Serious Sam's Bogus Detour

Serious Sam's Bogus Detour

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Myran  [vývojář] 21. čvn. 2017 v 7.05
The state of local co-op
Our plan is to add local co-op to the game soon, we have been working on a split-screen mode as can be seen in some old development videos and this mode has been enabled in the patch that was just posted.
This feature is not yet ready for release, but we figured people might want to take a look and see that yes, we are actively working on adding it.

To start a game in split screen open up the console (~ key) before starting a game and enter the command "g_start_sessions 2" (without the "s), then enter singleplayer menu and start a new game.
There are several issues with playing like this that we still need to resolve, but if you're feeling adventurous you can give it a try.
Naposledy upravil Myran; 21. čvn. 2017 v 7.13
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This is very good, happy to see the feature will exist :)
Thank you very much for the information and even allowing us to use the feature in its current state. Looking forward to the official support!
Super glad to hear that it is coming. Gonna pick up this game along with the sale drop Thursday.

4-Player Couch Co-op or just 2-Player? I really want 4-Player.
Myran  [vývojář] 21. čvn. 2017 v 8.27 
Jonesy původně napsal:
Super glad to hear that it is coming. Gonna pick up this game along with the sale drop Thursday.

4-Player Couch Co-op or just 2-Player? I really want 4-Player.
The plan is up to 4 players
Myran původně napsal:
The plan is up to 4 players

Thank you for addressing this!
Please add it till June 24 (my birthday) thank you :mana: :mana: :mana:
for anyone wondering how local co-op looks, here - though it was just me using both the steam controller and mouse/keyboard LOL
Thanks for responding to this concern devs, it really is important for some of us. This game seems quite ideal for couch co-op, so I am glad to hear it will make its way in at some point.
Ok so it's coming, that's awesome!
Nice, Crackshell! You guys rock! ;)
Thank your for this update! I enjoyed Hammerwatch and Serious Sam 3, so I'll definitely be picking this up after learning that local co-op will be added soon!
The scale fixing of the last update leaves the game details very small on the split screen
Great developers.

Once it's in I'll be buying it.

Hopefully depending on how many buttons are required I might even put it in my arcade cabinet. =D
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