Killing Floor

Killing Floor

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PL4GUE May 17, 2013 @ 3:53pm
New Custom Weapons in Workshop – STOLEN submissions
OK, so there have been a lot of new custom weapon additions to the Killing Floor Workshop lately, a lot added by a person by the name of LLIePLLIeHb, listed as the creator alongside ExZeT and Dr._Killjoy. They have added 7 weapons so far to the Workshop, and they have a link in the release description of each submission leading to a thread in the Tripwire Interactive Forums with a dozen more of their “releases”. They r getting quite a bit of props and kudos from everyone on the weapons that they made, only one problem though, NONE of these weapons were made by them. Their AK47, Dragunov, Auto Shotgun Protecta, AUG A1, L96 releases in the Workshop were all custom models that were made by the Counter Strike Source community. These 5 weapons (and others that they have released in the link they provide) were made from scratch by various different authors on a site called These weapons were modeled, textured, and animated by other people. So basically, they went to and downloaded a bunch of OTHER peoples submissions, and ported them from CSS to Killing Floor. In each submission though, they put in the descriptions "New Weapon from Russian modders Operation Y”. They do mention Twinke Masta in 2 of their submissions and Millenia in 1 (there were more people actually involved in these weapons that were left out btw, a lot more, these r just the ones they mention) at the very bottom in the credits, but follows it by Operation Y listed as well, with no explanation as to who did what. This is quite misleading in my opinion, considering that the authors of these weapons did all the REAL work creating this custom content, they r the ones responsible for EVERYTHING u see and hear with these ingame weapons, yet get listed as if they just helped a little, not to mention the authors that didnt get mentioned at all. And I highly doubt that the original authors even know about these guys re-releasing their work in another game let alone gave them permission to use any of their work for themselves to claim, considering that I left a comment about the original authors and it was conveniently deleted within 30 minutes. Either way, credits were only given on 2 of the weapons so far. They didnt give credits for the Dragunov, the Protecta, or the L96. And Im pretty sure that the AS VAL and VSS Vintorez were weapons created by others or ported by others as well, I just cant find their submissions. Like I said, they have already “released” over a dozen more “custom weapons” for download on that thread and judging by the picture on the first page, there will be plenty more released…and all of it r things that other people created.

Here is the link for all the weapons that they have submitted as their own work on the Killng Floor Workshop

Here r some links showing where they took these releases from, and where the real creators r actually mentioned for their work involved - keep in mind these links r probably not the EXACT SAME submissions that they downloaded as some of these weapons have been re-released several times with different attachments, scopes, textures, animations, sounds, etc., but u can clearly see that they r the same base models and textures used...






Here is the link to the thread on the Tripwire Forums that they provide with all of their other “releases” named “Weapons and Custom Characters from the Russian modders”

U can clearly see on the first page a picture with a bunch of weapons that they r “working” on. EVERY weapon in that picture can be found at gamebanana. I know for a FACT that 80% of those weapons in the picture on the first page are custom created models submitted in the CSS skins section on gamebanana. Even the weapons from other games (the STALKER weapons for example) just so happen to be the same weapon submissions made on gamebanana by OTHER people that ported them from other games, so they didnt even do that much. Here r some more links showing where they took some of these releases as well, and showing the real authors – again, keep in mind that these r probably not the EXACT SAME submissions that he got these from.


EX 41


Thompson – the rear sight is removed in his submission but its the same model


870 AE

G2 Contender

These r just the ones that I could quickly find without spending hours on that that website. I have personally seen and used all the other models in that picture though, and I got all of them from gamenbanana. If someone were to look at all the submissions made, they could find every weapon there.

