Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

Anyone know a place i can get song Vocals only for lip sync purposes? im tired of singing the songs lol
Anyone know a place i can get song Vocals only for lip sync purposes? im tired of singing the songs lol.
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Depends on the song. Some artists i know put up acappella versions. Though I dunno of many professional artists that release such. there are plugs like Voice Trap you can use, though the results are iffy.
guess ill just keep singing XD
should do one version where i leave my voice in it and watch the thumbs fly down
Well, what do mashup DJs use? Do they actually request the original unmixed source files from the record companies or do they have some sort of magic software that can split them perfectly?
They just use a software to separate the vocals from the backing. The programs/plug-ins basically just take the surround sound track, and either isolate the center channel (where the vocals are) or block it. It's imprecise, but generally works well. the better the mastering, and higher the quality of the track, the better the process works.
ill look around for "software".
The one I know of is voice trap. Which is a plug in that can work in different video editors (i know it works in sony vegas) not free though. and there may be better ones out there.
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. dec. 5., 5:54
Hozzászólások: 8