Invisible, Inc.

Invisible, Inc.

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Unlocking agents?
How do you unlock the agents? I saved one form a detention center, but it seems I cant select her when starting a new game
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
demeides May 10, 2015 @ 5:07pm 
When you free an agent during a mission, is yours to keep ONLY during that campaign. Unless you achieve enough XP points (from retiring agencies/completing campaigns), you won't unlock agents permanently.

As for the 2 brand new agents that you cannot unlock with XP...those require achievements (namely, that you finish the storyline campaign in experienced mode, which I can asure you is kinda hard) :)
Last edited by demeides; May 10, 2015 @ 5:07pm
Shirsh May 10, 2015 @ 5:47pm 
^ and I'd add that you earn xp only by winning missions, and it will be used for unlocking not only when you complete campaign or retire agency, but when you lose too.
ExitInOptionsLul May 10, 2015 @ 6:07pm 
Oh wait so there is xp currency? didnt even realize this
ExitInOptionsLul May 10, 2015 @ 6:09pm 
Wait I still don't get it. When I start a new game how exactly do i unlock an agent, or is this done from within the campaign

Also when it comes to incognitos unlocks and the 2 agents that require finishing the campaign, do I really have to do that or can I unlock them form Endless+. I see no reason to play Experienced at all and will be pretty upset if the designers try to force me into playing a (to me) lesser game mode, so that I can unlock all the content
Last edited by ExitInOptionsLul; May 10, 2015 @ 6:10pm
Wexmajor May 10, 2015 @ 6:15pm 
As you play you will gain experience which unlocks agents and programs except the final two. All you have to do is play the game and after you lose/win it will tally up the experience you earned.

I'm sure you can unlock the final two agents/programs from winning the campaign on expert if you think experienced is beneath you. You cannot unlock them from endless mode. If you are good enough to play on Plus it will only take you like two or three hours to beat the campaign on experienced. I don't know how you got so good at the game without even knowing about the xp system, that's amazing.
ExitInOptionsLul May 10, 2015 @ 6:20pm 
It doesn't have anything to do with being "beneath me" or me being "so good". It has to do with me seeing no point in playing a gimped game. The game shines due to its mechanics and the general tense atmospehere, both which are enhanced by playing on the most difficult setting (not counting time attack becaus ei dont liek being rushed)

I also dislike the idea of the game not being endless.

Forcing me to play the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ campaign mode is retarded and bad design (The rest of the game is great so far at least).
Shirsh May 10, 2015 @ 6:26pm 
Hmm, you can play non-endless not only for last two agents, but also for end-game cinematics and special final mission too. But there's other 6 agents, 6 alt-versions, and 4 programs to unlock beside them. Think about those last two (and +2 programs) more like extra-bonus, they not a regular team-members anyway.
Last edited by Shirsh; May 10, 2015 @ 6:27pm
ExitInOptionsLul May 10, 2015 @ 6:27pm 
No steam forum is complete without apologists.
I'm out. Enjoy your fanboy echochamber bs.
Shirsh May 10, 2015 @ 6:32pm 
Nice day to you too :3
Sycopath May 10, 2015 @ 7:00pm 
Originally posted by wexmajor:
As you play you will gain experience which unlocks agents and programs except the final two. All you have to do is play the game and after you lose/win it will tally up the experience you earned.

I'm sure you can unlock the final two agents/programs from winning the campaign on expert if you think experienced is beneath you. You cannot unlock them from endless mode. If you are good enough to play on Plus it will only take you like two or three hours to beat the campaign on experienced. I don't know how you got so good at the game without even knowing about the xp system, that's amazing.

Can you test this please? I want info for the Devs.
Wexmajor May 10, 2015 @ 7:11pm 
OP, campaign mode is probably more tense than endless mode. You can't afford to mess up because you need everything you can get for the extremely hard final mission. If you want a tense game then play the campaign on expert plus instead of experienced. I'm pretty sure it will unlock the characters. Why would you whine about the devs "forcing" you to play through a mode that has everything you want anyway?

Originally posted by Sycopath:
Can you test this please? I want info for the Devs.

I cannot test it because I have already unlocked them.
Metro May 10, 2015 @ 7:41pm 
A game meant to have replay value with agents you unlock through PLAYING the game. The horror.
Rhudda May 11, 2015 @ 1:20am 
Originally posted by DakaSha:
No steam forum is complete without apologists.
I'm out. Enjoy your fanboy echochamber bs.

Ho. Ly. ♥♥♥♥. Good riddance, really.

Of course you can't unlock these things in endless mode, because they require you to actually win a game. Endless mode, by definition, can't be won, only lost.
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Date Posted: May 10, 2015 @ 4:42pm
Posts: 13