Star Ruler 2

Star Ruler 2

Rising Stars
Dalo Lorn  [开发者] 2017 年 2 月 12 日 上午 2:56
RS credits. What more is there to say?

Rising Stars Development Team
  • (RETIRED) Alarcarr - Original author; balance technician; content developer
  • Dalo Lorn - Lead programmer and story writer; content developer
  • (RETIRED) Darloth - Lead balance technician; programmer; content developer; author of the Reclusive Ringworlders and Subsystem Assortment mods, both of which have made it into the mod in some increasingly small part; logo designer
  • (RETIRED) IllyiaSvara - Balance technician; minor content developer

External Contributors
  • Exa - Author of the 'Remnant Warlord' shipset, previously also known as the 'Progenitor' shipset (this is no longer in use)
  • IllyiaSvara - Providing a second (erm, third... that is, fourth) opinion on balancing and keeping disagreements from escalating
  • Dreadxx - Coming up with the Stellar Shield Generator
  • Vincent - Porting Star Ruler 1 portraits into Star Ruler 2
  • Whoever actually made the Star Ruler 1 portraits in the first place
  • dolynick - Author of the 'Fleet Calc' mod and the graphics for the Piercing Drone Launcher
  • MysticVoid7x9 - Hosting the weekly games since the 1.3.0 beta test

The Galactic Armory team from Star Ruler 1
  • Various graphics that have found their way into Rising Stars
  • Quite probably inspiring Alarcarr to create Rising Stars in the first place

Patreon Contributors
  • Overlords
    1. Chris4197
    2. Toc
  • Atroans
    • popetouching
  • Ulthaar
    • IllyiaSvara
    • Simon Hafner
  • Keepers
    • StaffOfHades
    • arian hysa
  • spacht
  • Jake Ketchum

Beta Testers
  • The Khalerii Endeavour
    • MysticVoid7x9
    • Dalo Lorn
    • Toc
    • popetouching

And last but not least...

Blind Mind Studios (and external contributors)
The whole team deserves praise just for making the game what it is today (and for things like helping a certain Protoss programmer get on his feet modding-wise!), but there's a few more RS-specific things too:
  • Making new hooks that proved more useful to Rising Stars than the base game
  • Thy Reaper - Making the random design generator seem a little less like a black box, explaining why Ships can't be cast to Orbitals (heh) and noting the existence of print() and debug() functions during development of the pre-WotH Crystalline Armor
  • GGLucas - Too many things to even count, most notably repeated assistance in the periodic bug hunts and explaining whatever happened to be the confusing script/game mechanic of the week, and continuing assistance when we get stuck
  • Firgof Umbra - The mod's old, pre-WotH logo, back when this was still called ABEM
最后由 Dalo Lorn 编辑于; 2020 年 12 月 8 日 上午 6:23