Versus Brawl - local play overhaul
TSx* Osa__PL  [開発者] 2022年11月25日 5時50分
0.5 Update changelog
0.5 update notes:
New gamemodes:
- Tag - catch or kill, doesnt matter that much
- Race - first to get to all checkpoints wins

Coop is now much more stable, also added a `panic` button to increase compatibility.
- Pressing `skip_dialogue` button will return you to the player 1, and revive if needed.

Cooler map names
Added new fully playable maps:
- Gods Exile (tag only for now)
- Imperial Sewers (dm)

Reworked Dank Cave:
- More routes for lower jumping characters
- The back part (around spear spawn) changed, to give an incentive for routes/fights there

New powerups:
- Toxic cloud - inverts all controls for those affected
- Power slap - increases power of your next blunt hit
- Fire fists - your fists now ignite

All old powerups have received touchups to feedback and effects:
- All of them now emit colored auras!
- Rock powerup now has a tiny sparkling particles, and when hit, will give rock hit sounds
- Ninja powerup now has a feedback sound on each dagger hit

A new hints system that helps to understand some more cryptic mechanisms and controls
- Enabling `Tutorials` in `Game` Settings will give you more hints that could be helpful.
- All hints will now show keyboard/mouse bindings if they’re being used

- Im adding this sub point only to emphasize how many bugs were removed.
- Like holy hell, it was alot.

Made editor experience for mappers much smoother
Few new tools for mappers to use:

- waterRise/Phase hotspots, for phase based platforms or just to animate bobbing/floating objects
- Added a whole new configuration system for mappers (or basically anyone) to be able to modify gameplay as they please

Blocks map changes:
- Swapped ninja powerup to power slap.
- Small layout changes (planks are less obstructing, powerup is now in a more fun/risky spot)

Heal powerup now uses a better particle, to make understanding the effect easier.

Camera now reorients itself on respawn.

Player spawns will now show the direction while in Editor.

Changing "Local Players" will now automatically reload level if needed.

- Leaders have their scores now highlighted.
- Anyone who is missing only a single point, will have its score also animated

Fixed some bugs:
- Runners in TAG now should respawn more than once
- Hints in TAG should now correctly display (less flickering)
- Coop partners sometimes spawn under ground
- Wolves using wrong color layers
- Sewers having buggy spawns, that sometimes spawn you under water
- Reworked how WaterRise/Phase hotspots handle resets
- Spawn orientations on some maps fixed
- Coop now supports `set_dialogue_position`, making so all characters are teleported on dialogue event
- Fixed playercontrol.as always preferring rolling instead of crouch walking (added DrunkModeInputPressedCheck)
-Fixes some usage of InputDown instead InputPressed (fixes walljumps)

Note: This is more of a 'pre-release' update for 0.6, which will contain both CTF and Nidhogg gamemodes, and a brand new map. Please report any problems.

Added Nidhogg gamemode prototype:
- Entry to the Jan 2023 Map Jam
- Themes: Faith & Versus
- Map name: Purple Waters

DogHammer is now a unique two handed weapon.

KnockbackMlt is now also applied on blocked hits.

Leaders are now granted a shiny crown.

Dogs can now sheathe big weapons on their back. (other characters can also use the new "Can sheathe big weapons" parameter)
- Supported big sword slot weapons are: DogBroadSword, DogHammer
- Supported big stick slot weapons are: staffbasic, DogGlaive, DogSpear, RabbitCatcher

Added new hotspots to use for mappers:
- charCatapultHotspot: Used to create jump pads, catapults and trampolines for players.
- teleporterHotspot: Used to create portals.
- flagHotspot and flagReturnHotspot: These two can be used to create some gameplay based on gathering/returning flag. (comes with a flag item)
- staticObjectAnimatorHotspot: allows you to animate static objects. (additionally you can use scripts for extracting animation frames from blender included here: https://github.com/OsaPL/Versus-Brawl/tree/main/Scripts/extractAnim)

On screen text can now be separately colored.

Some small changes for mappers/modders:
- Added some test maps for experimentation with hotspots/scripts
- Hotspots now highlight when selected
- ...and also get more transparent when disabled
- Suicide now available for all gamemodes
- Not counted kills will now trigger SuicideDeath event
- Leader crown now also available for all gamemodes
- Most hotspots are now available in the object collection category 'VersusBrawl'
- Points UI is now generic and you can use it in any gamemode or even extend it

- Hotspots should now check the paths before trying to load a file.
- Coop panic now doesnt work on "gamemode == versusBrawl" tagged maps
- Coop now uses Duplicate object to more accurately recreate coop players
- Reduced number of logs.
- Reverted the throw change on dog for the time being
- Fixed funnies not triggering
- You now cant suicide during you respawn invincibility
- Point counters not disappearing on round end

Mapping and modding docs update.
Docs have been extended and a lot more things are now documented. With this update I've tried to document everything new.
Any feedback will be appreciated.
- Added hints for nidhogg
- Fixed RabbitCatcher not using spear animations and attacks
- Added a better indicator who is right now attacking
- Fixes nidhogg respawning logic locking up when dying after new round started.
- Fixes fps drops
- Fixed freshly subscribed players, that didn't set settings value yet, stuck in reloading loop.
- Fixes random JSONValue and weaponId crashes
- Fixed 2nd player camera breakign and not rendering some stuff (a workaround around an OG bug)
最近の変更はTSx* Osa__PLが行いました; 2023年2月22日 5時28分