Satellite Reign

Satellite Reign

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Disky  [utvikler] 26. aug. 2015 kl. 20.40
ChangeList August 18th to 27th
fix cover height on fence
fix for broken tutorial save
Moved clone tutorial detail panel down while in the clone panel.
Fixed incorrect material on broken billboard
Fixed magically scaling after being destroyed billboard
fixed charge time on denglers beam
added threat to dengler
put denglers weapons into trashman
fix tooltip for force hardwiring
Fix GraphNode Logging
When changing to fullscreen mode, apply settings twice to work around issue with DX11.
pass AllowHurtSelf flag to shockwave damage, so minimechs can explode and kill themselves.
force fakecivs to have null patrolID's
Allow graphnode traversal when patrolID's are 0 length rather than null
FlyingDrones cant use ziplines
fix researcher tutorial not resetting if saving before doing infiltrator quest
minor cleanup of denglerAI
fix biped not leaving spawn facility
remove log in questmanager
If game is launched with invalid resolution width or height < 10 then it will save out another resolution to registry and quit.
fix audio on denglers weapons
fix dengler reinforcement timer call
null checks added to inputControl
fix graphnodes IsValid is now set as part of loading
remove logging from basic Interact
add debug info for shadow casters and meshes in inputcontrol
Respawning when assigning new clone no longer allows you to hijack additional entities.
- Updated Steam assets
fixed heavy weapon penalties not working properly
Renabled ReactivateOnLoad for QWaitForPrototypes.
fixed null ref in Death callback
fix not being able to for hardwire when gun is out
Reexported names XML
change melee achievment to 50?
3 mins between tannoy voice by default
cctv tannoys wont play general tannoy in secure areas
Turn off fake leaderboard data debug option in release build.
add delay to hardwire loop sfx
Put Hardwire loop into HardwireBox, Jammer and PowerGen
Stopped "Full screen coloured debug text" appearing at start
update cl number
redo relay beacon activate and ping loop
fixed graphnode in redlight near the top left of the pit (doesnt go over tilemap properly)
stopped creating suspicion bubbles if killed by entity with "ability to arrest"
move text up on map
fixed dracogenics tower base having location TOKEN missing
added small delay to stealth decloak after firing weapon
fixed null ref and ! in check for entity event registeration check
Display confirmation dialog with countdown to keep or revert resolution changes.
more fixes to arrest
Setting windowed mode no longer sets screen res to 0x0.
Display selected resolution in for resolution button title rather than current.
Remove DeluxEyeAdaption component for mac for ui camera.
Removed "Destruction Spheres" option.
try not disabling collision if BoxCollider has carAI
Check for null rigidBody on CarAI
fix null ref exception on HasLosNoFOV
emergecy timeout for minimech attack, and possible fix for not exiting
Possible linux fix for Networklines
up version number
force graphnodes to be on the floor
Replacement shaders
Fixed floating boxes and trash decal in downtown redlight strip
Added missing RemovePing object.
Released Bribed VIP Tyson.
Including chunk enabling in load progress pctage calculation.
add logging for ignoreing graph nodes
Adjusted placement of tarps in downtown markets
Fixed Tarps that disappear when zoomed in
fix mac stack trace
extra debug view for brunos MRT's
Stop zipline sound if zipline interaction is cancelled.
Agents now unholster their weapons only when they get off zipwire.
Moved version number on GameLoader scene.
Revert Splash to playing login music instead of sfx.
disabled title screen sound effect
remove sqllog from QuestManager
add extra debugging to graph node choice
Hedges now keep cover after being destroyed
- Added mask for banner
Added dropped prototype pickups mapicon to Pickup prefab.
Fixed icon for dropped prototypes.
Added separate map icon for dropped prototypes.
do not regen cover on breakableProbs flagged as having indestructible cover
add a flag to breakable profs for if they should remove cover
Lukes Build
slight increase to skill level xp
slight reduction in stealth xp for late game
increased max time for authorities alerted and slight reduction in time cooldown
slightly increased heavy counts late game
now actually submitting all of the prefabs for the fixes i did on the weekend o_O
fix wonka doors
fixup some cover selection bugs and exit shoot too soon bugs
- Fixed typo in artbook...DOH!
Moved load logic into coroutine. Added lowmemory check and warning to give option to read instructions on enabling 3GB switch.
