Evolve Stage 2
triple monitor setup
I play with a resolution of 5040 x 1050 (20:5 aspect ratio) with 3 monitors setup as 1 single desktop (nvidia setup)

while i can play most games just fine a few games i do have to manually specifiy the resolution.

This game seems to find the resolution fine BUT the menu is all jacked up. i can't see what i'm clicking on because it's off the screen. i just see the bottom right section of 2 boxes and no text (boxes shifted up and left on my 1st monitor)

so umm is there a way i can specify the resolution in windowed mode or something? how bout the ui getting fixed for the resolution?

just wondering because i really don't want to revert to 3 separate desktops for one game.
< >
Показані коментарі 115 із 28
Erm...I use 2 monitors and I find it better to have them seperate, so I can watch a video and play a game at the same time... If you wanted a bigger screen you could have just gotten a TV and hooked it up that way. (EDIT: Which I have done before...pretty freaking awesome but the screen was too close and started messing with my eyes so I went back to 2 screens)

As it is the game is still being developed...I would post it in the suggestion forums
Автор останньої редакції: blademan619; 1 листоп. 2014 о 15:13
bigger screen =/= wider field of view.

understand with that kind of setup with 3 monitors you get basically peripheral vision. a bigger tv screen just makes a single monitor screen just bigger .. not a higher resolution with a large field of view.

there actually is a huge difference. i play bf4, world of tanks, world of warcraft, and many ohter games (flight sims ect) and that extra field of view helps ALOT. it can mean the difference between catching someone trying to flank and knife you and not gunning them down before they do it. (in bf4 for example)

for an example next time you play any fps game or sim. take 2 pieces of paper and border off the left and right 1/3 of your screen. now tell me that doesn't make a difference. same thing. here i'm adding alot more vieable area to get an advantage on someitng that might be coming up on my sides.

a bigger monitor only streches out what you can already see. not give you more vision.
Автор останньої редакції: Hatebringer; 1 листоп. 2014 о 17:13
Цитата допису Hatebringer:
bigger screen =/= wider field of view.

understand with that kind of setup with 3 monitors you get basically peripheral vision. a bigger tv screen just makes a single monitor screen just bigger .. not a higher resolution with a large field of view.

there actually is a huge difference. i play bf4, world of tanks, world of warcraft, and many ohter games (flight sims ect) and that extra field of view helps ALOT. it can mean the difference between catching someone trying to flank and knife you and not gunning them down before they do it. (in bf4 for example)

Or you know, use your ears. Surround sound is a wonderful thing, esp in this game.
you really haven't gamed till you've played on triple monitor setup. it's far far better and more fun than just sorround sound (both together are best)
Same happned here, miltiscreen is vertical - in stead of horizontal+ like it shoud be. Anyone know of it will be fixed? i use nvidia aswell 5960*1080..
Цитата допису blademan619:
Erm...I use 2 monitors and I find it better to have them seperate, so I can watch a video and play a game at the same time... If you wanted a bigger screen you could have just gotten a TV and hooked it up that way. (EDIT: Which I have done before...pretty freaking awesome but the screen was too close and started messing with my eyes so I went back to 2 screens)

As it is the game is still being developed...I would post it in the suggestion forums

Its all about the extra field of view and that at that resultuion. And i agree with the screen for watching youtube wile playing... Thats why i have a 4th screen :D
heh nice .. i use my 2nd pc and 32" tv for that (or just load up youtube app on my tv or neflix app)
Yer, im on 5 screen surround and I cant get into game with this setup, have to play on single screen which is a shame. Once the menus are sorted out it shouldnt be a problem, the graphics look very nice btw, just wished it worked with multi-monitor systems. 10000x1080 FTW (bezell corrected)
+1 on multimonitor support; all i can do is get to the menu, haven't figured out how to override the resolution without breaking my multimonitor configuration

5940 x 1080 (bezel corrected)
Цитата допису The Crimson King:
I got it to run windowed fullscreen on just the center of my three screens. I may mess around with proper eyefinity later, I just want to try the game for now.

For multi-monitor (eyefinity / surround) users:

Open your steam folder and go to:


Rename the system.cfg file to system.cfg.old
Open the system.cfg.old file in notepad and add the following:

r_Fullscreen = 0
r_height = 1080
r_width = 1920

Change the resolution I used to the res of your primary screen, 1920x1080 is most common.

Save the file as system.cfg and launch the game. Once in the game I changed windowed mode to fullscreen windowed and now the game looks like this:

Just tried doing this, and it works- until it hits the splash screen. As soon as it hits, it forces my resolution to a windowed 5760x1080, and again the menus are jacked.

Next, in nvidia control panel I dropped my resolution to 1920x1080 and only had the center monitor functioning. Tried again, and somehow it did an override of my computer settings, and turned the other 2 monitors on itself, and gave me the same problem.

This game is determined to run in 5760x1080 on my computer and I have no idea where to find a setting to tell it to just open on one monitor and leave it be!

Any ideas?

Haven't once been able to see the main menu or get past that yet. ><

I'm running ATI, doing what I quoted worked for me, i just had to go back into graphics settings and change it to borderless window,

have had a good number of rounds since then... it's a shame it doesn't work in ultra wide resolutions :rfacepalm:
I am in the same boat. I had to plug in the controller and watch a youtube video to see how to navigate through the first few screens... Please fix, paperRock!! I would love to play this game today.
Цитата допису Dalek FRAG:
Цитата допису The Crimson King:
I got it to run windowed fullscreen on just the center of my three screens. I may mess around with proper eyefinity later, I just want to try the game for now.

For multi-monitor (eyefinity / surround) users:

Open your steam folder and go to:


Rename the system.cfg file to system.cfg.old
Open the system.cfg.old file in notepad and add the following:

r_Fullscreen = 0
r_height = 1080
r_width = 1920

Change the resolution I used to the res of your primary screen, 1920x1080 is most common.

Save the file as system.cfg and launch the game. Once in the game I changed windowed mode to fullscreen windowed and now the game looks like this:


NVIDIA 3 monitor setup 2x 770 sli mode .. this did the trick for me. now i can play on 1 monitor at the very least.. please give us full 3 monitor widescreen support!
Yeah I just tried the controller thing but it's acting like my mouse is hovering over the top button or something. The main menu will allow me to use the controller, but sub menus are stuck on the top option.

I can't figure out why the game will launch in 1920x1080 using the above method, but immediately switch to 5760x1080. Even if I go into nvidia and change my desktop resolution it forces it backwards. I didn't even think a game could do that.
< >
Показані коментарі 115 із 28
На сторінку: 1530 50

Опубліковано: 1 листоп. 2014 о 15:10
Дописів: 28