Pox Nora
out of memory error message
Game starts loading,the globe 1/3rd fills up and then stops with an error message.I have an acer aspire laptop(i5,8gig,geforce 710m) running windows 8.Game wont start.What can I do?
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same with me
Was it a java error? Try adding more ram for Java to use, the game needs Java to run correctly.
Same problem here, 4 gb ram.
Try out of Steam, try it through the launcher on website.
I had the same issue but fixed it via NVIDIA control panel, setting the game to run using my graphics card as opposed to the intergrated card. Hope his helps!!!

If it doesnt work try via the website- this game is well worth playing!!
Try running as admin, that worked for some people.
I changed my resolution and it worked! Try it and please confirm/de-bunk this.
same issue here... get an out of memory error after i click back from the battle statistics screen. happened on both first and second tutorial.. i have not tried any more. intel hd integrated graphics here. i sent off a support ticket. 16gb ram laptop.
Ultima modifica da awen; 23 nov 2014, ore 16:38
well i only have integrated graphics so cant change the graphics card.. ran it in an admin account anyway.. not willing to change the screen resolution... but i did download the game from the poxnora site - the non steam version and i dont get this out of memory error now so playing there.
Yeah i know realy frustrating problem. But have you tried to start Steam as an admin, and then start the game? That solved the issue for me.
i use an admin account Draxoria. Also i do get the out of memory error in the non steam version, something poxnora tech support said was only in the steam version of the game. However it is much less frequent and not after every battle.. i can go hours without getting it. I have sent the error logs and some screenshots to poxnora tech support..
i have the same problem :(
Core i7, intel HD graf, 4 GB RAM.
I am already play POXnora on this laptop 2 years ago. But now it is not start :( "memory error"...
But i dowload and install version from poxnore site - and it is work! Great! :)
Hi guys, this seems to be a driver issue with intel...

If you are getting an out of memory error when trying to play Pox Nora on Steam it could be because Steam is trying to use your integrated graphics card and not your Nvidia or Radeon card. Here is a link to how to resolve that issue. For Steam users look for javaw.exe in your Steam Games directory. Also this is the file you want to set to run as administrator if you are playing on Steam.
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