Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

Scorch Shot
In the scorch shot there is something called muzzle, so I didn't lock it or zero it because there isnt a muzzle in the pyro model and it doesn't look right
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Scarnity; 2014. aug. 27., 8:27
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so, move the muzzle at the right position or apply idle or ref sequence on the muzzle bone.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: EmperorFaiz.docx; 2014. aug. 27., 8:48
how do i do that?
right click the bone in animation set editor, add sequence, select ref or idle sequence, done.
thanks ill try it.
it still doesnt work
You can't import sequences on models with 1 or more locked bones.
So how do I fix this?
Unlock the bones, import ref sequence on the muzzle bone, relock the bones.
oops, forgot to mention about unlocking bone stuff first. Thanks anyway for reminding him, Vintage mah boi.
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111/11 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. aug. 27., 8:23
Hozzászólások: 11