Add null check on when unmutting sfx in main menu panel.
updated fixed soundtrack files
- Updated art book
Fixed tracker icon dissapearing off hud for dead agents.
Fix Arrest Bugs
always make colours and tangents
always add vertex colours when merging meshes
Readded ID3 tags on remastered tracks
Anchored TutorialDetail to middle right.
Fixed incorrect offset for research button tutorial pointer.
Including inactive game objects when searching for PingButton.
Fixed camera helper on catwalk in industrial factory, fixed wall enemies were trying to get through near factory entrance
Delay removal of ai event callbacks until after ai event invocation is complete. Added callback target check.
Fixed reference for loading text.
Removed old Early Access image and text from Gameloader scene.
navmesh fixes for japanese garden in CBD, forced box navcutters on a few props
Added progress bar for async level load.
check carAI m_Follow isnt null in debug text output
Switch in the Ozone limiter - Dimwit
Fixed parked cars
New game loader logic.
adjusted all clone stats: more higher stats, lowered higher stats. lowered speed offsets
attempt to fix industrial district node issue
fix suppression rounds (now they work)
fixed agent emp resistance and electrocution from failed hardwiring
Debug ArrestBug (weapons out then put them away)
avoid fakeciv exception
Hide bug report button panel in non dev build.
Hide dev options for non development builds.
Replace null-coalescing operator with ?:.
Workaround for vsync bug.
Repositioned leaderboard button.
fix floating parked cars from save games
♥♥♥ scramble/hijack sfx
add stunned pain sfx loop
fix battles debug exception
Add FX_ElectricalPop SuspicionBubbleExplosion and CCTVDeath to trashman
add stunned/ being hijacked pain loop
Stealth Kill override Bribe
no friendly fire for hijacked enemies (against the hijackers)
Check /3gb switch in 32 bit OS
fixup flying drones movement, make them stop when meant to
Fix more spinning on spot bugs
add tag Door to new door links
never nav to close for melee
fixed: agents not being awarded prototypes if agent has wanted level and dies in non secure area, drops items, 2nd agent with no alert level picks up item
fixed null ref on agent pickingup items
added speed offset to agents with backer skins to compensate for the different rigs
Fixed navigation issues on top of eternals tower in cbd old town compound
Changed format of specs for AHarden_SpeedMultiplier.
Added offscreen ptr for clone candiate in clone tutorial
minor adjustments to some items
- Fixed mask
set some data terminals to have hacker level 1 (mostly in secure areas)
setup backer support team bonus
Added splash SFX.
missing file
show stats on debug info
fix ability activate sfx
new mission complete shield boost sfx
track disabled objects for loading
fix teabagging when cant nav to within 2 meters of cover
Make Backgroundd streaming low priority until renderbubble starts streaming
Disable game objects and active one by one to smooth unity blocking loading
fix missing tokens on checkpoint location text
Fixed missing materials on billboards in Grid
Cancelling load of old save in login menu no longer triggers a new game.
fix missing map titles... oops :D
Added missing boradcast message to side mission.
Fixed duplicated Facility Breached broadcast message.
fix some quests being flagged as new after being completed and read
Clear the completed quests list on resetting the quest tree. Added further null checking around quest list display.
Skip fast travel tutorial if player has already figured it out.
Fixed offscreen trackers pointing at dead entities.
Reset cloneable abilities on recycled entities. Automatically determine cloneable abilities when entity is hijacked.
add debug logging for lerp
raycast a larger sphere when looking for the floor to fix issues with cracks in geometry
fix falling through floor in cracks between geometry like redlight walk way at armoury
dont change intro music volume with main music volume
Fixes to clone tutorial.
HUD rebalance
Text audio change
Mission Complete
speed up sniper setup and pack up times
Rewrite of clone tutorial
Fixed highlight tag for STORY_TUTE_INT_POISON_VALVES token.
Updated utility to recreate default ability mappings. Display controls for abilities that have no mappings. Display "None" for controls that have no key mapping. Update localistaions doc
Added steam working files
Fix Agents targeting hijacked enemies or entities they have not been told to shoot
Fix isWanted to only use enemys
ignore bullet collisions on your own cover
Fix Hijack of waiting enemies
Change arrest to not all go to a point
Delete cras with Trashm
add logging to clipmouse
enabled navcutters on pipe walls
- Updated artbook for print
Fix material leak in material swapper and pulsing icon.