I have done some modeling, texturing, animating, and porting myself (nothing major or public)…and I can assure u that the original authors have spent countless hours and countless days creating these custom weapons. They spent a lot of time researching these weapons, creating the models from scratch, tweaking them, dealing with all the errors that comes with this kind of thing, texturing, compiling, rigging, animating, scripting, etc. I think that they deserve to be recognized by the gaming community for their hard work that we all love to see in games. I think its BS that these guys r passing this all off as their own original work and the work of “Operation Y”, when all they did was rip off other peoples submissions by doing a simple port job and a little bit of scripting. Honestly, it wouldnt be that big of a deal if they would just simple give the credits to the original authors, but they dont. Honestly, I think they should have gotten permission from the original authors to re-release this stuff in another game (which once again, I highly doubt they did or they wouldnt be deleting my comments on their submissions stating the original authors). I think that these submissions should AT LEAST be fixed, naming ALL the authors involved in creating these custom weapons and a brief description of their role in it…or they should just be taken off the Workshop, because it is quite unfair for these guys and their team to be getting all the credit and recognition for work that they had a very little part in…just my opinion though.
Last edited by PL4GUE; May 17, 2013 @ 3:54pm
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
You have stumbled onto a KF conspiracy that has lasted since they day this game came out and i was afraid that one day, it would be noticed here. I advise you to editing this topic and instead report the offending users.
Srsly, i would explain everything right now but i probably should not...unless you really want me to?
Last edited by The Bitch Margaret Thatcher; May 17, 2013 @ 7:29pm
PL4GUE May 17, 2013 @ 7:35pm 
I already reported them...I reported the whole collection...I posted this here because I want the killing floor community to be aware of this. They love the weapons, which is fine, but they need to know who the real props should be going to...people need to know who the real creators of these weapons r. The real creators of this content should have their work recognized and be appreciated for it. I also started a thread on gamebanana with a link to this thread, so they will be aware that their work is being stolen as well...
Tenndex May 17, 2013 @ 7:40pm 
Cant really do much about it, Becides taking over the internet.

Reporting them + The collections is all you can do i belive.

Just so you know they do say that they are all ported (At TWI forums we know this unless your a gullible idiot).
Also im not gonna say much but this is NOTHING compared to the rest of the RU community. Yes there are 2 users uploading things to the workshop, one had to remove his uploads and the other i had to tell them to fix up their submittions or face what happened to the other user.
Last edited by The Bitch Margaret Thatcher; May 17, 2013 @ 7:47pm
LLIePLLIeHb May 17, 2013 @ 8:02pm 
Никто ничего не воровал , оружие было найдено через Google . Оно было в свободном доступе , и без указания авторов , например тут , и не было там никаких требований о том что использование с разрешения авторов . И что что оно было портированно ? От этого игрокам стало хуже? НЕТ . Хочешь сделать с ноля работу? Дерзай . От нас то тебе чего нужно? Ты вообще кто такой , автор? На АК-47 отписал автор , я добавил в создателей , будут известны остальные и их добавлю . Сайт Gamebanana вообще не посещаю , но спасибо за ссылку поищу остальных авторов , раз уж это так важно.
Last edited by LLIePLLIeHb; May 17, 2013 @ 8:03pm
PL4GUE May 17, 2013 @ 8:02pm 
They say that they are all ported from other games...not that they took OTHER CREATORS CUSTOM SUBMISSIONS from those games and ported those, leaving out the credits to those individuals and taking sole credit for ALL the work done to make the release possible. Not a gullible idiot, I understand the english language very well and know what was posted there...what they posted was still extremely misleading like the rest of their submissions...
PL4GUE May 17, 2013 @ 8:31pm 
Originally posted by LLIePLLIeHb:
Никто ничего не воровал , оружие было найдено через Google . Оно было в свободном доступе , и без указания авторов , например тут , и не было там никаких требований о том что использование с разрешения авторов . И что что оно было портированно ? От этого игрокам стало хуже? НЕТ . Хочешь сделать с ноля работу? Дерзай . От нас то тебе чего нужно? Ты вообще кто такой , автор? На АК-47 отписал автор , я добавил в создателей , будут известны остальные и их добавлю . Сайт Gamebanana вообще не посещаю , но спасибо за ссылку поищу остальных авторов , раз уж это так важно.

