Call of Duty: World at War

Call of Duty: World at War

SavageBeastZero 7 JUN 2013 a las 12:50 a. m.
(PC) Windows 8* (COD) Gaming Optimization Guide!
Firstly, this is being written in regards to the many Steam users having difficulties running the COD franchise on their respective machines.

Following these guidelines will Permanantly get your rig up to standard for any game on the market today.

For (PC) Windows Users Only (Sorry guys)!

Heres my specs below for a comparison:

AMD A4-APU 4300M with Radeon Graphics 2.50 GHZ.
Duel Core Processor
4.0 GB of Ram
64 bit OS (Windows 8) & a 64 bit based processor.

Follow these steps to optimize your Windows (8) settings for gaming.

1. Set your Virtual memory
(Initial) 8292 MB - (Maximum) 8292 MB
This will give you a virtual memory (Ram) size of roughly 4GB.
This will allow your system to access data 2x faster.

Initial and Maximum must be set to the same value so there will be no fluctuation when your CPU is distributing tasks through the VM. Do not set it any higher considering it will have no affect at a higher value (You will just be wasting system memory). 4 GB will be more than sufficient.

2. Set the following background tasks to Manual in windows task manager.

Application Experience, Computer Browser (If not connected to a network), Diagnostic Policy Service, Distributed Link Tracking Client, IP Helper, Offline files, Program Compatibility Assistant Service, Portable Device Enumerator Service, Print Spooler (If you dont print often), Server (If not connected to a network), Remote Regestry (Always disable for security piurposes),Secondary login, Security Center, TCP/IP NetBios Helper (If you are not in a workgroup network), Windows Error Reporting Service, Windows Image Acquisition Service, Windows Search (If you dont search often) , Windows Time (If you dont want to update system tray clock using internet).

Once complete, You MUST restart your computer for these changes to take effect.

3. Defragmant your (C) drive. (For optimization)

4. Disable your Firewall to enable a better connection for multiplayer online play (Only while playing games, activate once done playing for your security).

5. Right click on COD in your steam library and browse your COD files. Select verify game cache integrity.

6. Load COD:WAW and pull up Windows task manager. (This part must be done each time you load a game).

Right click on COD:WAW then Left click on details. Highlight Set priority Right click and select set priority level to High (Left click). Close Windows task manager and any other programs still open minus Steam and COD (This works for any COD or Win based PC game).

7. Enter back into COD (or your respective game).

In settings adjust graphics to Yes for all graphics settings. This will now allow you CPU to share the load to you GPU. Set your resolution to a minimum of 1280 x 720 or higher.

8. Finally load up this creation of badassery (COD) and tear it up in full graphical glory.

If you are still running into issues just locate the cfg. commands in the Steam forums but, this shouldnt be an issue if you games are up to date.

I will elaborate more on the cfg. files necessary in the comments section below after I get some sleep (Sorry this took me 2 hours to write)!!!!! Hang in there til I respond but, I will absolutly return to answer your questions. I want this problem to be solved for everyone having issues :)

I hope this helps everyone who has been having issues on PC. See you on the PDE For all players server 1 & 2 (No I'm not in their clan, just a great server!) later guys!!!! Hit me up on friends!
Última edición por SavageBeastZero; 9 JUN 2013 a las 11:37 p. m.
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Mostrando 1-15 de 38 comentarios
SavageBeastZero 7 JUN 2013 a las 1:12 a. m. 
Note: Following these steps will optimize you system for all other uses also (FYI~For the less technically savy). It's less complicated than it looks so, take the time to follow my guide. It will be more than woth it on too many ends to name here. Good luck! Your systems will be running 2x the speed and will handle even the most daunting of loads from now on!!!!
SavageBeastZero 7 JUN 2013 a las 1:17 a. m. 

Note: For optimal system speed and integrity once this is completed. Please, keep your machine at the recommended core temperature (Place a fan near the unit if necessary). O.k. Time for some sleep, Good luck once again. You can thank me with a grenade to the face! Lol!
Tiefflieger 7 JUN 2013 a las 2:40 a. m. 
That´s very helpful!
SavageBeastZero 7 JUN 2013 a las 2:46 p. m. 
Thanks! I really hope this clears up some issue that are system based for as many as possible.
This OS guide is now published in Steam (Under COD:WAW) and I will update it often along with the most current cfg. to assist the ever growing (COD/Steam) community. This guide works for all Windows based OS games and I will publish it (For all games) over time accordingly.

If anyone has any questions dont hesitate to ask in the comment section below. Once again, thanks for the support! :)
Stevie Kenarban 7 JUN 2013 a las 5:59 p. m. 
Just one question:

I have 8GB of RAM and right now my virtual memory is 4598MB. That is how much is recommended for my PC. I read that making it any higher doesn't do anything, so should I leave it as is or make it 8GB?
SavageBeastZero 7 JUN 2013 a las 6:25 p. m. 
8292 MB is my recommendation to receive the desired effect. This will give you roughly 4 GB of virtual memory. Anything after that will just waste system memory. Good luck and follow the steps and you will be enjoying a much speedier system!
Keoce 8 JUN 2013 a las 3:14 a. m. 
Hey, where do you go to change your Virtual Memory?
Keoce 8 JUN 2013 a las 3:24 a. m. 
and where is the C drive to defrag it, sorry I'm not so computer smarty :/
SavageBeastZero 8 JUN 2013 a las 11:22 a. m. 
No worries bro!

