[REQ] 5760x1080 FOV fix
I play in multi screen resolution 5760x1080 and it works perfectly minus the FOV is too close it is zoomed in so far that it is unplayable.

I tried the attribute aspect_ratio = 5.32999992 in the user_settings.config and it did nothing.

Can the devs add the FOV as an option to tweak if they don't want to auto scale the FOV in terms of set resolution and aspect ratio?

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Показані коментарі 115 із 16
Same issue except I am 5760x1200. Nothing more disappointing then being forced to play with 1 monitor. I hope they look into fixing this.
Hmm. Since everyone is on a shared screen in multiplayer, increasing FOV for 1 player wouldnt really work, right?
Автор останньої редакції: Lyle; 23 верес. 2014 о 19:26
Цитата допису Dino swe:
Hmm. Since everyone is on a shared screen in multiplayer, increasing FOV for 1 player wouldnt really work, right?

Yes it would work, it would make no difference what setting I set my game to. I play Diablo 3, Borderlands 2, TorchLight 2 etc all in multi screen 5760x1080 with friends in MP mode. What I do on my screen as far as FOV has no bearing on everyone else, think of it exactly as if I play with SLI, AFx16, no AA and you don’t it doesn’t matter it is just a render setting a value in the game engine. Totally independent situation to anyone else playing with you.

Another example is MMOs same deal amkes no diff on the others playing.
Автор останньої редакції: valcan_s; 23 верес. 2014 о 19:49
Increasing FOV would allow you to see more than the other players. In Gauntlet, the game arena is defined by the screen border. Noone can move outside it. If you increased the FOV, you wouldnt really know where that border was...
I guess it could be like an invisible wall, but it would be awkward for sure.

But I dunno. Just speculating here.
Автор останньої редакції: Lyle; 23 верес. 2014 о 19:54
Hi, I am Simon from the WSGF[]. I wanted to post with some of the things that we came across on the viewing solutions for Gauntlet[].

This first picture shows how each resolution ratio relates to the others. You can see that, when going from 16:10 to 16:9, you just add a little more of the scene to the left and right. This is what is referred to as HOR+. This is the ideal way to render when going to a wider screen. The image becomes wider as you switch to a wider monitor.

In this same picture, you can see how the 3x1 Eyefinity/Surround view looses viewable area. This is what is referred to as VERT-. Instead of adding viewable scene to the left and right (like you see when going from 16:10 to 16:9), you are subtracting the upper and lower thirds of the viewable area. Ideally, you would want to see something like this[] when playing the game in a Multi-Monitor setup (with the black areas of the image being extended areas of the scene/map).

There have been a few games that have the top-down view of Gauntlet that render the viewable area properly. One game, which we have rated Gold (A) for Multi-Monitor, is Dungeons of Dredmor[]. While it does not use 3D assets like Gauntlet, it still renders the resolution and map in the ideal manner by increasing the viewable area to the left and right.

Another game that does the viewable area properly is Magicka[], with a Silver (B) rating due to the HUD placement in game. This is interesting as both Magicka and Gauntlet were both worked on by Arrowhead Game Studios[], but have different support for Multi-Monitor.

We should also note how the game handles 21:9/Ultra-Wide Monitors and 4K Monitors. As with the increased view with going from 16:10 to 16:9, you would expect to just have added viewable scene on the left and right when using an Ultra-Wide Monitor. However, this is not the case. Our Detailed Report notes that 21:9/UWS produces a pillar-boxed image (black bars on the left and right). When attempting to play the game on a 4K Monitor, the highest resolution available is 2560x1440. This is interesting as well, since Magicka is playable on a 4K Monitor, with a Gold (A) rating on a 4K environment.

Hopefully, this post helps explain some things for everyone and helps with possible fixes from either the game studio or the community. If you have any other questions, feel free to send them my way or to anyone at the WSGF[]!
Автор останньої редакції: The Destroyer; 4 жовт. 2014 о 10:32
Цитата допису The Destroyer:
Hi, I am Simon from the WSGF[] -

Thanks for the info, and that website is a Thorsend for anyone with multiple monitors, use it from time to time.
Автор останньої редакції: Mr. Pink; 4 жовт. 2014 о 10:38
Has there been a resolution to this at all? Can't get a good FOV and zoom on this game with Eyefinity
Awaiting a fix on this...
Can we at least get a comment by a dev on this?
Still not fixed I see.
I guess I'll find out how well Steams new refund system works.
:( yeah that sucks hey, well they are supposed to release a new verison of the game(they are re working everything) so I hope it will be fixed in that new version, but I have no idea if it will.
I too now have this issue, I use eyefinity at 5760x1080, before the new patch and class I could play gauntlet just fine over 3 monitors now I cant and the camera does not move, I wish deveolpers would stop being so lazy and fix their products, we have issues with others games too fifa 13 14 works at 5760x1080 fifa 15 does not, magicka works magicka 2 does not, madmax AA has to be turned off to get rid of ghosting lines.

its so dissapointing these days when games are released and lazy devs cannot complete their game, bioshock infinite is quite old just over 2 years old and puts hundreds of AAA publishers to shame.

If yout going to make a products do it right.


I know this post is quite old just saw the date on the last post lol
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Опубліковано: 23 верес. 2014 о 11:17
Дописів: 16