Planetary Annihilation

Planetary Annihilation

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Steam take it down!
Really such scam shouldn't be shown on steam. You see nothing about the game and this price and the explaination is the cheapest of all with 1.3 mill. from kickstarter.

EDIT: I will not say anything anymore regarding Planetary Annihlation and hope it gets many player. I don't want to disrupt or interrupt any consumer to buy this game.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: CoD4Mike; 2013. jún. 17., 6:58
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115/1,672 megjegyzés mutatása
keep scams on kickstarter, plz steam take this down
Numb-Tung (Kitiltva) 2013. jún. 13., 11:15 
I concur..!!!
This is nothing less than an insult. I would expect that within alpha
there would be encouragement to attract players. These players would be the all important feed back of the game and also
provide word of mouth ( valuable free advertisement ) to increase player base. Insted it appears an extremely arrogant approach was made for early release. Where the devs must
have a mindset it is my privilege to have early access to the game and due to this I must pay an exorbitant amount for this uncompleted product. With no assurances that the end product would be worth more than 10% of the asking price.
Lets put this in relative tearms. Anyone out there willing to go to a car dealership and pay for a car that has critial parts missing, With no assurances
that when fully assemabled ( perhaps 6 months later ) that the qulaity of the parts will be sub par at best ? Oh yes, you are also paying at least approximately 400% to 500% of the cars value if it was fully assembeled.
Anyone willing to take that offer ?????? I didnt think so.

For what was a highly anticipated release for me, I know longer have any intrested in finial product when or even if it arrives.
Agreed, admittedly i don't think it's a scam but Take it down because this is Absurd.
With this much going on I really think it was in Ubers best interest to not have put this on steam. Sure some people are will to fork out $90 for an undevolped pile of dreams but thats what kickstarter is for. Steam is a place for atleast beta worthy games and finished titles selling something that has only just begun and for such a hefty price is just going to iritate your base.
Is this some kind of sick joke
I can’t remember how many people pledged on kickstarter for alpha phase, probably more than enough.
This is for people who didn’t get a chance to kickstart for whatever reason… a chance
The game will cost less on beta and release.
I am quite honestly laughing my ass off at all this self entitlement.
I agree, take down these scamstarter 90$ products
agree how dare steam even consider a price that high JOKE
+1 for taking it down
£68 for a game? you having a laugh. i wouldn't purchase this for £20. let alone nearly £70. it should be removed and i hope everyone on steam has the sense not to buy it. £70 feeds me, my wife and my two kids for a week. get lost.
this game is such a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ scam, how is this allowed by valve???
Remove this from Steam...
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115/1,672 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. jún. 13., 11:14
Hozzászólások: 1,672