Got Control panel/All Control Panel Items/Performance and Tools/Advanced Tools
Both are available here.

For Virtual Memory got to:

Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
Select advanced from the pop up menu and it will take you to the virtual memory section. You can make your adjustments there.

For Disk Defragmentation go to:

Open Disk Defragmentation and schedule Disk Defragmentation routines for your (C) drive to daily. This will maintain your drives automatically.

Once done go back to Performance and Tools Right click and create a shortcut on your desktop. This Tool is invaluable to Windows users. You can maintain your system with ease from there.

I am glad to see this is already helping people out. Don't feel down about not being so familiar with Windows, it's every gamers dirty lil secret no matter how much tech knowledge they have. It's easy to get caught up in console commands and never think twice that it may be your OS especially if using Windows. Considering most of its feature are "Automatic"?!?! The problem is the most usefful tools aren't.

Anyway, don't hesitate to ask further if you have anymore issue. Questions will only make this guides accessability more rich to the community. Good luck and thanks for the querry. Later bro!
SavageBeastZero 8 JUN 2013 a las 11:25 a. m. 
Once again it may take me a few hours to respond but, I will respond. All issues I solve here will be included in the already published guide (Right here on COD:WAW) for everyones convenience.

Thanks again!
Ketamine Master 8 JUN 2013 a las 8:58 p. m. 
SavageBeastZero 8 JUN 2013 a las 10:49 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Scavengerwolf:
and where is the C drive to defrag it, sorry I'm not so computer smarty :/
Keoce 9 JUN 2013 a las 9:41 p. m. 
Ok I Defraged the (OS) C and Set my Virtual Memory to 8292 and Set the Priority to High, went in game and tested on Nazi Zombies Natcht der Untoten. Video mode 1600 X 900 (recommended for my screen, monitor says) or is that the Aspect Ratio to Wide 16 X 9? anyway with everything on medium settings and video mode at 1600 X 900 it's very laggy and plays in slow mo, what is wrong, My computer definitely meets the requirements. all I didn't do was Step 2: I didn't understand all that much XD is Step 2 really all that important? could there be something else I'm missing?
SavageBeastZero 9 JUN 2013 a las 11:36 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Scavengerwolf:
Ok I Defraged the (OS) C and Set my Virtual Memory to 8292 and Set the Priority to High, went in game and tested on Nazi Zombies Natcht der Untoten. Video mode 1600 X 900 (recommended for my screen, monitor says) or is that the Aspect Ratio to Wide 16 X 9? anyway with everything on medium settings and video mode at 1600 X 900 it's very laggy and plays in slow mo, what is wrong, My computer definitely meets the requirements. all I didn't do was Step 2: I didn't understand all that much XD is Step 2 really all that important? could there be something else I'm missing?

Yeah man Step 2 is really that important. Step 2 aleviates the burden of consistant backgroud processes taking place on your CPU. Thus, if you don't follow step 2, Step 6 won't work because your CPU won't be able to fully process the task of COD in high priority due to the heavy load of your background processes. So, just go ahead and eliminate your CPU's burden by following step 2 and you'll be back in action. I know it seems daunting but, after you set a few to manual it becomes a breeze. Just remeber to read the guide as to which apply to you. The tasks I have listed there are generally ones that soak up uneccessary CPU power and also if set to maual once needed will be activated upon your request (Clicking on them when needed). Remeber if you need to access any of the programs again all you have to do is activate them again. The only services that may need activatin every now and again are Windows search (To search you Comp) and print spooler (To print). The tasks I listed are "Safe sets" and will not affect your OS at all. If you feel the need to activate them once again it as easy as _____ (Bad Pie Symbol)
! !

Oh also after Step 2 is com[plete, you must restart you computer for the changes to take effect. I will add that into the guide under step 2 now. Well good luck again and hang in there. You'll get the hang of it.
SavageBeastZero 9 JUN 2013 a las 11:55 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Scavengerwolf:
Ok I Defraged the (OS) C and Set my Virtual Memory to 8292 and Set the Priority to High, went in game and tested on Nazi Zombies Natcht der Untoten. Video mode 1600 X 900 (recommended for my screen, monitor says) or is that the Aspect Ratio to Wide 16 X 9? anyway with everything on medium settings and video mode at 1600 X 900 it's very laggy and plays in slow mo, what is wrong, My computer definitely meets the requirements. all I didn't do was Step 2: I didn't understand all that much XD is Step 2 really all that important? could there be something else I'm missing?


I implemented the restart in step 2 of the guide so, Good luck and follow the steps. Tomorrow, I will be adding a complete cfg. section for trouble shooting within the game once any users of the guide complete the Steps for optimization. This will include a complete cfg. command list and game engine specific commands. I will explain in the guide which cfg. commands are used for in game optimization and how to enter them. This will include simple things like bringing up the command console (~) to every possible command in existance. I will be dropping this added content at approximately 4pm (Eastern). So, be prepared by following each step exactly as explained in the Windows optimization guide and I will continue to trouble shoot your issue then. L8R Bud!
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Publicado el: 7 JUN 2013 a las 12:50 a. m.
Mensajes: 38