Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Juice Kelly  [developer] Apr 24 @ 10:41pm
Official Rules
Here is the Rules Text! It is available in game under the "Notebook" tab in the top bar, but I've copied it here too for people on the fence about trying it.

MOSTLY BASIC RULES: Basic Uno Nonsense. To be substituted with house rules when necessary. If you've somehow never played Uno read this.

-Deal 7 cards to each player. The double-sided "?" card is meant to be the "starting card". Any card may be played upon it.

-Match cards from your hand onto the play pile by matching color, suit, or symbol, or whatever it takes to get the card played.

-First player to play all their cards wins. The Winning Player goes last for the next round, but gets the privilege of instituting a new rule for the next round.

-If a player gets Uno and doesn't announce it, they draw an additional card.

-If you have no playable cards, draw until you get one you can play!

-There are a lot of strange cards in the deck. If you get one that's really weird, just do your best to match it's color and go from there. Do what feels right.

-Reading the card usually explains the card! The effects of Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh cards closely mirror their effects from their games, so remember to read if you get confused. Additionally, just mouse over anything you don't understand and read it's description.

-Actually, ♥♥♥♥ all of this. You can do whatever you want as long as it's funny.


-When a player wins a round, they institute a new rule for the next round.
An example of a rule is “Everytime an X is played, the current Player must say X". You can go crazy with the rules, it's allowed, but don't be too big of a ♥♥♥♥.

-If you violate a secret rule, you draw a card. It is the table's duty to enforce this. If you break a rule and the table doesn't catch it before the next player plays their card, you're safe.

-Players must draw a card if they break the rule, and the rule creator must give a hint of somekind and let them know they indeed broke a rule so that the offending player knows to draw a card.

-You do not have to inform the table of what the rules is when you create it, but generally speaking its more fun to just say what it is so everyone knows how funny you are.

-Here are some cool examples for rules:

+Players can now "count up" as legal plays (8 can be played on 7, etc.)

+Players must make a kissing noise when they play a card with hearts on it.

+Players can now play Draw +2 on other Draw +2 to pass the effect along (popular house


-Each player has the option at any point in the game to "Smoke the Crackpipe". They must loudly announce this at the start of their turn if that is their intent.

-Players may only hit the Crackpipe once per round. It refreshes after though, or after you play a Narcan card.

-When the pipe is hit, that player has 10 seconds to legally play their entire hand if possible (use the provided stopwatch to keep track).

-If they play their entire hand, without breaking any rules imposed by the table or the game, they win on the spot. If there are any cards left in hand after 10 seconds elapse, that player immediately ends their turn and draws cards until they have 7 in hand.

-Players who have smoked the pipe must still follow any and all secret rules however and they must draw additional cards for breaking them during the 10 seconds.

-It is strongly encouraged to mess with Crackpiping players by forcing them to draw cards during their attempt, or by changing the colors of their cards as they play them with things like "Lifelace" and "Back-Alley Exchange".

DECK CONSTITUTION: The Deck will consist of the following cards:

-Normal UNO deck.

-The contents of a 52-card casino deck, joker and rules card included.

-A few Magic the Gathering cards. More on those in a bit.

-A few Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. More on those too.

-Pokemon Cards

-Official TOPPS Desert Storm collectors cards.

-Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder cards, both official and custom.

-Cracked Cards, denoted by the question mark on the card back. These are unique to this game.


-A casino card may be played on an Uno card if the number matches (e.g, a 7 of Spades may be played on a Blue 7).

-Casino cards of matching suit colors can be played on one another, similar to how Uno cards of similar colors can be played on one another. A Queen of Spades can be countered with a 2 of Clubs, for example. For simplicity's sake, ignore the suits of the cards themselves, just go off of the colors.

-Face cards (Jack, Queen, King) may be played on any card depicting a Face, and vice-versa. This makes them powerful. You may also try to match genders and stuff too, but these usually require arguments.


-Magic cards may only be played by matching the color of the current card, or by playing them on other Magic cards.

-When a player incurs "damage" from a Magic card, they discard X cards (where X is the damage recieved) and then draw X cards. If that player has fewer than X cards in hand, they discard their whole hand and immediately draw X cards. No Unos can be claimed through damage.

-Some Magic cards have the word "Instant" or "Interrupt" on them. This means you can play them at any point regardless of turn order and the current card on the play pile (it also says this in the rules text if you mouse over it).

-Magic Cards with "Instant" or "Interrupt" written on them go on the bottom of the play pile when played if you play them for their effect.