Translated through google - Nobody stole, the weapon was found through Google. It was in the public domain, without attribution, for example here, and that there was no requirement that it be used with permission of the authors. And that it has been backported? Of the players became worse? NO. You want to do the work from scratch? Be of good cheer. From us to you that what you want? Do you even who is the author? On the AK-47 wrote to the author, I added the authors, will be known and the rest of their add. Website Gamebanana did not attend, but thanks for the link to look for other authors, since it's so important.

Im going to try my best to make sense of what u just said. First of all...the link u provided is broken. Second of all, there r requirements of download, they r posted on the site that THEY RELEASED the models. Here, see for urself...

L96 release

Then there is always a license and disclaimer message on the download page

That disclaimer message has a link with full details - here it is

These r just examples...but I assure u that this is the original origin of these model submissions and these things have always been there. And if u dont want to do the work from scratch then dont...but ur posting OTHER PEOPLES CREATIONS and not even mentioning them...u see that other people r complimenting u on the guns...yet u dont correct them and let them know that they were made by someone else. And obviously I know who all the authors r, I posted numerous links that show who the authors r so that is a pretty stupid thing to point out. U may have wrote them, but did they give u permission? I doubt it, And even if they did, Im sure they wouldnt be cool with u leaving all their names out on the creditsof ur submission using their work. And just so u know, ur not just using the models, ur using the models/textures/animations/sounds/etc. which r all made BY DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Twinke Masta isnt the only one that made the things that u r using, so the fact that u didnt even know that lets me FURTHER know that u didnt get the permissions from these people. These submissions were intended for u to use them in CSS...not for u to come along and take whatever u want, claim it as ur own submission, and leave their names out of it...Guess stealing in Russia is different in the US. I guess in russia its ok to take credit for other peoples work. I like that last comment btw..."since its so important" actually is important to give credits to the authors, u just dont care about it because ur not the one getting ur creations stolen...
76561198003711643 May 18, 2013 @ 1:16am 
Обращаюсь к данному товарищу "PL4GUE". Настоятельно рекомендую Вам срочно купить себе гамбургеров и успокоиться. Ваше бурление говн никому не нужно поскольку, в стране медведей и водки, на вас,товарищ PL4GUE всем глубоко насрать. Вы можете сколько угодно тут делать высеры. Я более чем уверен, вы делаете это лишь потому,что больше вы ничего и не умеете. То есть ваш рекурсивный жизненный цикл состоит из 4 действий Спать/кушать/испражняться/создавать посты. Потому я вам рекомендую, идите спать или кушать или постить в другое место. С неуважением, досвидания.
Last edited by AnRouge; May 18, 2013 @ 1:18am
Will May 18, 2013 @ 6:13am 
"Doesn't the fight for survival also justify swindle and theft? In self defence, anything goes."
- Imelda Marcos
PL4GUE May 18, 2013 @ 1:33pm 
Originally posted by AnRouge:
Обращаюсь к данному товарищу "PL4GUE". Настоятельно рекомендую Вам срочно купить себе гамбургеров и успокоиться. Ваше бурление говн никому не нужно поскольку, в стране медведей и водки, на вас,товарищ PL4GUE всем глубоко насрать. Вы можете сколько угодно тут делать высеры. Я более чем уверен, вы делаете это лишь потому,что больше вы ничего и не умеете. То есть ваш рекурсивный жизненный цикл состоит из 4 действий Спать/кушать/испражняться/создавать посты. Потому я вам рекомендую, идите спать или кушать или постить в другое место. С неуважением, досвидания.

translated by google - I address this to someone "PL4GUE". We strongly recommend you to urgently buy a hamburger and calm down. Your seething ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ nobody wants because, in the country of bears and vodka on you, comrade PL4GUE all deep ♥♥♥♥. You can make as many here vysery. I am more than sure you are doing it only because the more you do not know how. That is your recursive life cycle consists of four actions to sleep / eat / defecate / create jobs. Therefore I would suggest you, go to sleep or eat or post them in another place. With the lack of respect dosvidaniya

Once again, Im going to TRY to understand exactly what it is that is being said here. All Im seeing here r insults and more insults. Thats all u brought here, because u have nothing else. The only line in that mess of an arguement that im going to respond to is this " I am more than sure you are doing it only because the more you do not know how". Actually, I do know "How" and thats my whole point. Dont assume that because I have not made public submissions that I dont have any knowledge as to how to do the same thing that u r. My whole point here is that u r not doing much of anything, yet ur publicly releasing these weapons as ur own creations, and leaving out the credits to the REAL creators.

