The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

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omgfloofy Jul 29, 2014 @ 10:33am
Major Issues Thread

This will ensure whatever changes you make are saved.

Check page 0 of the saves- you will find autosave points that the game has made during gameplay. See if you have a recent save in here!


*** Black Boxes in Shops
It looks something like this....

This is showing up in places that aren't the shops now. I'm bringing it back into open issues, since I'm seeing comments on it again.

*** Game not starting, save/config issues
From this post:

To make this simple and concise, no I did not find these answers myself (others on here have posted them, I'm simply making a thread so anyone like myself with the issue has a fast thread to reference to).

1) Open steam (as you regularly would), and go to The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky and click "Play"
2) Two options appear - "Play The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky" or "Run Configuration" ... choose the second. "Run configuration"
3) At the bottom will be 4 options -- Click on "Save Folder" ... when this opens, simply DELETE the folder.
4) After deleting the folder, the configuration has options for "Display", "Sound", and "Input" (the default tab shown is Display so you will naturally be on it) ... Simply change your resolution and start the game. From what I can tell, this fix seems to be working every-time; and hopefully it has now worked for you. Good luck!

*** Crashes when Changing Zones
Hearing about this now. Seeing it show up with some responses in this thread.

*** Flickering Title Screen
The title screen starts flickering and there's an inablity to use any of the menu commands. If you try to alt tab, it causes the title screen image to become scrambled.

*** Random crashes while playing at high resolution.
Per Tom on Neogaf, these video crashes are mostly happening at 1080p+. The workaround for this is to lower the resolution for the game for the time being.

This is currently being investigated so that they can find out the cause and patch it out.

Another workaround that I'm seeing is that if you disable the high resolution fonts from the config utility, you should be able to load the game, as well, even at higher resolutions.

*** Cropped Text in the Orbal Shop

Please view this link for a screenshot for example!

Cursor Jumping in Game
I think this is related to auto cursor, when you attack first time the cursor auto jumps to target then it crashes the game.. but if you use attack that doesn't auto target enemy it bypasses it. and lets you attack normally for the rest of the fight.

I'm taking note of this so we can research it.


I'm finding reports of random crashes in multiple places since the latest patch. This includes random exits/entrances, talking to NPCs, going to some shops, and entering some menus.

If you are having these crashes, please state so in the thread and provide your system specs so that they troubleshooting can be done on them. Thanks!

From what I'm seeing in comments, this appears to be caused by the high resolution fonts as well. The primary workaround for it is to turn them off.

*** Missing Textures in Rolent
I'm seeing this pop up now. Let me do some more research on this issue.

I've just read that this issue happened in the original Japanese release, too. This may be a settings issue.

From Neogaf:
For anyone else who is having this issue, turning off Hardware Vertex Shading seems to have fixed this for me.

*** Black Screen after the Boy Says, "My Name Is..."
This is caused by a codec error and is an issue even with the original Japanese version- primarily caused by some of the more recent and popular codec packs (namely CCCP).

First possible resolution is to disable ffdshow for Steam in both video and audio. If this does not work, check the type of codec pack, as the KLite Codec Pack almost always seems to resolve issues involving this game.

*** Mouse Buttons Reversed
Default settings show: RIGHT-CLICK: OK, LEFT-CLICK: ERROR.

Default doesn't always set properly. You can set this in the config tool.

*** Stalling at 'Preparing to Start Trails'
Still trying to find out more information on this. I'll keep you posted based on what I hear on it. Tom thinks that this may be related to the video codecs. Try disabling the logo video from the config and see if the game loads and let me know in this thread.

This is confirmed as a Steam issue. Clear your Steam cache and/or restart the Steam client to resolve this issue.

*** Controller Bug
Dual Shock and 360 controllers having issues, mostly related to the dpad. Still researching.

You can work around this with xpadder, for now.

