Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020
What's stopping you from buying the game?
Okay, So I've been around here for a while, jumped on the band wagon of hate for this game/devs etc, Now I am looking for a serious discussion regarding it.

What is stopping you from buying this game for those who haven't, I mean it is clear there are many factors, the main ones being

- Lack of game/features
- High usage of hackers lack of Anti-Cheat software
- Developer/Mods Attitutde and large banning/take no ♥♥♥♥, censorship, dictatorship regime
- Lies/lies and more lies, the features advertised, not included and advertised as released when in a a condition barely fit for Alpha

For me personally, I was excited for the game, looking forward to it and the features, Yes I played DayZ, I enjoyed it (haven't played it in some time) but I love the Survival Genre as a whole and who doesn't love Zombies,

I saw the game advertised and read into the initial features and felt it looked promising but I never buy games straight off, I always wait for a well thought out reviews and general attitude towards it.

So I was actually about to buy the game, I didn't mind it was in general alpha state, it was lacking features then the turd storm hit and everything came flooding out, the defining factors for me on what stopped me buying the game is the Dev/Mods and the Lies

Firstly, the Devs attitude to the game is simply appalling, whilst it is in generally a alpha state with their past performances and research I have done I would not trust them to polish the product into a saleable item. they never did so with War. Inc or the other games they made. Also the fact, with how this has gone down, can I truly expect to be able to run this game after six months, I mean it is clear it doesn't look like it is set to last. Will they keep the servers online, I don't know, would they release the software so people can run their own servers, I don't think so.

So for me, three simple reasons to sum it up,
- I don't trust the devs to keep developing the game into a steady, polished product
- I don't trust the devs to keep the game alive longer than six or seven months, without cashing out and running
- I don't wish to pay money to people who boarder on criminal activities

if I was convinced the first two issues could be dealt with and were, I might consider buying, the game itself isn't my problem here, it is those who are producing it, just too untrustworthy,

So to make this thread have a point, in short, what are your reasons for not buying.
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 34 ความเห็น
I too was a little excited for this game. Was going to purchase it as soon as I got paid. Then the fecal matter hit the fan and revealed the true nature of the devs behind the game... I for one do not want to support such behavior, and it was always on my radar as a quick money cash in on an idea that was popular.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย E Screwtape:
I too was a little excited for this game. Was going to purchase it as soon as I got paid. Then the fecal matter hit the fan and revealed the true nature of the devs behind the game... I for one do not want to support such behavior, and it was always on my radar as a quick money cash in on an idea that was popular.

This consensus seems to be what I have come across most, Whilst yes the game engine is dated, the graphics are lacking people are willing to accept this for a game which is fun, it is funny it is the attitudes of the devs that have ruined the game and their unwillingness to accept criticism.
My conscience..
And this tool confirmed what i though.
>> {ลิงก์ถูกลบแล้ว}
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย 1shot357:
My conscience..
And this tool confirmed what i though.

See, calling it a "scam" is a little grey, I'm not defending the game but with video games it's a grey area, Especially with MMO's for example if they released the game, then shut servers down six months later (to keep the profits, whilst immoral and wrong, is it illegal? hard to tell)

The company have done a few things which are quite possibly criminal but they did technically release a game, when I think of scam I think of buying something and not getting it kind of deal.
everything about it, thats what. Until significant improvements are made i won't look at this game again, not unless it becomes f2p and even then i won't use the online shop, i never have and never will.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย dave2004uk:
everything about it, thats what. Until significant improvements are made i won't look at this game again, not unless it becomes f2p and even then i won't use the online shop, i never have and never will.

That is another one of my irks about the game, it is trying to be two methods, a buy for game but also using micro transactions, it doesn't work.
And once the private servers come online it will also be a pay monthly game so its buy the game+micro-transactions+private server rental so big money by the time your done. People want private servers because of all the hacking and what have you, but really is this a game that you want to pay monthly to play? There is also very little information about the private servers in terms of how much they will cost but i doubt that it will be for something like £2.99 a month, more like £9.99.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Diogenes; 13 ม.ค. 2013 @ 1: 51am
Can't buy it when everything's copy and pasted
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Your Neighbour:
Can't buy it when everything's copy and pasted

So you feel that it is because it is regurgitated from War.Inc and uses the same features with zombies or bigger maps added?

How does this compare to say a squeal, ie Call of Duty in that it is the same stuff with new weapons/features but essentially the same?
Even the TOS is copied :o
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Your Neighbour:
Even the TOS is copied :o

That I agree with, is very hilarious.
I saw the title of this post and all I could say is "Common F#$King Sense"
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย IceWolf:
I saw the title of this post and all I could say is "Common F#$King Sense"

You'd be surprised how many people don't have it. Not saying that about people on the forum, more people in general.
A game should not be able or allowed to garner success from a foundation of false advertising, exploitation, cynicism and dishonesty. That is not how I want things to work. I have a fundamental problem with their conduct and practices. That's the main thing. The quality and state of the game may also be an issue, but it's kind of somewhat irrelevant to me at the moment.

Let's say that currently the developer comes across as being more interested in making money than a good, compelling game. As an example, the game shipped with the slope bug and a functioning cash shop.

Their priorities are all screwed up. When that changes, I might change my mind.

I think it's possible for them to redeem themselves, but it'll take a long time before I have any faith in them whatsoever. They need months and months of consistently delivering on their plans and promises. And maybe once the game is not a basic, undercooked, janky, unfinished game with microtransactions where promised features should be, I'd feel comfortable with the idea of paying money for it.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Siresly; 13 ม.ค. 2013 @ 12: 04pm
... having Steam literally pull the game off the shelf and publicly announce full refunds to each and every person who requested one is a pretty effective indicator of WarZ quality.

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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 34 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 13 ม.ค. 2013 @ 12: 20am
โพสต์: 34