-The "Lace" cards allow you to change the color of a card in play. You may use them to change the color of the card on the play pile at any time, or change the color of a card you or another player are currently trying to play. For example, you can play a Red Skip from your hand on a Green 7 by revealing the Red Skip from your hand and casting "Lifelace" on it.

-The "Regrowth" card lets you choose any card from play pile to immediately add to your hand. It does not get played immediately.


-Yu-Gi-Oh's Spell cards are Teal-colored. As such, they may be placed on either Green or Blue cards, and may have Green or Blue Uno cards placed upon them.

-Yu-Gi-Oh's Monster cards are Yellow-colored. As such they may be played on Yellow Uno cards. Additionally, the Level of the Monster card (indicated by the star symbols at the top of the card) count as a Number, so you can play a Blue Eyes White Dragon on an 8. The color of the monster itself can also be used for playing the card.

-Yu-Gi-Oh's Trap cards are red, maybe even mauve. As such they can be played on other Red cards, and arguably blue cards too.

-In order to use a Trap card's effect, it must first be SET. To do this, play it face down in your TRAP HOUSE. You may activate it's effect on a different turn once the conditions on the card are met and after you have set it.

-When a Trap card is activated from the Trap House, it goes on the bottom of the play pile.

-You may only have one Trap card set in your TRAP HOUSE at a time. However, you can replace it with a different Trap you'd rather have in play on your turn by exchanging it with one in your hand.

-If the conditions of a Spell or Trap card aren't met, you can still play the card like a normal card if you must, it will just do nothing.

-If a player possesses the four pieces of Exodia in addition to Exodia himself, they may reveal them at any point regardless of the current turn to win the game on the spot.


-Pokemon cards may be played on type matches (Fire types on Red, etc.) and other Pokemon cards only: You may not point to a number on the Pokemon card and play it based on that. You can make house rules if you think this sucks though.

-If an evolvable Pokemon card is on the table, any player may play its evolution card if they have it at any time, regardless of turn order.

-If multiple players possess the needed evolution card, the first one to evolve the Pokemon on the play pile is the only one that may do so. It is first come first serve.


-Cracked cards have very little discreet ruling. In order to play them, you must argue their similarity to the card you're trying to play them on.

-If the Cracked card you want to play contains a number or color that matches the card currently on the play pile, you may play it.

-If the Cracked card contains a picture of a face on it, you may play it on another Face card.


-Narcan Cards are very rare, and when it is played you get an additional Crackpipe to spend. Play them by matching colors or by being funny.


-You may play a Cards Against Humanity during your turn no matter what. They may be played on anything.

-When you play a Cards Against Humanity Card, each player offers a card from their hand to fill in the blank.

-If an Effect card is played this way, do NOT use it's Effect. It is COUNTERED.

-If the table thinks your card is the funniest, Nothing happens to you. If the table thinks your joke SUCKS, you draw 2 cards.

-Use the winning card that filled in the blank as the top card of the play pile after playing a Cards Against Humanity card.


-Topps cards are like Cracked Cards: They must be argued onto the table by pointing to a number or color on them. There are currently 3 Topps Card sets: 1 for DESERT STORM, 2 for WRESTLERS.

-You can play Wrestlers offensively if they have a legal target. If there's a Vaporeon on the table you can play Hulk Hogan to have him Leg Drop the creature.

-Topps cards are DOUBLE SIDED! THIS IS A KEY MECHANIC. You may play either side of a Topps card legally, provided your argument is sound.


-Pony Cards, or Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder cards, behave like cracked cards in that they must be argued onto the table, but for the most part just play them using the colors on the cards themselves.

-These have no other rules. Invent your own. Not everything has rules, sometimes you have to fend for yourself out there. It's kill or be killed, man. Grow up.

-I don't remember writing the descriptions on any of these.


-Tarot Cards from the Major Arcana are part of the official Crackpipe Uno deck.

-Tarot cards from the Minor Arcana are OPTIONAL (unrecommended) to play with. You may find them in the FIDGET TOYS bag and shuffle them in if you wish.

-A Tarot card may be played on any numbered card so long as the numbers match, similarly to the Casino cards.

-Tarot cards of matching suits can be played on one another, Wands on Wands, Pentacles on Pentacles, etc.

-Tarot cards are very pretty, you may argue them onto the play pile if you see matching colors or symbology. Additionally, if you have trouble with Roman Numerals, you can mouse over the card to determine it's suit and number.

-Tarot Cards can be played on other Tarot Cards, or in situations where colors on them match colors on the play pile.
Last edited by Juice Kelly; Aug 27 @ 9:20pm