Fixed anchoring of LoginButton in splash screen.
fix conflict where 32 bit dll's are the same name as 64 bit dll's just delete 64 bit for now
Fixed minimap not being correctly anchored to top left.
Enable frind and global high scrore lists
ShowQuestDebrief routine uses unscaled time when waiting. Skip wait if showing debrief in mission screen.
Fixed damage still showing up on some cars, fixed several cars with mismatched material types
Set ReleaseSaveVersion to 4. Warnings will be generated for version 3 and older. Now storing original CL used to produce any new save file.
Set background to 95% opaque
Poison Gas valve turn loop
Poison Gas and valve
Audio Balancing
replace gritty walk footstep with clean stone
Music rebalance
adding rainbow sea horse neon
Rotate minimap in response to manual yaw controls.
stop turrets shooting if they have no power
Changed formatting string for percentages to remove space. Removed tab character from chance to fail list.
add wonka door test map fix drones with wonka doors
Strip spaces in formatted modifier values.
fixed audiomanager so combat music doesnt come on as soon as you are seen
added hijacked entities into combat music check
stopped hijacked entities being able to pickup prototypes
- Final Steam badge assets added
fixed poison vent in industrial manufacturing plant
fix uninitilalised quaternian on mechikpelvis
fixed bug with progression quest element reworking
Workaround for misaligned input caret bug.
Release Locomotion offmeshlink on death etc
Fix Investigation search when only one point is generated
Implement debug keys for viewing damage render targets
- Further cards created
- Final update for assets
- Updated Steam assets
Enter key now automatically confirms new user name.
Store original save game version in save game file. User will always be prompted for warning whenever they try and load a save file or one of it's descendant saves which has original version less than release save file version. Increased save game fi
Hide in game tooltip pointer when entering menu.
- Udpated emoticons
Environment: Fixed camera helper causing issues in downtown to industrial checkpoint
Mute SFX bus while in Menu.
fix emp/knockback not working when shooting
fix null ref
Ensure all meshes are loaded before showing main camera after loading save game.
Environment: Navmesh fix on stairs up to vent on the righthand side of casino in CBD
Environment: Fixed navmesh on stairs down to power generator in dracogenics compound
Only allow mouse panning while camera is enabled. Stops main camera moving while moving map camera in mission screen.
Sist redigert av Disky; 26. aug. 2015 kl. 20.41
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Viser 18 av 8 kommentarer
Exile 26. aug. 2015 kl. 21.15 
5 Lives: The most productive dev team in gaming history
bloosugar 27. aug. 2015 kl. 0.16 
SUPER IMPORTANT! I'm getting this bug on my iMac since ver:1.02 Any ideas? Is there some way to un-update my game? I tried re-installing it and restarting it. I'm going to try rebooting my computer. I can't load or save or change any settings(no log or research data either)! HELP! Boredom crushing....can't take it, real world responsibilities, seeping in....Oh make it stop, please, make it stoooooop.
Sist redigert av bloosugar; 31. aug. 2015 kl. 5.01
1337 27. aug. 2015 kl. 0.42 
Seriously. Total agreement with Alamgir. You guys don't get nearly enough credit. You guys work AMAZINGLY hard. It is VERY appreciated. Thank you so much. Never been happier to support a company
Foxador 27. aug. 2015 kl. 0.59 
I have to ask, since it's hard to read all the notes, but have you made it so that when you have bloom disabled that it now becomes disabled in the menu screens? I ask because bloom, or whatever blur you're using, in the menu screens hurts my eyes and gives me a headache after awhile.

The rest of the game is fine but those menu screens hurt
Sist redigert av Foxador; 27. aug. 2015 kl. 0.59
Zeretrelle 27. aug. 2015 kl. 1.31 
Will there be any more performance improvements before the release date?
Darakon 27. aug. 2015 kl. 2.00 
Bringing up the map with M no longer works...
Blood Sin 27. aug. 2015 kl. 7.06 
переведите на русский?
Anelor 27. aug. 2015 kl. 11.37 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Alamgir:
5 Lives: The most productive dev team in gaming history
100% agreed and as I am a CS manager in the gaming industry myself ! I have some right to agree! Keep it up lads I am looking forward to your new ideas but now please take some 3 month vaccation after 1.01!
We need you fresh not exhausted.
< >
Viser 18 av 8 kommentarer
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