Quote from Tom on Neogaf about the controller issue:
Also also, like a lot of games that support USB gamepads but not specifically Xinput, Trails uses either the analog stick OR the d-pad -- not both. Some gamepads have a toggle button that let you enable or disable the analog stick, though (most Logitech PC gamepads, for example), so if you've got one of those, you can always press the toggle button when you need to switch between the two input methods. It's far from ideal, but it is a solution.

I'll keep you posted on more as I learn it.

Additional comment on the controller bug:
My game crashing on battle if I use normal attack first ( cursor jump bug) Is fixed if I use, and only use the 1.2k x 800 resolution, all other resolutions and settings have the crash on battle.

*** S-Break with Controller Issues
As described in the thread:
The tutorial will instruct you to hold left/right and press any of the face buttons to activate it, but it only occasionally works if you rapidly wail away on them. Some have reported success with using Xpadder/Joy2Key to map the 1-4 buttons to the right analog stick.


*** Sapphirl Tower Treasure Cheast Crash
There is a treasure chest in the Sapphirl Tower that when you go back to look at the empty chest message, it will cause the game to crash. This has been confirmed as having been fixed in a recent patch.

*** Color Issues during the Opening Movie
Are you able to run the movie in the game's files outside of the game? Does it have the same issue then? This may be a codec related issue. Additional note is that these movies do work fine outside of the game.

I'm also hearing that Windowed mode is a workaround for this, too.

Jeovane has also reported a following fix for the color video issues, if you're running an NVidia card:
If you have a Nvidia card, download Nvidia Inspector, open the config option, create a new perfil and set the parameters as in the image below

This has been fixed in the latest patch!

*** Game Closing With No Error in Windowed Mode
I've seen a few instances of this. Adding to the list for reference.

Fixed in a recent patch!


* Thank you so much for being patient with me! I don't have access to the game and steam at the moment, so I'm having to work off of reports I'm seeing from people on multiple fronts.[/i]

* Quick shoutout to whitknight28 and livinghitokiri for the awesome help in this thread! The two of you have helped a lot with some of the sanity around here.

* Don't forget to give Sara a big shoutout for all the work she's put into trying to fix the crashes today, too!
Last edited by omgfloofy; Oct 6, 2014 @ 10:32pm
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Showing 1,471-1,485 of 1,870 comments
Sara  [developer] Oct 22, 2015 @ 3:32pm 
Originally posted by Nildar:
/EDIT: The problem is larger than just when loading.

Now that I have tested a bit more I seem to be able to recreate the problem consistently.

Every time I access the "Options" or "Files" menu the blue bar at the bottom stops giving item/quartz/etc. information until I restart the entire game. This happens even when you don't do anything in the menu, just accessing it seems to break it.

Maybe it has something to do with my graphics settings for the game? I tried starting the game with all fancy graphic settings turned off, but it didn't help. I could have missed something though.

I am playing a fresh game on hard this time around, so I am reloading and saving way more than before. That might be why I really notice it now. Now that I am starting to get more gear and quartz it is actually becoming quite cumbersome to have to restart the game every time I want to check stats :P. Hopefully it only requires a minor tweak and can be fixed easily!
Just closing and reopening the menu should fix this bug if it happens, actually...
Nildar Oct 23, 2015 @ 1:13am 
Originally posted by Sara:
Just closing and reopening the menu should fix this bug if it happens, actually...

Thanks for the tip! I could have sworn I had tried that, but I guess I was too stuck in a routine of saving the game first every time I access the menu that I didn't even notice.
The bug does happen 100% of the time when I open either the Option or Files menu, but just reopening the menu instead of restarting the game turns it from a major annoyance into a minor issue. Weird that the bug remains after reloading a game though.

