Monster Loves You!

Monster Loves You!

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SnugglePilot  [producent] 21 marca 2013 o 7:49
Build 1796 Released
Wow. It's been such a long, exciting, amazing week. Thanks everyone for making this one of the best weeks of my life!

I've been so busy and tired I've been making some stupid mistakes.

Build 1796
  • Fixed adventure boards not randomizing between plays. This is forced if you hit "Reset Monster" in the main menu options, or upon badge collection (will not trigger if you reinstall the game).

I know this is a really big one and we should have caught it. Here's a Vine[] I made of me finding and fixing it this morning.

For those curious, we have a "debug build" where we do a bunch of QA and testing on. Of course, we hit the big fat "RESET" button each time so we are playing with a fresh copy, and that worked around this problem so we never saw it come up (or chalked it up to random chance). Sorry about this. So sorry.

Check out the vine though, you can see I haven't had a chance to shave yet since launch.

But you know what? Seeing so many happy players is making this all worth it. I'm so stoked that so many of you are enjoying this game. I can't wait to meet some of you at PAX!

Changelog for 1795

Changelog for 1787
< >
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SnugglePilot  [producent] 21 marca 2013 o 8:04 

RIGHT after I posted the original post here, a friend walked in to the office and told me in detail about how the Politick button in the Elder phase kept disappearing.

Build 1797
  • Disabled hotspot fade in/fade out on scene backdrops.

I had recently introduced this feature to make the backgrounds look better and less cluttered, but until I figure out why they are sporadic I'd rather you have a working game than nice looking backdrops.

Maybe I should do a Vine for every single build. What do you guys think? Here's this vine[].

A new patch every 14 minutes! Sometimes it feels really good to be indie. :)
Ostatnio edytowany przez: SnugglePilot; 1 czerwca 2013 o 17:24
SnugglePilot  [producent] 21 marca 2013 o 8:09 
Maybe I should make a vine of me slapping myself for every bug and typo you guys find today. That'll teach me a lesson.
You remind me of my team's coder in those vines. 8D It made me giggle.

It's really nice to see you being so prompt on bugs though. It's very refreshing when a dev is prompt in builds instead of OH WELL I HAVE YOUR MONEY YOU CAN WAIT. I approve and have recommended this game to several friends, despite the bugs still lurking around. :D
Gnarl 21 marca 2013 o 11:24 
Thank you! I can play the game again! And I can see my monster growing up!

I am still judged as kind during the coming of edge ceremony, even if I'm not. ;)

Keep up the great work!

EDIT: Went through some dialogue at the "end" of adult life and now I'm stuck in my hovel. Clicking on "Enter the big, bad world" does nothing.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Gnarl; 21 marca 2013 o 11:38
Tiron 21 marca 2013 o 12:52 
Hello there!

Don't know where to post it, so let my message be here!

The game is kinda nice, but judging by the screenshots on store-page, there must be sim-elements. Also, thank you for constant updates and bug fixes!

So, here goes the question : what was the reason of abandoning this elements? Or i should "beat" (complete) the game a set amount of times to unlock it?
The Bunyip 21 marca 2013 o 13:37 
No Tiron, there are none of the 'sim' elements previously touted sadly. They were deemed to be 'not fun' and removed.
Hannibal 21 marca 2013 o 13:52 
This DEV will now be my all time favorite. :D :D Exactly how a dev should be with his customers. If more devs acted like him, there would be more tolerance for bugs that will come up with any new release. He's like the polar opposite of other devs. Not locking and deleting threads or banning users because they dont appreciate the bugs. No he owns up to them and he's totally cool with taking care of them. For all those who buy games from these really jerky companies, this is why you dont, because there are Devs who actually appreciate your business. Im lookin at you War Z fans.
SHODAN 21 marca 2013 o 14:52 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Andy Moore:
Wow. It's been such a long, exciting, amazing week. Thanks everyone for making this one of the best weeks of my life!

I've been so busy and tired I've been making some stupid mistakes.

Build 1796
  • Fixed adventure boards not randomizing between plays. This is forced if you hit "Reset Monster" in the main menu options, or upon badge collection (will not trigger if you reinstall the game).

I know this is a really big one and we should have caught it. Here's a Vine[] I made of me finding and fixing it this morning.

For those curious, we have a "debug build" where we do a bunch of QA and testing on. Of course, we hit the big fat "RESET" button each time so we are playing with a fresh copy, and that worked around this problem so we never saw it come up (or chalked it up to random chance). Sorry about this. So sorry.

Check out the vine though, you can see I haven't had a chance to shave yet since launch.

But you know what? Seeing so many happy players is making this all worth it. I'm so stoked that so many of you are enjoying this game. I can't wait to meet some of you at PAX!

Changelog for 1795

Changelog for 1787

Huh? Just played again and... nothing has changed! I am still always that little one-eyed blue monster and the adventures and choices are still exactly the same even after I reset my monster! I know you are doing your best but this isn't OK if your patches don't actually DO anything!
Kcinic 21 marca 2013 o 21:49 
You guys are awesome and I really love this game. Thanks for all the hard work. I'll definitely watch for anything else you might make.
Ninjaducktle 21 marca 2013 o 23:13 
Awkward moment when I saw all these bug complains only after the purchase of the game. But don't be too stressed out fixing things; we still need you alive and well to get things patched. Hah!
Herb 22 marca 2013 o 2:00 
I have encountered two bugs in the current build (1797):
- my monster will still not grow sometimes
- if the background changes back to any of the previous locations (spawning vat, town as an adolescent, town as an adult) the event buttons of that part are still displayed
- in the "Strange Elk" event, when you choose that "nothing's unkillable" and try to get it a second time, I get +3 in ferocity, kindness, honesty and smartness. I don't think these are the right increases for such this event? Or am I missing something?
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Herb; 22 marca 2013 o 2:56
Temuldjin^ 23 marca 2013 o 20:06 
I feal kinda sad now... :(

completed the game twice now, and the only bug I saw was the "not growing up" :'( snif....
Stexred 24 marca 2013 o 13:57 
i completed the game 11 times and didnt see any bugs here :) only some spiders :P
I'm still seeing the adventure buttons on backdrops constantly (and in some cases the game freezes and needs to be reset if they're clicked on), still having the problem with never growing up sometimes, and still being "very kind" if my kindness is over about 75%, even if several other stats are higher.
SnugglePilot  [producent] 6 kwietnia 2013 o 20:25 
The visible hotspots on the backdrops was intentional as they were disappearing permanently in some instances. Duct-tape work, I know! It's first on my to-do list to fix.

Sorry for the radio silence for the last two weeks. PAX followed by GDC, and now a bad cold. As soon as I'm out of bed we'll have another patch!
< >
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