Here is a good idea of the kind of work u did here -

U downloaded custom made weapons that were formatted for CSS, made by other people. U extracted the files, and then decompiled the models. U used an SMD plugin to get these files into one of the many modeling programs out there (this can be done in a matter of minutes might I add, sounds more complicated then what it is). U then did the following steps provided by this tutorial

Considering how quick u were to take other peoples creations for the weapons, i have no doubt that u probably did these steps in the tutorial with other peoples custom weapons for killing floor to get more more of an accurate base weapon, then all u did was small tweaking to scripting files such as fire rate, damage, etc. and renaming files and file paths. Anyone that has ever done this kind of thing in any game knows how simple this kind of stuff is, so Im not sure who ur trying to fool into thinking that this work that is being done is rather complicated. I mean, when u actually look at all of this for what it is, the time taken to do this couldnt have taken longer than a days worth of work, and giving u the benefit of the doubt that it was a days worth is being generous. Meanwhile the people that worked on the weapons that u r using spent weeks/months at a time for each of them. So yeah, I could actually do the same thing that u r, I have all the programs needed to do this same exact thing and I have the knowledge as well. Nobody does this kind of thing because its considered stealing and frowned upon, its common courtesy to NOT do this kind of thing with someone elses work without their permission, let alone doing it anyway and then not giving the proper credits to them.

Lastly, the credits for these weapons that were "fixed" r still wrong, and there r still many of people that helped create the weapons that were left out.
LLIePLLIeHb May 18, 2013 @ 11:30pm 
Your links are incorrect, and the authors are not there as well.
SVD has been ported and modified from a stalker in the CSS, the real author of ZekaKorneev (RUS),

Link on EX-41 , Tompson , UMP45 , also incorrect, EX41 of Fallout , UMP45 of STALKER, Tompson also from STALKER mods. Protecta by Александрыч(STALKER) ported in CSS. Provided you creators - incorrect.
On many works we do not know the real creators of the models, if someone provides evidence to immediately add to the authorship.
Who are you? Author? No, so listen to you and continue the discussion - we will not, especially as your proof - complete nonsense.Farewell!
P.S. And yes, thanks for the link on, I think there will soon make even more mods.
Last edited by LLIePLLIeHb; May 19, 2013 @ 12:39am
Alden May 20, 2013 @ 9:27am 
If these items have been posted without consent of the original authors, please ask the original authors of the items to click the 'report' button on each item and follow the link to the official DMCA compliant notice of copyright infringement form.