I do really love the game. It was a suprise hit for me. I never heared of it before I saw it on Steam, but I was hooked when I started playing it. The crisp looking graphics and witty translation made an awesome game even more awesome! Can't wait for SC.
epmode Oct 24, 2015 @ 7:04pm 
Aiee, sorry for continuing to post this but I'm not sure of the appropriate thread:

I'm getting micro-stutter or judder in every area of FC. The game is technically playable but it's distracting enough to get me to stop. I'm on Windows 10 with a Titan X (the latest WHQL driver 358.50) and a G-Sync monitor that goes up to 144hz.

I simply can't get the game to play with a smooth framerate. I tried changing graphics settings (textures, high resolution assets, filtering), enabling and disabling vsync and windowed mode, changing screen resolutions and even fully disabling G-Sync.

This same computer ran the game fine when FC was released, although I was running with an older Nvidia card (GTX 770) and either Windows 7 or 8.1 (I forget which I was using at the time).
Zharkiel Oct 24, 2015 @ 9:33pm 
Same as epmode, just decided to open the game today in preparation for SC and have been getting some epic stuttering issues in Grancel. Some areas is bearable, but some others the framerate dips into single digits. Windows 8.1 here
BONKERS Oct 25, 2015 @ 2:14am 
Originally posted by epmode:
Aiee, sorry for continuing to post this but I'm not sure of the appropriate thread:

I'm getting micro-stutter or judder in every area of FC. The game is technically playable but it's distracting enough to get me to stop. I'm on Windows 10 with a Titan X (the latest WHQL driver 358.50) and a G-Sync monitor that goes up to 144hz.

I simply can't get the game to play with a smooth framerate. I tried changing graphics settings (textures, high resolution assets, filtering), enabling and disabling vsync and windowed mode, changing screen resolutions and even fully disabling G-Sync.

This same computer ran the game fine when FC was released, although I was running with an older Nvidia card (GTX 770) and either Windows 7 or 8.1 (I forget which I was using at the time).
Perhaps W10 is to blame.

Try using MSI Afterburner's OSD with RTSS to see what might be happening too. (To see if the framerate is fluctuating wildly or your card is downclocking a LOT because the load is low from this game)

When you have Gsync disabled, are you effectively running at a fixed refresh rate? Try creating a custom 60hz fixed native resolution (make sure to create a 16-bit version too) and running it with vsync on then.
epmode Oct 25, 2015 @ 7:01am 
Originally posted by BONKERS:
Perhaps W10 is to blame.

Try using MSI Afterburner's OSD with RTSS to see what might be happening too. (To see if the framerate is fluctuating wildly or your card is downclocking a LOT because the load is low from this game)

When you have Gsync disabled, are you effectively running at a fixed refresh rate? Try creating a custom 60hz fixed native resolution (make sure to create a 16-bit version too) and running it with vsync on then.

This is weird.. I completely disabled G-Sync, then configured the game to use fullscreen vsync @ 60hz. After starting the game, my monitor's OSD reports that the monitor is properly running at 60hz. Problem is, Afterburner shows that the game is running around 125 FPS. This shouldn't happen with vsync enabled.

No matter what refresh rate I choose in FC's configuration, Afterburner reports ~125 FPS. Forcing vsync in the Nvidia Control panel has no effect.

I compared these results with Ys Felghana. Setting Ys to run fullscreen at 60hz with vsync gets Afterburner to report that the game is indeed runnning at 60 FPS.

Not sure what else I can do about this. Seems like an issue with the game or a weird Windows 10 Nvidia driver thing.
Last edited by epmode; Oct 25, 2015 @ 7:21am
Zharkiel Oct 25, 2015 @ 7:29am 
Originally posted by BONKERS:
Originally posted by epmode:
Aiee, sorry for continuing to post this but I'm not sure of the appropriate thread:

I'm getting micro-stutter or judder in every area of FC. The game is technically playable but it's distracting enough to get me to stop. I'm on Windows 10 with a Titan X (the latest WHQL driver 358.50) and a G-Sync monitor that goes up to 144hz.

