Day One: Garry's Incident

Day One: Garry's Incident

Joshua Graham 23 października 2013 o 14:42
really bad lag
I can hardly play cause of lag. please help!!!!
< >
Wyświetlanie 1-13 z 13 komentarzy
PaxUiX 23 października 2013 o 14:55 
PC specs?
Darth Sidious [PT] 25 października 2013 o 10:55 
Początkowo opublikowane przez joshuaianmorrow:
I can hardly play cause of lag. please help!!!!

The game only became playable (with decent fps) for me, after disabling "Dynamic Shadows". See if it helps.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Darth Sidious [PT]; 25 października 2013 o 11:39
Joshua Graham 25 października 2013 o 15:11 
what is decent fps
Darth Sidious [PT] 25 października 2013 o 17:48 
Początkowo opublikowane przez joshuaianmorrow:
what is decent fps

I think "acceptable frames per second" is the best definition. When i said "decent frames per second", i was talking about playing with something around 40 fps.
With "dynamic shadows" enabled, i could only get 20 fps in the jungle.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Darth Sidious [PT]; 25 października 2013 o 18:58
Joshua Graham 29 października 2013 o 19:29 
im not quiete sure how to check that
Marc 31 października 2013 o 17:02 
does the game have a 30 fps lock or something? I can look straight down at the ground and it still doesn't go above 30!
Początkowo opublikowane przez Marc:
does the game have a 30 fps lock or something? I can look straight down at the ground and it still doesn't go above 30!

Probably because it's very horribly optimized. All we can do is to either tolerate the lag, or tolerate horrible visuals by turning the settings down, or wait for the developers to repair the game. You are better off not hoping for the last option.
ecchicero (Zbanowany) 16 listopada 2013 o 10:07 
Eh I stopped playing shortly after buying the game because I was disapointed. Sadly, the game just doesn't have good optimization. I have a 770, 3570k and 8gb or RAM yet I can barely play the game on the highest settings because it goes from 60 to 30 almost constantly.
death1996 15 grudnia 2013 o 9:17 
i am playing daul core and have no problems needed need change setting but do have great video card
Snootboop 17 lipca 2014 o 23:00 
i have the salution resalution sever lag to works like a charm
Harichi 6 września 2014 o 16:11 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Marc:
does the game have a 30 fps lock or something? I can look straight down at the ground and it still doesn't go above 30!
Not every game has mechanics like that, hell, even Minecraft just recently got around to do that.
Donutismz 15 stycznia 2016 o 14:05 
Why the hell would you want to play it
rjmacready 19 stycznia 2016 o 13:55 
You are a very, very lucky man.
< >
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