This form will ask them to state that they own the copyright on the items in question and that they were posted without their permissions. This is a proper legal process that gives us confidence in the claims made. Without this proper claim, we would only know what someone said about someone else's items posted by someone else, and that is not a fair legal process.
76561198034707306 May 21, 2013 @ 5:36am 
First: Sorry for the wall of text.
I understand what you are trying to do but please, even through your version of Google translate I can understand what it means. You wanted to say they "ripped" it from CSS, but the link you gave was how to add a "ported" weapon INTO CSS. Take a look at the meaning of the two words, compare them. I don't see the reason to behave bad about this. You took offense when AnRouge said those (which although might not sound very nice, it's google translate, duh.) But the fact is that you offended THEM first by saying they do "nothing". Is porting bad or something? If you want to make a gun you like, you can make your own, or, if the author release it with a "I don't care what you do with it", you port them. CSS and KF were still a LONG way apart, so saying they did nothing was very offending. Yes you have created some stuff, and I commend you to that, but they release it to the public (most of them), which differ from you, keeping your stuff private. It's not like they sell those weapons, and if you bother going through the thread in TWI forum, they said MULTIPLE times it was not their original works, mostly ported from others games. But it's modding, and porting from other games is part of it. You did 2-3 hours searching the net, and found these on gamebanana, while they, took their time, and look for the author, and if they couldn't, they still said it's not their original work, and if the author steps up, they add in his/her name right away.
Why am I standing with them? Well, I'm not Russian, but after so many supporters saying they should release their stuff on Steam workshop, your reaction seriously needs some second consideration, especially with your limited understanding of what's going on here(partly due to lack of information and the difference in language)
So, IF you can check the real author again, and with more proof, since the Russians are saying they port it from Stalker while you say CSS, and that the poster on your gamebanana links was the real author, it's obvious as to who's right here
P/S: Besides, they have been doing it for like ages, and nobody complaint til you on Steam workshop, I think you can take a hint. As long as it is legal (to our points of view anyway) then appreciate their work! Cheers!
PL4GUE May 22, 2013 @ 11:45am 
Originally posted by titquang:
First: Sorry for the wall of text.
I understand what you are trying to do but please, even through your version of Google translate I can understand what it means. You wanted to say they "ripped" it from CSS, but the link you gave was how to add a "ported" weapon INTO CSS. Take a look at the meaning of the two words, compare them. I don't see the reason to behave bad about this. You took offense when AnRouge said those (which although might not sound very nice, it's google translate, duh.) But the fact is that you offended THEM first by saying they do "nothing". Is porting bad or something? If you want to make a gun you like, you can make your own, or, if the author release it with a "I don't care what you do with it", you port them. CSS and KF were still a LONG way apart, so saying they did nothing was very offending. Yes you have created some stuff, and I commend you to that, but they release it to the public (most of them), which differ from you, keeping your stuff private. It's not like they sell those weapons, and if you bother going through the thread in TWI forum, they said MULTIPLE times it was not their original works, mostly ported from others games. But it's modding, and porting from other games is part of it. You did 2-3 hours searching the net, and found these on gamebanana, while they, took their time, and look for the author, and if they couldn't, they still said it's not their original work, and if the author steps up, they add in his/her name right away.
Why am I standing with them? Well, I'm not Russian, but after so many supporters saying they should release their stuff on Steam workshop, your reaction seriously needs some second consideration, especially with your limited understanding of what's going on here(partly due to lack of information and the difference in language)
So, IF you can check the real author again, and with more proof, since the Russians are saying they port it from Stalker while you say CSS, and that the poster on your gamebanana links was the real author, it's obvious as to who's right here
P/S: Besides, they have been doing it for like ages, and nobody complaint til you on Steam workshop, I think you can take a hint. As long as it is legal (to our points of view anyway) then appreciate their work! Cheers!

Point 1 - I didnt say that they did "nothing"...I think u didnt take the time to read my posts THOROUGHLY. There is a lot of work that goes into creating something like this, probably more than most can even comprehend. Its not like u just download a modeling program, start it up, and then a day later u have made a 3D gun. These models took time to make, On gamebanana theres a section for WIPs, and u can see what others r working on as they make posts keeping updates. These authors spent MONTHS on this work....just the MODELS may I add. There r textures to consider, that takes time also. Animations take time, creating ur own rig to DO the animations, etc. What I said was true, when u compare the work of the authors of these custom models to that of the porters...theres no comparison. They can do porting in a couple of days TOPS...meanwhile the authors spent way more time on those models...something that they couldnt even make their mods without. Have u seen any weapons that they have made themselves? No. So considering that without these authors they wouldnt have the ability to create these mods AT ALL, I think the least they can do is post the proper credits FFS.

