STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™

STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™

So... Kotor 2 as a standalone?
Seeing as I'm wrapping up Skyrim(finally) and I've yet to venture through Dragon Age Origins and trudge through Dragon Age 2, not counting every other game I have to play... I don't think I'll have enough patience and time to go through Kotor 1 AND 2. Plus, games with some aged mechanics/gameplay such as Kotor 1 tend to fall behind on my backlog(Vampire the Masquerade, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., all great games but the mechanics usually get tiresome). So, storywise(because we all know that's the strength of this game), does Kotor 2 stand on its own? Is the gameplay fresh enough? Any other comments?
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I'm not usually great at describing games to people, but I'll try. I think the story is really good. Maybe not as good as KOTOR I, but it does have great characters and an interesting story line. I think the beginning feels a little slow but it picks up after a little while.
I think the gameplay in KOTOR II is significantly better than in KOTOR I. You have more force powers to choose from, more lightsaber, weapon and armor customization options.
If you do get this game though you really should download the restored content mod for it, since it adds some things like extra cutscenes and interactions with your companions that make it feel more like a solid story and gameplay experience.
Hopefully this helped a bit. Overall as an RPG fan myself, both new and old, I'd definitely recommend this game.
The story is WAY more intresting in KOTOR I but KOTOR II is better in other ways. these include gameplay and graphics. Also if you are interested Download TSLRCM 1.8.2 on the 28th December for a lot of restored content

and also download M4-78EP on the 28th for a brand new restored planet with 7 locations and an extra 2hrs of gameplay added

Hope this helped!
In terms of story, KotoR 1 has a better 'peak' in a vein similar to the "Luke, I am your father" scene but overall it's a generic 'stop the doomsday weapon' quest. KotoR 2 can't match 1's peak but it deals heavily in grey (as opposed to polar light and dark), and the relationship between the main character and their mentor is superb.
As much as I prefer II over I, I wouldn't suggest playing it straight away. It's possible, but it just adds so much more if you know what most people like Kreia speak about, which is far less aparent if you didn't play KOTOR.

Also, go and play Vampire: Bloodlines already! Seriously... NOW.
KOTOR2 is much better imo, KOTOR1 is still good but KOTOR2 >>>>> in almost every way.

KOTOR2 on its own is awesome! Obsidian did much much much better story, gameplay, characters and dialogue then Bioware did imo.

Only thing I can honestly say that is better in KOTOR is that it starts off alot better. KOTOR2 is the much better game imo, but it does have a slow start, where as KOTOR1 starts off good.

Ultima modifica da Kozzy; 26 dic 2012, ore 1:34
+1 what Hassat said.
KOTOR I is marvelous. Feels like a proper Star Wars universe. KOTOR II was grey, boring to me and it doesn´t feel like a proper Star Wars game, but it tried. Finished both and I would recommend just the first.
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Data di pubblicazione: 24 dic 2012, ore 17:46
Messaggi: 7