

Guest tab is empty
Logs: https://gist.github.com/HugsLibRecordKeeper/765b48b61a59f5d0b7460b8e18e0a3a9

I'm running 1.5 and I've checked and I don't think I have any incompatible mods.

The error that is in the logs repeatedly is:

Exception filling window for Hospitality.MainTab.MainTabWindow_Hospitality: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Hospitality.Multiplayer' threw an exception. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Multiplayer.API.MP' threw an exception. ---> System.MissingMethodException: void Verse.Log.Error(string,bool)

The guest tab is empty and from what I've seen in the logs there's a bunch of exceptions related to the drawing of that tab so obviously something's wrong. Anyone has an idea of why this might happen?

One thing that came to mind is that I'm running the game in 720p and the UI is obviously super overblown. I tried running in 1080p but it doesn't fix the problem.

I have 2 colonies and in one colony the guest tab UI isn't as tall as for the other colony so clearly it works but the content cannot be drawn in the tab I guess.

Don't hesitate to ask for more info, thanks!
Last edited by holykek1337; May 14 @ 3:02pm
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
Orion  [developer] May 15 @ 7:21am 
Two things I can see.
One is SyrDoorMats croaking right at the start, which could cause a lot of collateral. Also Set Up Camp.
The other is the Multiplayer.API error. Something is calling it up, but since you're not using it, that shouldn't be happening. I can't tell what is, though.
Could also be a version mismatch. If one mod includes a different version of the multiplayer API, stuff will go haywire.
Orion  [developer] May 15 @ 7:23am 
Ah, I see you have 3 versions of the multiplayer API. One from Hospitality, one from Set up camp and one from Vanilla Expanded Framework. Could be an issue.
Orion  [developer] May 15 @ 7:24am 
Not sure if it matters. I'm not versed with the multiplayer stuff. I just know it's a headache that won't end. Even for those not using it.
You were right, it was the Syrchalis mods (doormats, set up camp) that was causing the issues! You're the best, thanks so much!
Orion  [developer] May 18 @ 5:05am 
I try. But given how many users Hospitality has, if there is an issue with Hospitality itself, I usually hear it within minutes of uploading an update.
So most of the time it's easy for me because I know the issue stems from other mods.
Kor May 26 @ 11:44am 
I have the same problem, but no Syr mods active. Has someone an idea?

Orion  [developer] May 26 @ 2:45pm 
There's some stuff going wrong with your libraries. Could be conflicting or outdated.
Same advice as for everyone else:
Clear out your workshop folder and restart Steam so it downloads all mods again.
Make sure you're not running mods incompatible with the current RimWorld version.
Kor Jun 6 @ 9:41am 
Hi again. I did as you said, downloaded mods new, cleaned old version and even emptied the config folder. Unfortunalty no help. Guest Tab is still empty


Someone maybe got another idea?
Orion  [developer] Jun 6 @ 9:51am 
So just shooting in the dark. Dual Wield causes Vanilla Expanded Base to fail a patch.
Grouped Pawns Lists causes an error right away.

I'd say one of these might be the culprit. The second seems likely since it affects... well... lists of pawns.
Kor Jun 6 @ 10:21am 
It was Grouped Pawns Lists. And now that you said that... makes total sense. Anyway, thank you!
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