclap - ↑ noise to quiet / thunderous
Zeus - tre bien
Preacher - ↑ AoE, renamed to 76mm
Jericho - ↓ noise to very loud / loud
Belter - Fires 3 round bursts instead of 1, ↑ noise to very loud / very loud
Stutter - revised noise to thunderous / loud
Metronome - Changed firing sfx, reduced noise to quiet / thunderous
Chuffer - Minor change to description,
Broiler - nothin yet, still getting an overhaul
Galinha - good for now, may need rebalance based on other weapon changes
Confessor - ↑ AoE, ↑↑ dmg, ↓ noise to loud / very loud, renamed to 37mm
Mae Dois - ↑ noise to very loud / loud
Crambo - Completely redone: short range shotgun, devastating against low HP targets
Scimitar - ↓ firing noise
Gutterball - ↑↑↑ penetration, ↓ noise to very loud / loud, renamed to 160mm
Disco - no changes
Bully - ↑↑ environment dmg%, ↓ noise to quiet / loud
Carlos - ↓ noise to quiet / very loud
Donkey - no changes you beautiful ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Bonesaw - ↑ noise to loud / loud, changed all dmg% to x1.0
Lockdown - ↓ noise to quiet / quiet
♥♥♥♥♥ - renamed to 107mm
Pinch - ↑ noise to loud / loud
Temblor - no changes
Black Hand - ↑ AoE
Adjusted global noise thresholds for all weapons
Última edição por Boss Tweed; 2/abr./2017 às 10:02
A Hoonter of Hoonters  [desenvolvedor(a)] 2/jun./2017 às 16:06 

Brigador: Up-Armored Edition Hotfix 1

(Please note that full patch notes for the Up-Armored Edition are forthcoming once we have fixed some critical issues for our users.)

* Fixed an issue which caused UI text to run out of visual bounds after visiting the language select menu
* Added locale persistence, so the game will respect your locale choice and not reset the game's language to the system locale every game launch
* Added MS VS2015 Redistributable (x86 and x64) to Steam's install process to solve a "program unable to start" issue caused by missing dependencies (MSVCP140.dll) on the user's machine
* Set a portion of the achievements to visible
Última edição por A Hoonter of Hoonters; 2/jun./2017 às 16:06
A Hoonter of Hoonters  [desenvolvedor(a)] 2/jun./2017 às 16:40 
Another hotfix: Fixed some bad math that kept SLO-MO INHALER from being triggered properly upon completing a campaign mission. (Or, indeed, any mission.)

e: AND a typo that kept THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT, THIS IS WHAT YOU GET from being completed at all.
Última edição por A Hoonter of Hoonters; 2/jun./2017 às 16:49
A Hoonter of Hoonters  [desenvolvedor(a)] 2/jun./2017 às 22:53 
Pushed an update to increase the maximum allocatable memory by the process, hopefully solving those 'Brigador won't start!' issues.
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