Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program

Armagedon-100 2014년 7월 22일 오후 2시 08분
Is it true that game developing (any game) is getting more intence and short from update to update
the more time thegame is in development? (yeah... the subject is kerbal space program)
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imshandon 2014년 7월 22일 오후 2시 33분 
I believe it is a developer thing where you have Squad on on side of the coin in the company of Bugbear ( that developer is even VERY active on the Steam forums) building Next Car Game that seem to be very good at updates and addressing the communities concerns and issues

And flip that coin over and you get to experience a developer who is reaching deep into our pockets while not producing that which they promised then have the tenacity to cop an attitude when we are displeased or a developer who made promises on kickstarter that for an X amount of money they can produce a game then get three times the requested amount and THEN come over to steam for a year or two on Early Access.

For me I am very happy with KSP and the timely manner in which they have procceded...and I feel the developers who milk Kickstart and early access should be banned for they are only hurting the Early Access developers by losing our trust for abusing the program.

Of course this is only my opinion on the matter and am sure I differ from most.
imshandon 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 7월 22일 오후 2시 39분
bothersome 2014년 7월 22일 오후 3시 08분 
From my experiences of early access games, KSP has turned out to be a winner.

Of all the early access games I bought into, KSP was the only one that was worth it.

Of course, those other early access games aren't finished yet either, so.

It appears that, if you do find a winner in the early access genre, then that tends to be a good thing for the developers and the buyers. The developers can build under a lot less stress of a timeline and change as the users wants change. This way they can stay on top and go with the flow. There doesn't have to be a "finished" game in this way. It can stay in developement, forever, as long as it's being improved.

But like I said, KSP is the only good experience I've had so far.

But then there are other games/sims that are not called early access, but are still under developement all the time. "DCS World" for instance.
Ottomic 2014년 7월 22일 오후 3시 19분 
Developing is solving problems. You are somewhere, want to go somewhere else and draw a path between both points. Then you dig in and pray that there are no delays along the way (usually there are.) Then you plan towards the next point. And so on.

I don't think there's anyone more willing to see the finished game than Squad. They'll release it as soon as they are able to.
Ottomic 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 7월 22일 오후 3시 19분
Rhinovirus 2014년 7월 22일 오후 3시 29분 
I'm sorry but I totally disagree with you guys. I have been playing the game for 2 years now, long before it came to steam. I've been playing since version 0.17. There have been no real updates worth mentioning since 0.18 or 0.19.

Science is just a boring grind and doesn't really make sense. They have no diversity in biomes beyond Kerbin, Minmus, and the Mun. It doesn't reward you for going deep into the solar system.

Resources were promised to the community and canceled.
Aircraft parts are just a mod that was incorporated into the game
fixing low FPS lag (lagsbane) was a mod that was incorporated into the game
Electricity was first done by a mod
Docking was first done by a mod
Choosing crew was first done by a mod
Asteroids were first done by a mod
The NASA claw is a copy of a claw first done by a mod (kerbal attachment system)
Sub-assemblies were first done by a mod

Almost every single change since 0.19 has been Squad just waiting for the mod community to do something, then they copy it.

Squad claimed converting the game to 64 bit was impossible, then a modder did it and what do you know, Squad comes out with the 64 bit version of the game in the next update!!! What a coincidence!!!

The contract system is ridiculously easy. I have over 1,000,000 bucks in the game after 3 missions... The new rockets they have added in 0.23.5 and 0.24 are horribly overpowered and break the game.

Squad is a bunch of half assed developers and liars. Over a year ago Squad tried to go back on their promise that early adopters get all updates and DLCs in the future for free. The forums exploded in anger, then there was a magically convenient server crash, all old posts were lost, and the server started over fresh. What a coincidence!!!

I am more and more disappointed by the game with every update. Squad just continues to prove that they are incompetent compared to unpaid modders. The modders are developing the game and moving it forwards, not Squad. Squad is just making the profits...
Rhinovirus 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 7월 22일 오후 3시 31분
Ottomic 2014년 7월 22일 오후 3시 34분 
KSP has been 64x for some time now, the only thing that kept the game going 64x on Windows is Unity not fixing the 64xW build.