I simply can't get the game to play with a smooth framerate. I tried changing graphics settings (textures, high resolution assets, filtering), enabling and disabling vsync and windowed mode, changing screen resolutions and even fully disabling G-Sync.

This same computer ran the game fine when FC was released, although I was running with an older Nvidia card (GTX 770) and either Windows 7 or 8.1 (I forget which I was using at the time).
Perhaps W10 is to blame.
Nope, W8.1 here, same issue, different HW.
epmode Oct 25, 2015 @ 7:32am 
Try disabling G-Sync if you have it. Then set the game to fullscreen + vsync and let us know if Fraps or Afterburner reports a different framerate than you set in the configuraiton program.

When I do this and set the game to 60/85/100/144hz, Fraps reports 125 FPS every time. My monitor changes its refresh rate accordingly but Fraps always reports 125.

edit: I was able to get around the stutter by correcting my G-Sync implementaion. See here:

I still think there's something wrong with the game's refresh rate but G-Sync can work around it. Just make sure you have Hardware Vertex Shading enabled.
Last edited by epmode; Oct 25, 2015 @ 4:38pm
Orange Oct 25, 2015 @ 12:50pm 
Seems like the issue described in is still happening. Using K-Lite pack, disabled LAV but still Falcom logo corrupted and crash at intro movie in fullscreen mode. Using windowed mode all display fine. Am on Windows 8.1 64-bit.
Black Mirror Oct 25, 2015 @ 1:21pm 
Will just leave it here.
On windows Vista (I didn't install any codecs) opening and intro videos play out normally, but the ending video refuses to play no matter what you set in config.

After installing K-Lite codec pack I was finally able to see ending video and save my clear data, but I can't count is as resolved issue since opening video was playing without any isssues without the need to install any codecs.
Also after installing codecs game is running much slower that before...
Last edited by Black Mirror; Oct 25, 2015 @ 2:45pm
Avatar of Frost Oct 25, 2015 @ 5:15pm 
how do you disable the ffdshow for steam in video and audio?
Zharkiel Oct 25, 2015 @ 8:23pm 
Originally posted by epmode:
Try disabling G-Sync if you have it. Then set the game to fullscreen + vsync and let us know if Fraps or Afterburner reports a different framerate than you set in the configuraiton program.

When I do this and set the game to 60/85/100/144hz, Fraps reports 125 FPS every time. My monitor changes its refresh rate accordingly but Fraps always reports 125.

edit: I was able to get around the stutter by correcting my G-Sync implementaion. See here:

I still think there's something wrong with the game's refresh rate but G-Sync can work around it. Just make sure you have Hardware Vertex Shading enabled.
Enabling HWS worked like a charm. Funny that you mention having severe issues on the East Grancel map, as I was grumbling about it on twitter about the exact same map giving me issues yesterday.

For a fun experiment, turn off HWS then go to the southern side of East grancel then try rotationg the camera around. You might have to end the process via task manager, but it sure was hilarious seeing the game completely freeze like that.
BONKERS Oct 26, 2015 @ 1:36am 
Originally posted by Black Mirror:
Also after installing codecs game is running much slower that before...
Has to be placebo.

Unless you can use MSI Afterburner's OSD to take screenshots showing before and after with it enabled showing less FPS.
GetInZeeChoppa Oct 27, 2015 @ 4:07pm 
I got all the way through the game, and it keeps crashing on the end cinematic right before you created an end game save. How can I get around it? I've already tried disabling high resolution options from the config.
Sara  [developer] Oct 27, 2015 @ 4:22pm 
Originally posted by SmokedThatBitch!:
I got all the way through the game, and it keeps crashing on the end cinematic right before you created an end game save. How can I get around it? I've already tried disabling high resolution options from the config.
Instead of disabling high-res anything (no longer an end-all-be-all solution), try using windowed mode instead of fullscreen or vice-versa. If you want a 'fullscreen windowed' experience you can use windowed mode at desktop resolution and it will be a borderless windowed mode.
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