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Patriot03 Mar 21, 2016 @ 3:43am
How to change refreshrate!
So AMD's latest driver solved the 60 FPS cap in DX12 but I noticed the game felt very choppy for my spoiled eyes used to 144herts Freesync.

Turns out the game is automatically set to 60 hertz, this seems to apply to DX11 too.

Here is what you have to do, open windows search bar and type "regedit" hit enter.

Now go here "HKCU/software/IO Interactive/Hitman" - CU is "Current User" (This may look like "HKEY_CurrentUser" or something like that).

Inside Hitman you'll see an entry listed Refreshrate, double click on that and make sure the tab is set to decimal! From there change the 60 value to what ever your refreshrate is, for example 120 or 144. Now enjoy the game as it should look. Don't thank me, another user originally posted this fix in another older thread in which it wasn't the focus so now when people search refreshrate they can easily find the fix right here.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
_Chan_ Mar 21, 2016 @ 6:33am 
Turn off Vsnyc?
Some users aren't very familiar with Registry editing.
Last edited by _Chan_; Mar 21, 2016 @ 6:36am
Bad 💀 Motha Mar 21, 2016 @ 6:34am 
Running above 60Hz? Then run the OS desktop at your preferred refresh rate (i.e. 144) then run the game in Windowed Mode. VSync will not apply to Windowed Modes; however this mode uses the refresh of the OS desktop.
Last edited by Bad 💀 Motha; Mar 21, 2016 @ 6:35am
Patriot03 Mar 21, 2016 @ 1:52pm 
Originally posted by _Chan_:
Turn off Vsnyc?
Some users aren't very familiar with Registry editing.

No, Vsync does not chang the refreshrate. There is a big difference between refreshrate and Frames per second, all Vsync does is lock the FPS to your refreshrate which the game is automatically set to 60 meaning no matter what 120hertz or 144hertz users aren't getting the proper experince (It will look REALLY bad for anyone used to higher refreshrates, 60 hertz is terrible for us).

Playing in windowed mode is no solution at all. - My desktop does runs at 144hertz, this game automatically sets the game and display to 60 while in fullscreen. The solution here solves this issue. Again I must stress, this is NOT an issue with Vsync as a matter of fact after applying this fix you can use Vsync at 144hertz if you want but I don't since Freesync. I'm actually surprised to see how few people understand the difference between refreshrate and FPS.. Not trying to insult you.

TL:DR Vsync has absolutly nothing to do with this discussion at all, it is completely unrelated.
Last edited by Patriot03; Mar 21, 2016 @ 1:56pm
Bad 💀 Motha Mar 21, 2016 @ 1:55pm 
60 FPS still LOOKS fine on 144Hz Display
You seeing that #60 is what has u all sad. Many games do this for proper animations; example of why "L.A.Noire" was locked to 30, even for PC. Now u could un-lock the FPS, but then the facial animations were not smooth; out-of-sync as a result.
Patriot03 Mar 21, 2016 @ 2:01pm 
Originally posted by Bad-Motha:
60 FPS still LOOKS fine on 144Hz Display
You seeing that #60 is what has u all sad. Many games do this for proper animations; example of why "L.A.Noire" was locked to 30, even for PC. Now u could un-lock the FPS, but then the facial animations were not smooth; out-of-sync as a result.

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. - No proper game has any limits to FPS these days, nor does this game. Any game locked to 60 or 30 looks like complete crap for anyone used to the better experience. Sure some exist, but they're crappy console ports.

Hitman has no dependencies to FPS for physics or animations, just like 99% of games.
The type of animation you're referring to is tick based which is an old technique.

PS: Also, tickrate dependencies are bound to your frame rate, not refresh rate. Although this info is irrelevant for this and 99% of games. There is absolutely no technical reason why this game doesn't let you change the refresh rate in a simple menu.
Last edited by Patriot03; Mar 21, 2016 @ 2:06pm
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Date Posted: Mar 21, 2016 @ 3:43am
Posts: 5