As for KSP growing thanks to adopting community mods... I honestly wish they did it more, and not less. KSP is a case study of how a game studio can grow by adopting the talents of its fanbase, and I honestly wish they not only hire the KAS guy, but they make it project director for an entire EVA ops DLC. I don't think a dev realizing there's very talented people that love and improve their game and encouraging them to do so is bad in any way, shape or form.

As for nothing changing the last 5 (!!) versions... you are wrong. Very wrong. I won't go into details because no, but you are *super* wrong.
Ottomic 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 7월 22일 오후 3시 40분
bothersome 2014년 7월 22일 오후 3시 35분 
You certainly have some interesting points there.

I haven't been following the updates and goings on so closely. I just play the game and try to enjoy the new stuff. I had suspected that Squad was getting a bit lazy with the updates, since they already got my money.
Rhinovirus 2014년 7월 22일 오후 3시 37분 
I never said "nothing" changed.

You manipulate what I said, put works in my mouth, and then don't even debunk anything I said and act like you are right... Wow...
Ottomic 2014년 7월 22일 오후 3시 47분 
Rhinovirus님이 먼저 게시:
I never said "nothing" changed.

You manipulate what I said, put works in my mouth, and then don't even debunk anything I said and act like you are right... Wow...

Right, sorry updates worth mentioning

If the implementation of two game modes, asteroids, biomes, science system, budgets system, missions, original parts, joint and physics calculations overhaul or rewriting the SAS system from the ground up for example is not worth mentioning for you is not because of a lack of changes, but because you dont want to acknowledge them. There have been changes, they are here.[] If you don't find them worth your while, least you can do is at least acknowledge other people's work when there is.

Judging by how fast you have resorted to dramaqueenism, though, I don't believe you are interested in a civilized discussion about it.

Have fun.
Ottomic 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 7월 22일 오후 4시 35분
imshandon 2014년 7월 22일 오후 3시 52분 
Rhinovirus님이 먼저 게시:
I never said "nothing" changed.

You manipulate what I said, put works in my mouth, and then don't even debunk anything I said and act like you are right... Wow...

" There have been no real updates worth mentioning since 0.18 or 0.19."

No and nothing is the same thing....Don't get upset when someone calls you on a perspective for there will always be someone that see's it differently then you.

Also since you don't even have the game in your library here at steam then why are you on the steam forums complaining?
imshandon 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 7월 22일 오후 3시 55분
Alfonzo 2014년 7월 22일 오후 4시 04분 
This is the only early access game I did not regret buying so no.
catch me™ 2014년 7월 24일 오전 12시 52분 
Rhinovirus님이 먼저 게시:
I'm sorry but I totally disagree with you guys. I have been playing the game for 2 years now, long before it came to steam. I've been playing since version 0.17. There have been no real updates worth mentioning since 0.18 or 0.19.

Science is just a boring grind and doesn't really make sense. They have no diversity in biomes beyond Kerbin, Minmus, and the Mun. It doesn't reward you for going deep into the solar system.

Resources were promised to the community and canceled.
Aircraft parts are just a mod that was incorporated into the game
fixing low FPS lag (lagsbane) was a mod that was incorporated into the game
Electricity was first done by a mod
Docking was first done by a mod
Choosing crew was first done by a mod
Asteroids were first done by a mod
The NASA claw is a copy of a claw first done by a mod (kerbal attachment system)
Sub-assemblies were first done by a mod

Almost every single change since 0.19 has been Squad just waiting for the mod community to do something, then they copy it.

Squad claimed converting the game to 64 bit was impossible, then a modder did it and what do you know, Squad comes out with the 64 bit version of the game in the next update!!! What a coincidence!!!

The contract system is ridiculously easy. I have over 1,000,000 bucks in the game after 3 missions... The new rockets they have added in 0.23.5 and 0.24 are horribly overpowered and break the game.

Squad is a bunch of half assed developers and liars. Over a year ago Squad tried to go back on their promise that early adopters get all updates and DLCs in the future for free. The forums exploded in anger, then there was a magically convenient server crash, all old posts were lost, and the server started over fresh. What a coincidence!!!

I am more and more disappointed by the game with every update. Squad just continues to prove that they are incompetent compared to unpaid modders. The modders are developing the game and moving it forwards, not Squad. Squad is just making the profits...

I agree. It's true, so true. Finally someone who recognizes the problem. Thank you for your comment rhinovirus. It's time to wake up!
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게시된 날짜: 2014년 7월 22일 오후 2시 08분
게시글: 11