Point 2 - When they made the posts on Steam Workshop, they put NOTHING in the release stating that there were others involved in the release. If u dont put credits for others involved, that leads everyone to believe that they made the weapons themselves. So NO, they DIDNT give any credit to the authors, and they DIDNT make it known that they didnt make the weapons. So yeah, in my opinion, thats BS. They were taking sole credit for the weapons at that point, which is BS. The fact that they r completely uncapable of making weapons mods without these authors, and then dont give them the credits is BS. (The credits started getting put in AFTER I started this thread BTW)

Point 3 - Ive been a member of gamebanana for over 5 years now. Ive spent quite a bit of time there, have seen quite a bit of posts, and recognize the work done by the community there. I didnt search the site for "2-3 hours"...i didnt have to, I knew were to look and found all those links in less than 30 minutes. The links that I posted contain the real credits for the REAL AUTHORS. For instance...the Dragunov that they say that i posted a bad link for. They said that its originally from stalker made by some russian guy. No its not, they just didnt take the time to READ anything. Let me show u.

My link originally posted, which was posted
This link shows credits on the side, and the original post date. Heres 2 pictures
The credits show the original author of the model as Ettubrutesbro.

Heres the link that they posted saying that my post was incorrect and that the author is a guy named ZekaKorneev (RUS), and also saying that it was originally a stalker mod then ported to CSS.
Now, lets show everyone the reason that I am right and these guys dont know what the ♥♥♥ they r talking about. Here r 2 pictures taken from the same link they is pointing out the author of the model, and the other is the post date.
IT SAYS ON THEIR LINK the same author as the link that I provided, but they said that ZekaKorneev (RUS) was the author, he is just the compiler and SUBMITTER, thats all. Also, this post was made 3 years ago...but heres one last link to show something else...

This link was added 6 years ago, before that BS link that they posted saying that my links were "incorrect". It was originally a CSS custom weapon, then ported to Stalker. It also gives the same credits for the original author

All the links that I provided were 100% accurate, in terms of identifying the original 3D model author. I didnt post those "assuming" or "believing" those were the real authors...I posted those KNOWING those were the real authors. Thats all that I was trying to show with those links, so they could simply give the proper credits in their release. But instead of adding the credits they just scream "incorrect links" so they dont have to include people in credits of "their" release. Also, Both of these links were available to u when u made ur comment, so that shows me that u didnt take the time to view them urself before posting to me "especially with your limited understanding of what's going on here"...irony is comical.

Point 5 - A lot of the models that they r using, have been originally posted on that site with either a "terms and conditions for download and use" or a simple "do not edit or re-release without my permission" statement. Here r some pictures taken from the links that i posted above showing that also...

on the download page this is posted there...
Heres the link it gives if u click on it...
heres a picture pointing out something that pertains to what this thread is about...


Protecta (Striker)
link for a prior submission of the model


UMP 45
link for a prior submission of the model

Thompson – the rear sight is removed in his submission but its the same model

Now these r just some examples...if u check the original submissions made for all the models that they r using, u will see a lot more of this. Most of the authors though r leniant with this sort of thing AS LONG AS THE CREDITS R GIVEN. Something that these people here dont seem to like to do. Like I said in the original post that I made, I just feel that the original authors need to be listed under the credits, they should at least get that much respect for all of the hard work they did so we can have a better gaming experience. These clowns have done nothing but fight me over adding in credits...thats all. I didnt make this thread assuming that all these weapons originated from gamebanana under the CSS catagory, I know they did. I have seen almost every gun they have used FOR SURE, and I saw them there. They should hold up to their own words, and if they know the authors, give credits to them. Well I posted links to the authors, they still havent fixed a lot of them...

PS...I will start appreciating their work when they start appreciating other peoples work...mainly the other people that made all of their mods possible to begin with...

Last edited by PL4GUE; May 22, 2013 @ 11:56am
Alden May 22, 2013 @ 1:47pm 
I will reiterate:

Complaining about users uploading other user's stuff isn't all that helpful in actually resolving cases. The best course of action is to notify the original author. If they care that their content was re-posted without their permission, they should follow these steps:

1. Go to the Steam Workshop item page in question
2. Click the 'report' button on each item and follow the link to the official DMCA compliant notice of copyright infringement form.
3. Fill out the DMCA compliant form.

This form will ask them to state that they own the copyright on the items in question and that they were posted without their permissions. This is a proper legal process that gives us confidence in the claims made.
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Date Posted: May 17, 2013 @ 3:53pm
Posts: 15