Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

How long would it take to learn all the basics?
Just a question. I just got SFM, and now don't have a single clue how/what to do, and of course I will eventually watch the tutorials/read the wiki etc. But in estimation, how long do you suppose it would take one completely new to SFM to learn all the basics, and of course be able to make a film/poster?
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
that is pedends on you. Some people learn faster or slower. I took about 3 weeks to learn the basic and about 3 months for advance.
Well, if SFM is even remotely similar to Vegas Pro, in regurds of video editing, etc etc. (which I learned how to use that in a day) then video editing shouldn't take me very long, but all the others, I'd go with maybe a week, I'm a fast learner, but of course I want to learn how to do this and that first, before I head on dive into it.
Pte Jack eredeti hozzászólása:
Start here...
I only asked how long it takes, I know where to start already, so no big deal. It might take me a week and a half just to learn what does this, and what does that. But I'm not in a hurry to start yet, but when I do, I'll start from tutorial 1.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Frosty Dr.; 2013. nov. 28., 22:51
you never stop learning basic stuff.

No seriously. I've been using the program for about a year. and I still find stuff that makes me go D'OH! at how obvious it should have been.

But to get to a point to make something. well, you should be ready by the time you finish watching the valve tutorials. assuming you are good at learning that way,
Legutóbb szerkesztette: raptornx01; 2013. nov. 28., 23:45
raptornx01 eredeti hozzászólása:
you never stop learning basic stuff.

No seriously. I've been using the program for about a year. and I still find stuff that makes me go D'OH! at how obvious it should have been.

But to get to a point to make something. well, you should be ready by the time you finish watching the valve tutorials. assuming you are good at learning that way,
Yeah, assuming, I think videos are the best way to learn, as you see what's happening rather than just reading text and wondering what that means.

It only took me a day, maybe just half a day, to learn how to use Vegas Pro 12 (of course, the way I learned was easiest, a friend of mine showed me how), but by all means, all I learned was how to edit a video, and none of the other stuff, all there is to that is, add the video (or sounds) cut/edit the video, add text, lengthen areas in sounds/text, put in credits, and finalize by rendering. Of course, SFM would have a lot more than that, as it's working in a 3D environment, I'm sure I can learn all the stuff required to make a poster/short film pretty soon.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Frosty Dr.; 2013. nov. 29., 0:13
1 Year.
You could be using SFM for 5 months and still be crap at animation and technique.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: The Resonte!; 2013. nov. 29., 4:36
im always learning new things with it but it makes for some funny vids while your practicing
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. nov. 28., 20:07
Hozzászólások: 8