The Lord of the Rings Online™

The Lord of the Rings Online™

LOTRO population.
Okay, i'm thinking about downloading this game but i am wondering if there are still many people playing it. I want to choose between this and Everquest 2. How big is the population compared to Everquest 2?
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Tourniquet@ Thanks. I thought some servers are dead...
Split 14.7.2013 klo 20.23 
I recommend playing at Brandywine, there's always lots of activity there
I really liked this game and it worked amazing sometimes they put you in different servers(worlds) that are the same becuase their are to many people in the first world
Ok. But how would you people compare this to Everquest II?
JoshtheGamer lähetti viestin:
Ok. But how would you people compare this to Everquest II?

Never played Everquest II, so cant really answer that question. Though if there's anything else you'd like to know about LOTRO, feel free to ask. I've been playing it for about 3 years now, so I'm pretty familiar with the game ;)
I play on Elendilmir (Oceanic server) and it's pretty active during the hours I play. Most players are in the higher areas at this point though, unless they're rolling a new character, so it will seem quiet until you level up.
I play on multiple servers and there is usually someone around however my timezone makes it hard to catch some ppl online all the time. Brandywine is a busy server, but I prefer to play on Arkenstone, Landroval or Windfola. I have characters on Gilrain, Brandywine and Elendilmir, but I only really go there for server events or when listeners of the podcast ask me to join them for a bit. Which ever server you choose, you will enjoy the game and Lotro has one of the best communities in any MMO :)

Have fun
I am not in max level zones yet, but I still see plenty of other players. It is difficult to get into the Instance Finder with a group if you are dps though.
Tkachuk lähetti viestin:
I am not in max level zones yet, but I still see plenty of other players. It is difficult to get into the Instance Finder with a group if you are dps though.

Which is an "issue" with all MMO's, the majority of players roll a DPS class/spec.
Which is why I main healer
if you roll a cappy, lm, mini, rk, or guard you will almost always find a place in a group. Wardens can be epic but they are sometimes to squishy....
I play on Nimrodel, and while I don't run into as many people as I used to, and chat isn't as active, there are still a decent number of players around to group up with.

I seem to always run into groups that need tanks. A lot of people play the DPS classes, so Guardians are always handy to have around. Minstrels as well, you can never have enough Minstrels. And I hardly see any Burglars, which are a fantastic class, I have to say.
I would have to agree that you don't see too many burglars and they are a fun class to play. Well so far they are... I haven't levelled mine very much as my main is Lore Master and then I play my Mini with my Guard after that.
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 14.7.2013 klo 14.10
Viestejä: 41